OMG!..I cannot believe how this year is ending. It seems like it went too quickly. In less than two days it's going to be 2007. Just a few things I want to concentrate on for the new year.
1. Exercise - The last couple of weeks, I started exercising just because I'm rapidly gaining weight. I hate it. It must be karma hahaha because I used to complain about how thin I am now that I've gained weight I dunno how to shed those extra weight. I could hardly fit on my jeans, so I just wear sweats most of the time just because it's stretchy. My behind now is humongous. I asked Rico if it was big he said no but he's a guy they like them big hahah. My tummy is like I'm five months preggy. I don't even wanna weigh myself lol. So through the new year I want to shed those extra pounds.
2. Less eating out and cook more- I know I'm a good cook hehehe just because everyone said so lol. Just lazy so we eat out most of the time. We eat out at least three times a week and I want to cook more instead of eating out just because the money we spend on eating out is too much.
3. Spend more time with friends - I know I've neglected them for awhile now. I've been antisocial lately and when friends call I don't call back especially if they don't leave any messages heheh. I should be more of a friend to the bay area pnays than an acquaintance. I feel bad but we all grew up, I now have a family to keep me occupied and they have their own lives so we tend to forget each others. Now that we're planning on moving back to San Francisco I hope I can get to spend more time with the girls.
4. Enjoy life more - Not worry about the little things. Enjoying what I have more and not worry about what I don't have.
5. Get organized - whether it's my files, my girls' clothes or the house . I want to organize everything in my life.
I don't call them new year's resolution just because I will feel guilty if I don't get to do them hehe.
Parents are coming today. They will be here 'til the 2nd of Jan. It'll be nice to see my dad and my stepmom again. The girls' would be so happy to see their grandparents. We were going to go back up with them on the 2nd but we're lazy to drive that far lol especially we have the girls they get tired of sitting on their carseats and then they get cranky. We'll probably just spend time here in San Diego. Rico's on vacation right now so maybe we'll try to go to Disneyland or to the mountains to see some snow. I don't know what he have plans for my birthday but hopefully it's a little trip hahaha just because I miss going out of town. New environment always makes me so happy. There's really nothing I want for my birthday because I already have everything I want. I told him not to get me anything not even flowers. He used to give me flowers every month for our "monthsary" but I told him to stop giving me flowers because they die anyways hahaha. He treats me to dinner instead.
Anywho I should go we're going to go grocery shopping for our little menu for tomorrow. Rico plans on cooking some sisig. I don't know what else to cook maybe when we get to the store I can figure out what to cook hehehe. But I know I want some fruit salad. I leave you with more pictures from last weekend. Thanks Ladies for leaving me comments. I appreciate it always.
Pictures from the Festival of Lights:

Jewelle copying Tickle Me Elmo.
The girls opening gifts

Jelynn's Vanity

Jewelle opening the Ariel Salon

The girls again opening their gifts

Just before we went to church

Trying to get good photos with the you can see..No Luck

This time with Daddy

A picture of Jelynn by the tree...Jewelle did not want to take a picture heheh.. I can't bribe that little girl at least I can still bribe Ate hehe.
Hope you all had a blessed Christmas.
Rico arrived on the 21st a day early. Thank God he didn't come home without calling me or he would have found out his gift. I bought it on wednesday and that's why I wasn't able to wrap it yet on thursday morning. I woke up from a call from our friend because he said he was dropping the girls' gifts so I got up and after getting ready I received a call from hubby. I thought maybe he got a signal in the middle of the ocean or something that's why he was calling but I was wrong, he was coming home. He said he was going to surprise us but he couldn't wait anymore so he called and told us he was coming home. Thank God I had time to wrap his gift. hehehe. I was able to wrap the gift before he got home. The girls were a little mad at him. I think they're in the stage where they're wondering why he was gone for so long. Jelynn didn't want to be touch by Rico. She fell asleep crying because Rico tried to hug and kiss her. My heart breaks for them. But at least when she woke up she went to daddy and ask:
"Daddy, is it Christmas yet? Mommy told me that when you come home it's going to be Christmas."
But of course I have to correct her. I said, "I said when Daddy comes home it's going to be almost Christmas." Hehhee. She can't wait to open her one gift she said. We had to lie because she found out where we were hiding their gifts so we had to lie and told her that those were for her cousins. After throwing tantrums she finally accepted that those were for her cousins. But her ninong Sarry came and dropped their gift for the girls so she knows she has only one gift heheh.
Saturday we went to the Holiday of Lights in Del Mar Fairgrounds. I know the girls would love to see all the decorations and I was right. They girls enjoyed looking at all Christmas Lights. The traffic was bad though. We were there for over an hour even before we reached the ticket booth. Since Rico was sleepy I was driving inside the fairground. By the time we reached the gate for the decorations, Rico & Jelynn were asleep. I had to wake them up lol. We were having a hard time waking up Jelynn but if we let her sleep thru it she'll be so mad because we told her she'll see it. After about five minutes she finally woke up and I saw delight in their eyes. I had Rico take pictures because I was driving. I hope he got some good shots hehehe. Haven't uploaded yet. Pictures will come soon. After that we had to-go from PF Changs.
Sunday, Rico cooked the whole day while I slept hahaha. I'm so bad. I was so sleepy that Rico cooked embutido & sisig for our dinner. I woke up at around 3pm. I did the laundry when I woke up and put them away while I was cleaning the house. After that I cooked rellenong bangus since Rico didn't know how to cook that. We had buko pandan & leche flan for dessert. We attended the 10PM mass and when we came home we had a late Christmas dinner. After that we had the girls open their gifts. The excitement on their faces were priceless. Since Jelynn thought she only got one gift. When we told her she got more gifts. She was so happy. Jewelle didn't want to open the rectangular boxes. She figured it out that those were clothes hahaha. Gosh why kids are so smart? She opened a gift and then she didn't want to open anymore. She wanted to go play with it lol. After they opened all the gifts, the living/dining were a mess. Rico kept telling me we over did it haha. I know we did. I'm not denying the fact that we gave them too much this year just because we don't give any gifts for their bdays. They'd rather go on vacation anyways hehe.
Christmas day, just a three of us in the house because Rico got 24 hour duty in the ship. He'll be home tomorrow just in time for after Christmas sales hahaha. The girls just played with their new toys while I tried to organize my files and catch all my teleseryes. It was a miracle that Jelynn never did touch the computer even once today. She was too busy with her new toys. My Daddy called and said the girls have more presents coming when they come here over the new year. Now I'm wondering where I'm going to store all their toys. Might have to go buy a big toy box tomorrow. Still haven't assembled the Ariel talking Salon & Talking vanity. Jewelle's fave gift was from her Ninang Cherry & Ninong Sarry. It was Tickle Me Elmo Xtreme. She was copying elmo whenever elmo get ticklish. It was hilarious. Jelynn's fave is her Cinderella laptop.
So that's our Christmas weekend. Pictures will come tomorrow hopefully lol.
