Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Weekend Recap...Venting..etc...

9:07 PM / 3 comments

Hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving was oke..We had thanksgiving dinner in the house courtesy of Rico's cooking. Then we hit the mall at midnight. I know shopaholic kami lol. We went to Disney store because we know there were going to be massive sale. We got the talking Vanity nearly 70% off. It was originally $99 and Jelynn has been asking it ever since she saw it in the Disney insider Magazine. Jewelle on the hand loves anything Jasmine, that's why we went to the Disney Outlet. They only have one disney store here in San Diego and if we wait too long I know those things are going to be sold out just like the TMX Elmo. And friday after we woke up at noon hahaha we went again to look for sales. We went to Gymboree because I absolutely love their clothes. We stopped by The Children's Place, Macy's & Nordstrom and shop for clothes for the girls. Rico bought games and movies for his shopping spree lol. While I did grab lots of scrapbooking goodies. I think my hard drive is going to explode from downloading too many files. hahah. Saturday, the girls and I were home alone because Rico had duty. We baked cookies and played playhouse disney. When the girls let me "borrow" the computer I was able to scrap some layouts. I need to scrap and scrap. Why? So that I won't feel guilty buying those so many kits hehehe. Sunday when Rico arrived from his duty, we took naps and rested the whole day. We were suppose to go grocery shopping but Rico was too tired. Anywhoo, Rico left today. Wahhhh. I'm so sad because he'll be away for 24 days. Yep! He won't be back til about a few days before Xmas. It sucks! Thank God we finished our Xmas shopping already if not I would go crazy shopping with the girls because instead of buying gifts for their cousins they'll be asking to buy this and that for themselves heheh knowing me I would probably buy it so they'll stop whining. lol. So it just me and the girls for three weeks. To keep myself busy been scrapping like crazy and since I am in a few Creative Teams already, they keep me really busy. If only I get paid doing this I will be truly happy hehehe. Anyways, the girls has been asking why Daddy ain't home yet? It totally breaks my heart to tell them Daddy won't be home for awhile. They'll be asking that every single day I bet. =( Because I'm bored I'll probably take the girls out every couple of days since we do need to buy milk anyway. They are growing babies, they can finish one gallon of milk in a day hahaha. Ang Takaw kasi ni Jewelle! lol. I'll probably take them to the Children's Xmas party in the base this Sunday if it doesn't rain and if they wake up early hehehe. Anywhoo, Jelynn's asking if it's her turn again to use the computer. Sana computer na lang binili kong gift for her hehehe. Anyways, I'll go because she starts getting angry lol. Til next time and thank you for always leaving me wonderful comments. Hugs & kisses to all of you! But before I go here are some layouts done heheh:

Credits are here in my DST Gallery

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

11:30 AM / 4 comments

I just wanna wish everyone Happy Thanksgiving. It's 11:30 AM thanksgiving day. Thought of doing my blog because still waiting for my two babies (Rico & Jewelle) to wake up. Heheh. We had a late night last night so they are still sleeping. I was awaken by the crying Jelynn because she said she had a dream poor little girl. She doesn't want to go to sleep anymore because she said she keeps having bad dreams but when I ask her what's it about she doesn't even know.

We well have our thanksgiving dinner later with honeybaked ham which Rico waited for an hour for hahaha. Who would have thought at tuesday afternoon people would be lining up to buy some ham lol. We will also have pancit bihon and lumpia. For dessert would be maja blanca. We were suppose to go to our friends' house but since their party is at lunch time and my babies are still sleeping so we can't go. hehehe> And I wouldn't wanna miss the midnight madness at the shops near the mexican border lol. This is the biggest shopping day of the year. I've been saving for this day hahahah and I wouldn't wanna miss it. Since there's only two disney store near our place we will be hitting the disney store because my girls are so into the disney princesses.

