Wednesday, January 31, 2007

hey I'm blogging everyday!!

6:46 AM / 13 comments

OMG! I'm blogging everyday now...hahahha must be the cold weather. There's nothing to do at 6am but blog lol. While writing this I'm also eating my breakfast. Guess what it is? It's a yogurt, strawberry flavored. So I thought maybe I should chow down on yogurt when I get hungry instead of anything heavy. Will substitute yogurt for snacks too instead of cookies or anything junkie lol.

Today is the 31st when Gina Miller's have her 6 month anniversary sale. Will go there and grab these:

I know I'm addicted to kit shopping but hey like I told Rico many times at least I don't bring designer bags home anymore. *wink wink* lol. I know I can make myself get away with any situation. I was probably a lawyer at my past life lol.

I'm also waiting for Sweet Shoppe anniversary bash. So paypal will be suffering big time this coming week. Poor guy, he never gets a rest week lol.

Here's a layout I made for Digi dares. It's an interview of Jelynn. She loves seeing herself in my layouts. She knows how to pose for mommy now too so I don't have to bribe her or anything anymore. Probably have gotten used to me taking pictures of their every move lol.

And I woke up with this LO in the gallery. Thank you so much Yen. It is gorgeous. She is one of my idol. She has great way of making pages. So I'm so happy she was able to make a page for me. Thank you much Yen, I really appreciate it.

Update you again later..maybe tomorrow..thanks for reading!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Just us girls again....

5:42 AM / 6 comments

Rico left again today for another four days. So it's just me and the girls. I think the girls are getting used to the fact that Rico's always away. They don't ask anymore. They figured if he doesn't come home that day he must be working at the ship with the captain. At least they are all prepared when Rico leaves for deployment in two months. I, on the other hand isn't ready at all. I'm gonna miss the guy so much. I've gotten used to him being here with us that it'll be so hard to be left behind once again. At least we'll be in San Francisco at that time. It will ease the loneliness a bit.

Yep! we're taking the girls to watch Disney On Ice this Sunday. It'll be their first time and I think we'll going to make this a yearly thing from now on just like the trip to Disneyland. I bet they'll be so thrilled to see the Disney characters perform. We haven't been taking them anywhere because of Rico's schedule so this is our little treat for them.

Scrapping news!
You must get these new stuff from Tabatha called clipped flowers. They are so cute.

Also must get these new kit from Lena at ACOT, When Blue meets Orange. An her Yarn things are so cute just great for valentine's day.

Here's a layout I did using those three stuffs.

Here's my little practicing with the chopsticks. Credits here.

I also have a little toot. I'm now part of Audrey Neal's CT. I'm so excited because I get to work with templates it'll be something new for me. It'll force me to learn Photoshop. You can find her stuff at the Lily Pad.

Well off I go..till next time again. Have a great day!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

winter ball

7:30 PM / 8 comments

Friday night while I was watching through my laptop. Jewelle jumped in between the laptop and I cutting my lips. I went to the ball Saturday with a busted lips hahaha. I couldn't even count how many times she busted my lips, bumped my head or any part of my body. She has given me too many bruises that I can't even remember how many times she did them. That's the price I pay for being a mommy I guess heheh. So Saturday afternoon, we went to the mall and bought some makeup because I don't any because I don't really wear makeup even though I need it heheh. Needed to buy some lipstick so the cut on my lips wouldn't be too visible.They might thought Rico beat me up or something heheh. He might have to go see the Captain for that hahaha.

Saturday night we attended the Winter Ball for the Rico's work. It was okey. Not a big fan of the food. I didn't really like the dry chicken, it was too dry and too bland. Dessert was choclotae mousse which was TOO sweet if you ask me but then again I really don't like sweets lol. The Navy had childcare on duty so the girls were left with the babysitters. When we picked them up at 11:30 they didn't want to go with us hahaha. I think THEY had too much fun over there. I was really hesitant on leaving the girls over there because they might start crying and look for us but nope not a phone call. They did pretty good.