It's almost Christmas and how unlucky for me and the girls to be getting the flu at this time of the year. Jewelle was the first one who got the cold virus. She was fine just a little runny nose here and there. Then Jelynn started to cough early this week I wanted to give her medicine but it'll be a struggle to get her to drink it. She'll probably throw it up anyways so we just left it like that. I woke up wed. morning with an itchy throat. I know then I caught the bug the girls have . I drank alot of orange juice maybe I'm lacking Vitamin C hahah. But didn't work so I went to get some Dayquil thought of killing the virus before it takes over my body but was too late ...late afternoon weds my body was aching like I was run over by ten horses. Thursday was the worst!!. I couldn't even stand up too long because it was making me dizzy. But I had to get a better meds. So I took the girls to Rite-Aid in their pajamas and bought some Zicaim. I've been hearing great stuff about it so I thought I might try it. When we got home I drank the med which is in a spoon you stir it in a hot or cold liquid and drink it like that. After drinking the meds I fell asleep with Jewelle. Gosh I felt bad because I was too weak to fully take care of the girls. I felt like I needed to go run to my daddy and ask him to fly 500 miles to san diego to take care of my girls. I could barely stand up to get the girls some food. Slept most of the time thursday with jewelle. Friday we all felt a little better, lots of runny nose for the three of us still though. The girls and I went to buy some milk and frozen foods at albertson's and we also sent our Xmas cards too. When we went home the three of us fell asleep again. I know we needed to recharge I guess. When we woke up we ate some lunch and played for a little while. Jewelle and I fell asleep again at about 5pm while Jelynn was playing at the computer. Gosh I woke up at around 8pm and then I cooked some dinner for me and Jelynn. After dinner Jelynn fell asleep. Both the girls woke up at around midnight. I finally had them go back to sleep at 2am. I set my alarm clock at 530Am so I can watch the Grand Finale of Pinoy Dream Academy but I was too tired soI was desperately trying to figure out our TiVo at 5am. I finally did figure it out just in time for the beginning of PDA. Went back to sleep and at 7am phone was ringing. thought I was dreaming or something. It was Cherry asking me if I bought the writing art desk for Jelynn yet because she's in Toys R Us. I said no also told her to tell Grace we couldn't go to Grace's party today because we're all sick. Still recuperating. We're all better now though, thank God. Hopefully by Monday we wont have the cough and runny nose. I have to go buy some late minute gifts for the parents and parents in law. Still have to go to the post office to send gifts to Ohio. The San francisco gifts would probably be pick up by the parents because they might be coming for New Year's. Still need to buy Rico some gifts too. Did buy him the USC Jersey he wanted but that's about it. I'm still thinking what the girls can give their dad. I have a bout a week left to buy or do some gifts for him from the girls and I. He'll be home on Friday and the girls are so excited. They've been missing him like crazy especially my little one.
If we don't have the cold after next week I want to take the girls to see the snow. It's been awhile since we went out of town. It'll be nice to go to the mountains and see some snow. It'll also be nice to be out of the house. I think the three weeks the girls and I were left alone. I did scrap scrap and scrap. I still have four layouts I started but unable to finish. I guess my mojo is getting restless or maybe getting tired because of the holidays heheh. It'll be nice to get out of the house for a bit. I still don't know what we'll do for my birthday. Yep! I'm turning 26 on the 4th of January. Gosh I'm old lol...hahhahI want to go out of town like say Vegas? But we'll see if Rico is in the mood to drive probably not. But I do really want to get away, he'll be leaving on March and there's just a couple of months of precious times with the four of us. It'll be nice to spend it away from TVs, PSPs, Computers so we can really focus our time on each other.
Update on Pinoy Dream Academy for people who watch it heheh Yeng won ...ewww LOL..I'm for Chad but I know he won't win anyways. I was rooting for Jay R too just because I think HE needs it the most but not only that he is a great singer. Oh well. I did enjoy subscribing to the show. I will surely miss watching them live in the computer. They gave me lots and lots of laughters sometimes they made me cry just because it's the "drama sa likod ng pangarap."
Scrapbooking is still going okey. Still haven't finished my Ct requirements for this month.I feel bad but it's just that I can't get motivated right now hehehe. The layouts that I've been posting have been sitting in my desktop for days. I just couldn't finish it for some reasons. When I did I'm not totally happy with it. Oh well I guess I need to lay low for awhile. The holidays probably took my mojo lol. Also haven't been buying so many stuff just because I know they'll go on sale by next week.. hehehe Paypal has been suffering big time lol. I did manage to buy some this week, just a little stuff here and there:

Bough these at DDE. It was on sale for two days and I just couldn't resist those ribbons hehe.

I also grabbed these at Polkadotpotato...for $1.... I'm like a doodle fan so I cannot pass this oppurtunity to grab this for $1...heheh Thanks to Yen for the link.
I grabbed some brushed frames too at Scrapartist ..That's about it... Probably have more next week...hehehe
So here are the OFFICIAL gifts we bought for the girls:

Some Gymboree Clothes for the girls:

And this is the list Jelynn sent her Ninangs & Ninongs:

Note I think Cherry & Sarry bought the girls Elmo T.M.X. & Write & learn desk already so the other ninangs/ninongs pick something else..Mommy actually wants you guys to buy them clothes hahaha that's why those gymboree clothes are in the list lol... *wink*.. Anywhoo gotta go have to cook dinner ...Till next update.. Happy Holidays to everyone..and thank you for reading...=)
I still can't think of any title so that will do for now. Christmas is fast approaching and we are so ready for the very first time. I'm excited this coming Xmas because it's actually the first time we'll celebrate it at home. The last two years were spent at Disneyland while other years were spent back home in San Francisco. This time it would just be the four of us here in the house and it's different and I kinda like it. No plans of going home to Frisco this year because Rico's work sched is out of whack. We were talking of going home to Frisco for New Year's but Rico's not in the mood to drive 9 hours hihihi. That guy is getting old lol..just kidding. I actually don't drive anymore if he's here. Hahaha. And long drive isn't for me anymore cuz I get sleepy lol. We don't know if Daddy and Tita have any plans of coming here over the holidays yet. So gifts for my nieces and nephews need to be sent through mail..Grrrr..Another must do hahaha.
I'm not gonna do a weekend recap because nothing special going on here. Just the girls and I hanging out in the house. A week and a half and Rico would be home. Gosh, I can't wait. We are dying here of boredom lol. We did go out today because I needed to have my Shabby Princess Calendar printed at Costco. I thought the size was 8x10 so I have it printed at 8x10 lol it was 8.5x11 GRrrrrr. I wasted $20. All the prints were cut. Thank God I only printed one copy not 3. I needed three because I'm giving the other two to the two set of grandparents. I will have those reprinted again and hopefully I will get it right this time.I did print some of my layouts too and I'm happy with the result. When I have alot of my scraps printed I will arranged my albums since I don't have that much yet it's still in one album. I think I have about 40 of them printed. I can't print my old ones because they were done in a smaller size and my album is an 8x8. I will just redo them when I get a chance. I have our Christmas Cards printed at and got them last weekend. I just need to buy some envelopes so I can send them ASAP. It's just so hard sometimes to move around because I have the two little girls. It takes alot of time to get them out of one store to another hehehe. It takes alot of convincing before they want to leave lol. And I want to be home before it gets dark because I'm half blind lol. I don't like driving when it gets dark and it gets colder anyways so I take them home before 5. {I took them to Ikea today just to see if they have anything we like but nothing so we just bought some of their hotdogs heheh. Three hotdogs and a soda for $2, you can't beat that lol. Then I had to buy these popcorn clams that the girls and I yummy so we went to the base and also we stopped by the electronic store to replace the broken DVD player the girls broke and also bought me the Devil wore Prada DVD. Tomorrow I will probably take the girls to the mall since I needed to return a DVD I bought and buy some envelopes.
My friend invited us to go to her sons birthday party this weekend and we might go but if you know me I hate driving hahahah. I asked Cherry if she can pick us up and she said she might not because she has her in I might have to drive and I hate driving so far. That's why we only go to the same mall all the time because I don't like to go too far. And I'm a loner lol. Rico actually calls me antisocial hahaha. I'm not in the mood to go to a party especially if Rico's not here. I will just be following the girls around, making sure they aren't killing anybody hahaha.
So I still don't have a gift fo Rico and I feel bad lol because he gave me my camera. I do want to get him something but he said he doesn't want anything . But I know he wants the PS3 but I can't afford that right now hahaha $600 bucks for a game system I don't even know how to use lol. And I'm afraid the girls are going to break it like his PS2. He also said he doesn't want me to buy that just because it'll get cheaper after Xmas which is true maybe we'll get it for his birthday instead hihihi.
Well it's 1am I sould go update on my boring life again next time...Leave you with our 2007 calendar layouts. I changed the cover page a bit and the December but the others are still the's still in my Dropshots:

see how creative my title is? lol I can't think of any title since I only post about once a week why not use that haha. Here I am again posting at midnight why?? Just because I am most awake in the middle of the night. You see I've gotten used to sleeping late as in late sometimes at 3am. What am doing that got me awake til the wee hours of the night? Ammm scrapping hahaha. I usually do my scraps in the evening because throughout the day the girls do use the computer. Eever since Jelynn learned to go to playhouse disney, she always asks for her turn. Instead of arguing with the little girl I just give in. She lets me use it for a few minutes to check emails, forums, etc. But after that it'll be her turn. When she does get tired of the computer thats when I resume my scrapping hehehe. Plus the fact that Rico's not here every little demands of the kids are my duty lol. And if you know my kids THEY are very demanding. Must have gotten it from their mommy.
A little side note, renew your virus protection wheater it is Mcafee or Norton. Renew it. The other day my ebay account was hacked. There were 22 chanel wallet listed in my account. Thank God I don't have a bank account posted in there. I was freaking out. Emailing ebay and changing my password every couple of hours lol. Scanning the computer for ad-aware or spywares and finally when I got a respond from ebay that it might have gotten it from a virus that register your keystrokes so I immediately went to update my virus protection. And don't forget the weekly virus scan. I always forget =(. That'll never happen again I'm sure.
Pretty boring here right now. The girls and I pretty much stay home most of the time. We do have the mandatory grocery trips twice a week because I MUST buy the girls milk. But most of the time we are just home. The girls are always busy either messing the house or getting me mad but that's okey hahaha there's not anything I can't handle. The other day I took them to the playground because finally it started to get hot. It's been a week of cold weather and my little Jelynn does not like to go out when she's cold even when she's all bundled up. They were so happy to be in the playground and when I asked them to go home. Jewelle threw the biggest tantrums ever. She was crying and yelling so I carried her and we fell down because she was moving too much. Grrr lol. A 5foot woman carrying a 30lb baby who were yelling and crying and hitting that's a must see lol. And just my luck there were people there too lol. It took about 20 minutes for her to calm down after I ignored her. You see Jewelle don't like to be ignored lol. She loves to be the baby of the family. She loves attention. So I've learned that for her to stop her tantrums just ignore her and she'll get tired. Yelling and spanking does not work with this little girl. I don't even think spanking is a bad thing. She thinks when she gets spank it's part of a game. Grrr! Rico & I are learning to handle the girls much better. Instead of yelling and spanking the girls we put them on timeouts or totally ignore them. Let them cry and get mad. They'll get tired anyways. They learn much better that way. We tell them what they've done wrong when we put them on timeouts so they know why we're punishing them. But of course there are still the occasional outbursts from us too. Hey! We're only human. We do lose patience too heheh. But pretty much the girls have been good while Daddy's away. It still breaks my heart when Jelynn says. We miss him. Then I ask who do you miss. I miss my daddy. Awww. You see Jelynn isn't that close to Rico compare to Jewelle. Half of her life she was with me most of the time. She's not afraid of Daddy> Rico can yell and can spank her but still she doesn't get scared. The only person she listens to is me. Rico and Jelynn they have this hate and love relationship. And it's good to hear that Jelynn misses her Daddy so much. She always ask me when she wakes up if Daddy's coming home yet. I feel for the little girl. She has gotten used to her Dad being here that it's starting to get to her. I keep her busy though so she doesn't always ask where her Dad is. I let her email her Daddy. Yes, she does know how to type. I started her young lol. She'll be addicted to the computer in no time.
We redecorated the Xmas tree hehehe because Rico only wanted just a few number of ornaments so the girls and I hung more ornaments. Heheh, Just a little surprise for Daddy from the girls lol. Anywhoo gotta go now. I'll leave you with my latest layouts. Thanks for reading as always.

Credits are in my DST Gallery.
So what am I doing blogging at 1am??? I just woke up because I took a nap so I still couldn't go to sleep so I thought of creating a new post.
Anywhoo, I haven't mention from previous posts that I finally got my Xmas present. Yes! I got my Canon Rebel Xti. Rico bought it for me a couple of weeks ago. You see I broke my sony cybershot. So I've been looking for a DSLR because I want to be able to shoot shoot shoot because my girls' attention span are too short for may cybershot lol. So as an early Xmas present, bday gift, anniv gift lol my wonderful hubby bought me mg Rebel hehehe. I'm so happppy:

I know I'm officially a geek not like I was never one before anyways hehe. Since I discover digiscrapping I became more and more a geek lol. Lesser TV time for me. I don't even open my TFC anymore I only watch it over the internet so I can still scrap while watching lol. That reminds me I should have it disconnected. I sometimes watch Smallville with Rico and The Amazing Race but that's about it. I watch cartoons with the girls and playhouse disney with Jewelle. She's addicted to playhouse disney lol. She sleeps with baby Ariel. The other day she fell asleep and then in the middle of the night she woke up and was crying because Ariel is missing. She wanted me to look for her at 4am lol. The groggy me of course couldn't find it and I've looked everywhere. It took awhile for her to finally calm down and went back to sleep. The next day when she woke up she was still looking for her lol I looked again of course and I found it inside the closet. Gosh who would look in the closet in the middle of the night anyways. hehhe. Since Rico is away, my baby is sleeping with me. That girl is so sweet. She rubs my face before she goes to sleep. Ate on the other hand sleeps in their room, even when I asked her to sleep with us she didn't want to. Jelynn is growing up she doesn't want to sleep with mommy anymore. Wahhhh! I could still remember when she doesn't want to sleep in her room and wants to always sleep with me now she doesn't want to sleep with mommy anymore. =(
I should go ...heheh update again later...this is going to be my life the next three weeks...blogging and scrapping...wahh I miss my behbi =(