Since it's thanksgiving I would like to post what I'm thankful for.
Thankful for:
1. God ...for always being there even when I forget to talk to him. For blessing me always.
2. Rico...for understanding and loving me always. For spoiling me..for giving me more that I need. For being my best partner.
3. Jelynn & Jewelle...for coming into our lives. For lighting up my life. For making me happy day to day. For being healthy & smart little girls.
4. My parents...for raising me with love. For being my role models.
5. My relatives...for are always there for me no matter how far I may be from them.
6. My Friends..for being with me through thick & thin. For putting up with my moodiness & for loving me in spite of my flaws.
7. Scrapbooking...for meeting new creativity outlet..
8. air, water, food...because we always have those in our lives.
9. My Blog...where I get to vent out and let out my frustrations, my disappointments & my happiness
10. For being alive

Anyways...should wake up my babies because it's almost noon...wish you all Happy Thanksgiving.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

what I want for Xmas ...

3:33 PM / 4 comments

Just want to thank everyone who left wonderful comments on my blog.. Thank you so much.

So anyways got my monthly visit so the speculation of me being preggy because of the many naps I've been taking and gaining weight...Not True lol... I've finally decided to stop the ortho-evra patch? Why? Do I want to get pregnant? No!!!...I think the patch is making me gain weight and no I don't want to have a baby yet because Rico's leaving in 5 months so if I get pregnant now that means he won't be here when I give birth and two kids and 1 baby with just by myself I don't think so lol.

So I finally decided on what I want to Christmas and for my birthday. I want a new camera. I decided on Canon EOS 400D Rebel XTi:

I think Rico's hesitant to buy it for me hehehe because he's afraid I'll let the girls play with it lol. The digicam we have right now is broken. I dropped it because I always take it everywhere we go so I dropped it the preview ain't working. It's still covered by the manufacturer so we'll send it back to them. But it'll might take two weeks to get it fix and I don't think I could handle no camera for two weeks lol. I won't send the camera to sony til I get a new one hahah demanding noh? lol We went to the mall last saturday. Rico saw the Louis Vuitton store he asked me to go in with him, I asked him what for? He said so I can show him what I want for Christmas/Bday hehe I told him I don't want any bags at all. You should have seen the look on his face hahaha. Me? Not want a bag? You gotta be kidding me heheh. Thanks to scrapbooking I gave up collecting bags. If it was a year ago I would have jump to the chance of showing him bags I want but not anymore. That was the old me lol. I only want scrapbooking kits & a good camera to take my girls' pictures hehe that's it.

I've been doing lots of scrapbooking lately. It was raining the other day so we couldn't go out and yesterday Rico had duty so we were left at home I went to sleep late doing more layouts heheh. Here are the stuff I've been busy doing:

So anyways gotta go now gotta get ready to go buy some medicine for Jelynn because she has a runny nose. Still waiting for Rico to get home so we can go out but I guess they're busy today..well till next time..

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Early Xmas Shopping

7:35 AM / 7 comments

Veterans Day weekend all we did was shop for Christmas presents. We have 17 nieces and nephews to give gifts to hhehehe so we started early. Gosh it's only the second week of Nov but the crowd in the mall is unbelievable. We wasted 20 minutes looking for a parking. But thank God we finished our Xmas shopping already. 17 gifts=done! I can't believe it but hey shouldn't complain hehehe. Now we can start shopping for the girls and that's exactly what we did yesterday. My dad gave me money for the girls' gifts so this are what we bought for the girls :

The bike is for Jewelle because she really wants a bike. Everytime we go to the toy store she's been riding that bike. The Vsmile video system are for both of the girls. It's a video system you connect to the TV so they can play games like playstation heheh but for little kids. And the little mermaid Salon is for Jelynn. That's from their Lolo. Still have money left maybe I can have me something hahaha Joke!

Here are some of the stuffs that we bought for the girls:

There are still stuffs they want but we just have to go and look for it.

On your regular scrapbooking news hehehe. I did go shopping again even when I told myself I wouldn't go shop until after thanksgiving. I only bought o
ne kit. I couldn't resist it:
Foxxy Kit by Gina Miller & Corina Nielsen at

Here's a layout I did using the kit:

Should go back to sleep because I only have like two hours of sleep.. Tossing and turning throughtout the night finally was able to go to sleep at 3am but then Rico's alarm went off at 4am. He left at 5am so I was able to go back to sleep but then Jewelle woke up at 6am and ask me to change her diaper. I couldn't find the diaper wipes and I was getting frustrated I asked her to go to the tub but of course she wouldn't ant to go in the tub at 6am so wiped her with a wet towel by then it was already six thirty. I couldn't go back to sleep so I went to sleep and gave her a peanut butter sandwich. When we were able to go to bed but of course Jelynn woke up and wanted to watch cartoon so here I am blogging heheh. I should go back to sleep when they'll take a nap probably in a couple of hours. So right now I'm a typing zombie lol.. Anyways gotta go for now..double vision coming up..hahah