Scrapping News:
DST's gallery is closed. I cannot believe how much I miss the gallery. I get my inspiration from there huhuhu. I did some layouts on Friday still haven't finish yet. Still need some finishing touches hehehe. I haven't bought anything since my last shopping trip at the Lily Pad. I'm waiting for all the sales that's coming up. I can't hardly wait. DD is having quarterly sale and I have tons of stuff I want to buy over there. Also SSD's having their one year anniversary that should be lotsa of fun and Gina Miller. OMG, poor paypal lol.

Gotta go now...leave you with some pics from the ball. Please excuse my pictures lol I KNOW I'm fat. But I'm working really hard to lose them huhuhu. The picture of me is actually for my best friend Laly because SHE does not believe I'm now fat so here you go girl lol. Thank you for visiting always.

I had to make these photos small hehehe because they are scary lol

here's a pic of the girls.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Tag: 5 Things you might not know about me

12:13 AM / 10 comments

I was tagged by JenR so here it is doing the tag at midnight.

1. I CANNOT stand traffic. I would rather stay home than wait in traffic.
2. I want SIX kids. Since I'm an only child I've always wanted a big family. If money and time isn't a problem I would like to have six kids.
3. During PMS ..I don't like to talk to anyone. I hear everything really loud so I rather not talk to anyone. I also get irritated so easily so I avoid phone calls.
4. I DON'T eat McDonald's. Since I found out it gives me migraines I stopped eating at Mickey D's. It has been 3 years now.
5. I DON'T drink tea or coffee. I stopped drinking Starbucks for over 2 years now.

I have a few more..maybe I'll share some of them in another day.
Tagging Rissa, Shabem, Aggie, Glo & Nita. Hope you can do this ladies. Thanks

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Conversation with Jewelle

7:12 PM / 9 comments

This is my conversation with Jewelle just today.

Me: Welle what do you think of a new baby?
Jewelle: (Looks at my tummy) answer
Me: Daddy & I are going to have a baby
Jewelle: No....(in a soft voice)
Me: would you like a baby brother?
Jewelle: No baby brother I don't want.
Me: How about a baby sister?
Jewelle: No baby for you. I'm the baby.
Me: but you're not a baby anymore. You're a toddler.
Jewelle: Noooooooooo (yells) I'm the baby. Juju is the baby.
Me: oh okey you're the baby. (Hugs her)
Jewelle: (points at her tummy) I have a baby!
Me: what's your baby's name?
Jewelle: Baby tum tum .

Hahahah... I love joking around with her. She's very possessive of me. She does not like anybody taking mommy's attention. Mommy should just be hers. I wonder how she's going to react if ever she'll have a baby sister/brother. She'll probably bites her/him just like Jelynn did with her. Oh well in a couple of years I guess maybe she'll allow us to have another baby lol.

Note: Don't go down if you don't want to spend anymore money buying kits/elements hehe:

Valentino/Valentina kit by Sausan Designs

A bunch of Tracy Ann's Papers

Did shop at The Lily Pad and now I'm going broke hahaha I NEED to wait til Feb to buy any more stuff. I'm broke lol.

I leave you with a birthday scrap for my hubby:

Thanks for dropping by!! Have a nice weekend!

I've always wanted to study abroad. London to be exact. Since I'm an only child my parents didn't let me study abroad. But I've always been fascinated by the idea of studying in a different country. You'll not only learn something but get to travel as well.

I have a friend in London and it would be nice to have short courses there and visit her as well. I found this London Language school where you not only learn English but you get to study at all the great places in London like at the Museum of London. London language School will help you practice your English as well as your presentation skills. You'll learn grammar skills and increase your vocabulary.

So if you ever plan on studying abroad. I tell you I think London is one of the great places to study. The place is so rich in history and so many places to go to. At London Language school you also gain knowledge of the British culture. Enrich your life by studying at one of the best country in the world.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Happy Bday to hubby...

8:52 PM / 7 comments

30th Birthday for Hubby
He is in denial that he is now 30 years old hahaha. He worked sunday night til monday morning so he spent half of the day sleeping. Jelynn & I cooked a late brunch for him and then we went to the mall and went sopping for my dress. I finally got one it was none of the three I posted a few days ago. It's red/black tube top. Pictures of it will be posted soon hehehe. Then we ate at todai and feasted on crab legs and sushi. While the girls feasted on udon & shrimp tempura.

Tuesday we went to LA so I could buy books at Tatak Pilipino. I heard they are closing in a couple of months. UgH...what's going to happen to me? How could I buy my books hehehe. Probably ask somebody to buy me books from the Philippines. Then we had lunch at Chinese Restaurant at Chinatown. We were craving for steamed fish so we ate at one of our favorite places at LA where they have this delicious sole fish. We were going to drop by Downtown Disney but traffic was so bad. Took us almost four hours to get home when it should only take us less than two hours. I hate LA traffic. It's the worst!

Anywhoo, nothing really going on here. I'm still doing good at my exercise routine. I still do it at least five times a week. And I'm feeling the difference now. I still have awhile to go. But hopefully in about a month I can go back to my old body. I miss wearing jeans. It's been months since I last wore my jeans. They don't fit now. But in due time I guess I will fit in them again.

Anyways just dropping by ..will update again later..Thanks for dropping by! Here's my latest layout. Credits are in my DST gallery. Thanks for leaving comments ladies I really appreciate it.


6:28 AM / 0 comments

I am one of those people who can't live without a cellphone. I rarely use the home phone so basically the cellphone is what I use most of the time. It's with me everywhere I go. At first it was just for emergency purpose only but as time passes by and more companies offer unlimited minutes you can use your cell phone like your home home. Pretty convenient right?

So my contract with my cellphone company has expired awhile ago I'm now looking for a new phone. If you know me I hate driving around and looking for deals so I started my search online. I found wirefly. You can compare rates and you can even get a free cellphone. Why drive around and tire yourself when you can just log on at wirefly and it'll search whatever you're looking for.

Do you love the motorola razr?? I do. I actually have the black one but now I want the pink one and will give my black one to the hubby. I also found out that if you order in the next 24 hours you can have the pink razr free. How cool is that? Are you also not happy with your current cellphone company? Why not log on at wirefly. They have great deals in every provider. They are the $1 seller of cell phones and wireless plans. So log on at wirefly and see the deals. I bet you'll be surprise.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Searching for a party dress

2:32 PM / 9 comments

Rico and I are going to their holiday bowl this Saturday and I don't have a dress. Urggg all my dresses are too small for me now hahah after gaining 20 lbs those size extra small would not fit my behind. So will be searching for a dress this coning days. I'm glad that Rico will be off for the next three days at least we can go around and find a dress for moi. Here's what I saw at Macy's online.

I actually like the last one but I don't like the prints heheh. I love the pink one hopefully they have one in the Macy's near the house or we might go on a roadtrip in search of that dress. I like the first one too but we'll see because it might not look good on me because I have a tummy right now hahah. I still haven't seen a long dress that I really want. My first choice was to wear a long dress because it might get too cold but still haven't seen one I like. I have to go to the mall to see if they have any I like. Will update you soon hehe...Bye for now

Saturday, January 20, 2007

So many places...

11:16 PM / 2 comments

I've always been jealous at Rico for going to many places. He has been to so many places in the world. In the nature of his job he gets to go countries after countries. If he's with us we've talk about going on vacation. Our dream vacation is to explore Europe. What is not to love in Europe? The architecture, the culture. We are just so amaze at how different Europe is from North America.

We've also talked about him getting transfered to Europe. At first I was hesitant because it's far from our relatives but it would also fun for the whole family. How fun it is to see Europe. It would be a dream come true. I found this website that specializes worldwide properties. I found a property in Spain. It would also be nice to invest over there because of the low cost of living. Plus the fact that Paris & London are within reach. A beautiful place to reside.

I also found a place in Morocco. Most of the properties in Morocco are walking distance to the beaches. It would be nice to play on the beach any day with the girls. Even though this isn't really in the continental Europe, it's just three hours flight from London. It's still would be so easy to explore Europe if we buy a property in Morocco. Plus the fact that's it's much cheaper than any of the rest houses in Europe.

But of course we have to wait a couple more years before Rico gets transferred again but it's not too early to plan right?

Friday, January 19, 2007

an entry before the weekend

9:24 PM / 7 comments

My title is so original lol. Excuse my title I can't think of anything bettter hehe.