:Copied from my other blog since I can't figure out the other one transferred to Beta..originally posted on Friday, Nov. 10:

I won't be posting at my blog in friendster anymore because I've reached my limit I can no longer post pictures hehhehe. Will be using this blog if I can manage to learn the basic hehehe. It's a little tricky. Guess just have to read their faqs.

Anyways, been busy sleeping lately lol....I can't understand my body anymore. I always tend to get sleepy even when I just woke up. Sometimes I wonder if the patch is making me sleepy and making me gain weight. I grew up very petite and never did encounter problems with gaining weight. I don't exercise regularly too but I don't gain weight but after giving birth to the girls, that's another story heheh. With Jelynn, I lost the weight in about 2 months. I gained over 50lbs with her. I was a huge pregnant lady lol. I never took pictures when I was pregnant because by six months I've gained so much. The first few months of being pregnant were okey because it seems like I wasn't pregnant at all heheh but by six months I suddenly developed a huge stomach. But I lost the weight so fast so it was good. After two months I was back to my 90lbs self. With Jewelle, another different story. It was harder to lose the lbs than with Jelynn. Maybe the more you have babies the harder it is to lose those pregnancy pounds. I even took aerobic/women's conditioning to lose the weight. I was successful. In less than four months I was back to 90lbs but not a flat tummy. I now have flabs. The cottage cheese. The love handles..Ekk whatever you call's still Fat. I want to exercise regularly but after a few days I tend to give up lol. Because that's when the lactic acid starts to build up in my body and the aching muscles are making me stay in bed. SA couple of months, I started to notice that I've been gaining extra pounds and it doesn't go anymore but to my stomach or my hips. So jeans are a no-no right now because I could suffocate in them hahaha. I should do some aerobics and sit ups but I'm just not up to it lol maybe after I take off the patch it'll be okey. I heard that the patch makes it hard for women to lose weight. I've been meaning to stop the patch for awhile because I've heard bad stories but when I asked the doctor he said every birth control have risks and right now I don't I'm ready to have another baby. Maybe in a year or two but please not right now heheh.

Rico will be leaving at the end of the month and he won't be back til about a few days before Xmas and it's gonna be like this before he leaves for deployment in March for six months. I will probably be taking back the girls to San Francisco at my dad's place because I don't think I can handle six months just by myself with my girls. At least at Frisco I have my dad and my stepmom to help me take care of them. I'm dreading the time when he leaves for deployment but what can I do? that's his job. We need to sacrifice for a little bit more before he gets out of the navy in 8 years.

Scrapping news...I've been buying like crazy but no pictures to scrap lol. It's seems like I have no pictures of the girls but actually I do hahaha lots and lots. I just can't find the right one ...grrr.. here's some of the layouts I've done:

Credits can be seen here

I did go digi shopping too hehehe here are the stuffs I bought:

These are from Scrapartist Apprentice. $2 each how can you resist that lol.

Here are some embellishments I've bought too lol:

Scrapping is really addicting but I'm not as addicted as I was when I first started now I only do about one layout a day sometimes I can't even finish because Jelynn's been using the computer. She keeps asking if it's her turn yet hehhe. She goes and play playhouse disney online...I should ask the Lolo to buy her her own computer lol. So we don't fight for the computer heheh. Rico actually gave up fighting with us because we don't let him borrow the comp heheh. I bet he'll be the first one to get excited if we do buy another computer. It's either a new computer or a DSLR camera for me. I broke my camera the other day, it wouldn't do the previews for the pictures but still works. So for Xmas gift I want a new camera hahah Rico asked me if I want a new bag I said no...Can you believe that I turned down an offer for a bag lol ...I would rather have a new camera than a bag so iipunin ko na lang yong pambili ng bag ..yong two bags baka makabili na ako ng DSLR kong camera lol.

Haba na ng post ko til next time ulit happy Veteran's Day..wohoo three day weekend for everyone heheh...