Rico came home early yesterday. he was scheduled to come home today but they were a day early. We went to the mall when he got back because he'll be working again through the weekend at least he'll be off for his birthday on monday. He'll be off till wednesday so we have time to go to LA and buy me some pocketbooks heheh. I needed to go to the mall because like a few posts back I mentioned I have $50 worth of gymbucks they needed to be redeem before sunday so we went to the mall and bought the girls these clothes at Gymboree.

This one is for Jewelle for Valentine's Day heheh.

This one for Jelynn!

Expect a Valentine layout with the girls wearing these hehe.

Also grabbed these: because they were on sale hhehe.

The girls also saw Build-a-Bear so we went home with two new stuff toys. Look at these two newly added family members to the Tatad household:

Aren't they cute??? They have original names too hehe Hello kitty & Jasmine Bear hahaha. Jelynn & Jewelle went to sleep with them last night forgetting about Cinnamon roll & Baby Belle.

I'm now getting good at multi-tasking. I was exercising while I was doing my laundry. I exercised 40 minutes again today. I want to do it regularly. I now started using a pair of 3lbs dumbbells. And I think I'm losing weight. My clothes seem to fit a little better now not as tight as it used to. Or maybe it was just stretched haha whatever it is I feel better in them. Much more comfortable wearing them I can now breathe. While cooking I was also folding the laundry. After cooking I fed the kids and and cleaned the kitchen. Gosh I did good today to think I woke up at noon because I woke up at 5AM to upload my layout at DST haha. This scrapbooking thing is addicting. I wake up at around 5AM play the praise game and then go back to sleep. By the time the girls wake up I had my nap. I was sleeping til noon today because Rico was here. He doesn't go to work til 4PM anyways so I slept through noon with Jewelle. While Jelynn & Rico cooked brunch lol.

Oh well got to go now gotta go finish a layout. The big girl finally let me borrow the desktop hehe. I leave you with my latest layouts. Thank you again for dropping by I appreciate it always.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Party Games

8:13 AM / 6 comments

Aside from scrapping I love to play games online. It's a great way to ease boredom. I found this site, Party Bingo, its a site where you can play games online. You can even meet new friends at Party Bingo. For a stay at home moms like me this is a great way to spend the afternoon while the kids are taking a nap.

Party Bingo also host a chat room where you can get to know the players. Aside from that they have fantastic competitions every week and their games are free to download. You can win prizes and have new friends so what else can you ask for? So why not get a coffee and play with us at Party Bingo. It's the best bingo online!.

I'll see you at party bingo alright?

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

OMG California is freezing!!!

6:37 PM / 10 comments

I cannot believe how cold San Diego is right now. It is so hard for the girls and I to get up and do something. Jelynn & Jewelle just want to be tucked in inside the blanket. Poor kids. If it's cold here it must be freezing up north. I'm glad we're not in San Francisco right now. Jewelle is not used to wearing anything but her diaper so I keep telling her to wear her jammies on and she'll wear it for a couple of minutes and take it out and then cuddle with me hahaha weird kid.

So just a couple of days before my hubby comes home. Gosh I miss that guy! hahaha The best to do at this kind of weather is cuddle up with him hahah and he isn't here poor me lol. But thank God he'll be home soon. But his work sched was changed he works nightime now and 12 long hours. 6PM to 6AM. He'll be home when we wake up it'll probably give me time to go to the gym for an hour or so while he's sleeping I will sneak in to the gym. I've been really good with my exercise routine. 40 Minutes everyday. I'm a little sore right now but hopefully in a couple of days it'll go away and my body will get used to it. I want to watch what I eat but that's kinda hard to do because I CANNOT live without rice hahaha. So limiting my carbs would be a no-no for me. I will try eating just yogurt for breakfast and for snacks would be fruits hopefully it'll help me not gain any more lbs. Gosh who would have thought that I would be talking about weight loss. That's why when I complain about my weight right now to friends they don't take me seriously. Rude!! hahaha! I've always been thin all my life. Even when I gave birth to Jelynn. I lost the weight pretty easily. Maybe because I took the patch after Jewelle was born, that's why the weight stayed there. And since I haven't been exercising and haven't been really active since I started digiscrapping I kept gaining weight.

Since I blame digiscrapping for the extra weight I thought of squeezing exercising in my schedule so that I wouldn't feel guilty sitting down in front of the computer. When it gets hotter I would like to take the girls to the playground regularly. I would say the mall but whenever we go to the mall we spent more money that we intended. I have a hard time saying no the girls when they want something. They have their fingers wrap around me heheh. So I don't take them to a store where I know they'll ask me to buy something. But I think I'm getting good at saying no. I usually tell them to just list whatever they want and we'll buy it when we can or maybe someone will give it to them as a gift. Sometimes they are good at accepting that they don't get everything they want. Jelynn is a little older so she can understand when I tell her she can't have this and that. Jewelle is a little harder. She can throw tantrums complete with screaming and yelling. She's the sweetest girl I know but when she wants something, she's very determined to get it. Must have gotten that from mommy hahaha. But when she gives me the hug and smile..Awww just melts my heart..That girl knows my soft spot!

Scrapping news is still so so. I still do layouts regularly. It's a great way to showcase the girls' photos. I've been shopping so many digiscrapping supplies lately! The lily pad opened so I spent $30 just the opening day just because I waited till Natalie Braxton put her goodies in the store instead of buying in her blog. Then I saw Mary Fran's goodies so I bought them hahahah..another $14 went at that store. Then I bought Michelle Coleman's new kit. I just adore her stuffs. I think I have almost everything she ever made lol. And since I've started shopping at Designer Digitals oh well they break my digiscrapping budget hahaha. Especially Jackie Eckles new doodles ..haha . Then Catscrap had a sale this weekend so another $15 went that way. All in all I spent over $100 in this month alone. I didn't go shop at Meredith's sale because I've been buying too many stuff. I need to use them all first before I start buying again. I think I will set a budget for my digiscrapping supplies. I should make $50 for the whole month that's not including printing. I can use my printer to print my layouts but inks and photo paper are a little expensive it's cheaper to have it printed at Costco than print it here in the house. If I spent more than $50 then I have to deduct it from the next month or if I don't spent it all it'll go to the next month's budget.Hopefully I can do it. I just don't know how to put that $50 in my paypal account, I usually use my CC stored in there. I have to figure that out so if you guys know please let me know hehe so that I will only spent that $50 instead of using my credit card. And the fact that Rico always let me buy whatever I want doesn't help. Grrrr he spoils me so much. When he sees me putting stuff on my wish list he'll say why not buy it, if it's a great deal buy it. Hahahah so who am I to disagree hahaha. At least I don't buy clothes for myself anymore because I don't really need it. I'm in the process of eliminating the weight so I don't need new clothes on top of that. And I have too many clothes as it is anyways. So buying more I wouldn't know where to put them. Our closet is bursting from our clothes. So I'm not into buying clothes for myself right now. I'm also in the process of not buying clothes for the girls as much as I used to. Just because I have girls I have a hard time not buying them new clothes hahaha. Especially when I see cute dresses and tops I buy them even when they don't really need it. Grrr! I think I need to go to shopaholic anonymous hahah. If not clothes, shoes, bags now kits Grrrrr..when is this thing going to end lol.

Anyways gotta go now..I'm off to feed the girls..Till next time.. Thank you always for reading...

Saturday, January 13, 2007

saturday night blogging

8:54 PM / 5 comments

I thought I should blog because I'm kinda bored. Nothing much going on here in the Tatad household lately. Been too cold to get the girls to the playground. They just want to snuggle with me under the blankets. So to keep myself busy aside from scrapping I've started exercising. I'm very determined to lose at least 10lbs hopefully in two months. When I lose about 10 lbs I would start toning my body. I think 100lbs is a good enough weight for me to maintain. I've been following the Firm dvd. Mostly aerobics. The girls have alot of fun jumping around with me too. Every time i turn on the dvd player they line up next to me and we exercise. After that we do tea party together hehehe. That's pretty much our daily routine lately. And at night I read them their books. I try everyday to spend more time with the girls mostly playing with them. I think I take advantage of the time we spend together and pretty soon they'll be going to school and less time with mommy. Ahhh if only I could keep them with me all the time but they will grow up. Wahhhh! My friend asked me awhile ago if I wanted to work. I don't want to because that means less time with the girls. Their daddy is always away already I don't want them to get used to having their parents away from them. I wanna be there in every important moment of their lives. Trusting them to a babysitter is very hard for me. That's why they never went to daycare because I always think that nobody can take care of them the way I do. I'm selfish that way!

Anywhoo, a boring three day weekend for us. Hopefully it'll go pretty fast. Rico will be back on friday but he'll be working through that weekend. He's off on his birthday and will probably take him to dinner. I also want to go to LA for my filipino pocketbooks. I'm running low hahaha and ever since Tatak Pilino closed here we have to go to LA for my books. Ughh!!! And their website is down so I can't order it through online. What luck!
Gotta go for now update again later..watching Jump In with the girls hehe it's almost the ending hahaha..

Thursday, January 11, 2007

little update before we head to the weekend

1:35 PM / 7 comments

Rico's at sea again!
I'm sad Rico left again today for a week stay at sea. It's sad because I've gotten used to him being with us all the time now that he went back to the ship we have to learn how to cope without him by our side. I need to prepare myself for his 6 month long deployment in a couple of months. Uggh! I hate him being away from us. I miss him so badly. The girls' will ask me again every single day when is he coming home.

I got a call yesterday from my doctor that got me so scared because I wasn't able to answer the phone call my imagination ran wild. I went to have my annual blood work done last friday. From my past doctors they never called back if it's good news. No news is good news. So when I got the missed call yesterday. I was worried. If I remember correctly. They took three testubes of blood from me.
1. Lipid Panel (This test your I was thinking..OMG! I have high cholesterol.I'm going to have a heart attack, stroke, I know! I always think of the worst.)
2. Glucose Test (This is what I thought I got..gestational diabetes became fullblown diabetes..OMG I have to use insulin and have to poke myself every single day for the rest of my life.)
3. Platelet count (Not so extreme- My anemia is back probably need to take iron again...extreme-OMG I have cancer, those bruises I get must be leukemia.)

Like I said my imagination ran wild. I couldn't go to sleep. I kept telling myself I don't want to get sick. I don't want my girls' to go through what I've been through having a sick mom and all. I prayed like I never prayed before. I woke up really early and called the doctor's office as soon as they opened at 7:30 AM. I prepared myself for the worst already so I was releived when she told me all the test came back excellent. Geesh how would I know they call back even when your tests are good lol. I thank God for that as soon as I got the news. I always thank God for making Rico and I healthy to take care of the girls. There is nobody in this world who would love them the way we love them and I want to stay as healthy as I can be to see them grow up.

In the lighter note heheheh...

Look what we got:

Yep a new laptop!!! heheh.. A birthday gift for Rico & I. I think Rico bought it to make me happy hahahah that dude spoils the hell out of me. I'm a little bummed the last couple of days because he's leaving today, this is his way to make me feel a little better. Isn't he sweet? But i also think he got this because he can no longer have his time on our computer. heheh. The girls and I have been using the computer so much that he doesn't get his turn hehehe. Ever since I subscribed to preschool learning center at Jelynn and Jewelle have been playing at the computer every single day. A great way for them to learn though. I see how they're learning more and more everyday. The little one now knows her numbers up to 20 and she now recognizes almost all the letters in the alphabet. She sings nursery songs like crazy especially when she gets bored inside the car heheh. Their vocabulary are also expanding. When Jelynn was two she had a hard time talking. She talks but I'm the only one who could understand her heheh. Now she talks like crazy. She has better vocabulary than her mommy.. Ugggh! lol. Reading to them everyday are a big help also. We try to read to them as much as we can during the day. They even memorize their books they sometimes want you just to listen to them heheh. They want to be the one reading you the story hehe. Now that Rico and I have our own computer we don't have to fight over the other one.

New Layouts:
I have alot of new layouts the past week. I've been doing one every day. I have to justify my spending hahaha. I leave you with my latest..Thanks again for reading I appreciate it always. Happy three day weekend for the people here in the States.

Credits are in my DST Gallery!