I barely treat myself to anything because I enjoy too much buying stuff for the girls that I tend to forget to buy stuff for myself. But since Christmas is coming up and I think I have been pretty good this year so I think it's okay to buy something for myself. I'm thinking of medical id bracelet that I could personalize it. I'll go and start looking at jewelelegance.com and maybe I'll find some other stuff I like.
Labels: shopping
I need a new phone
7:39 PM /
My Motorola Razr is old. It's been two years since I got that razr. I need a new one because when I don't use the speaker I could barely hear anything. Maybe because I dropped that phone so many times already. My thinking to go back in Nokia because they are easy to use but I need them unlocked because Rico leaves the country all the time so we need an unlocked phone so that he can use it wherever he goes. Hopefully I'll find a great deal too at buy.com.
Labels: shopping
winter is definitely here!
7:31 PM /
The weather is freezing nowadays. I just want to curl up under the blankets because the breeze goes right into the bones. I don't even like to go out anymore because I can't stand the weather. Take God though, it doesn't snow here in San Francisco if it does maybe I'll never ever go out throughout the winter hahah. Because it's cold right now I can't wear my sandals anymore I need to buy sheepskin boots so that I wouldn't be that cold when I go out for errands. It'll keep me warm through the winter months.
Labels: San Francisco
shopping galore
7:23 PM /
As much as I love Christmas, I kinda dread it too because it is the most expensive holiday. It'll take a couple of months again to recover from all the shopping hehe. But at least we get to see the girls' happy faces and that's all worth it. When I see the girls excited faces opening their gifts, I know that thave late minute shopping to do but I really don't like to go shopping when traffic is bad and parking is horrible. Hopefully i can go shopping this weekend or maybe Monday hahaha as in last last minute already or else somebody in my list is not going to have a present..hahaha
Labels: Ramblings
I'm afraid to get old because I really don't know where I'll end up with. Hopefully my kids would love me enough to take care of me even if they already have a family. I see a lot of elderly that doesn't have any help. I wish they can have the assisted living software to help them by themselves. We should help them the best we can because they really need our help.
What Christmas ornament are you?
5:22 PM /
You Are an Angel |
![]() A truly giving soul, you understand the spirit of Christmas. |
Labels: Quizzes
Accidents do happen
5:07 PM /
I always pray before I ride a car because you never know what might happen. You can be a great driver but others may not. And since you share the rode with other people you have to pray that the Lord will keep you safe. But accidents do happen and maybe accidents happen with trucks. If you or your loved ones had semi truck accident you might need a lawyer for compensation. Do log on at truckinjuries.com and get yourself a lawyer and get the results you truly deserve.
Labels: services
Christmas in 11 days
5:03 PM /
OMG! Can you believe that Christmas is coming in just 11 days? I still haven't even wrap any presents because the girls are always here. I can't let them see it because they'll ask to play them. ARghh! I still don't know what to give Rico. Maybe he doesn't need any gift hahahah. I'll try to finish everything this weekend. Hopefully I can because this is the only time Rico can watch the girls while I do my Christmas shopping and wrapping.
Labels: Ramblings
Las Vegas
4:10 PM /
I haven't been to Las Vegas during Christmas season. We always go there during summer and the heat is so bad so I was hoping to go there when the weather is colder like at Christmastime. We might squeeze in Las Vegas this year we'll just have to see but first I need to look for Las Vegas hotel reservations that we can afford. Then we might go there after we go to Disneyland.
Labels: traveling
Friday's Feast
4:08 PM /
Make up a word and give us its definition.
Gosh I'm not good at these..hehe
What is currently your favorite song?
Beautiful Girl
What’s at the top of your Christmas wish list this year?
Good health always
Main Course
Name a scent that reminds you of someone special in your life.
Bench 8
Who is someone on television that you feel probably shouldn’t be, and why?
hahaha I really don't watch that much TV so I wouldn't know.
Labels: Memes
It's always important for us to get family insurance because we really don't have the control of what the future might bring us. You don't want to leave your family in debt if ever something happens to you so it is important to get yourself and your family insured so that you are well secured. At One Dollar Globe Insurance $1 can buy you $50,000 worth of insurance. For more information do log on at onedollarglobeinsurance.com and get the insurance you can truly afford for you and your loved ones.
Labels: services
It's time to do some Christmas quizzes! I truly beleive that Chrsitmas is for the family. It is the most important time of the year so spend it with the people you love and that is more likely your family.
What The Holidays Mean to You |
![]() For you, the holidays are about emotional connections and bonds. You are happiest being around those you love. You celebrate the holidays in an over the top style. If something is cute, you'll buy it. People end up with a lot of gifts from you - and your house is like a holiday wonderland, full of decorations. During the holidays, you feel magical. You love all of the decorations and how happy people are. You like to sit back and take it all in. You think the holidays should be nostalgic and sweet. The holidays bring out your inner child. Your favorite holiday memories strongly evoke your senses. You are vividly aware of all the tastes, smells, and sounds of the holidays. |
Labels: Quizzes
car donations
8:23 PM /
Holidays is coming and I know that a lot of people is not as fortunate as we are. If you want to help you can help by donating your car at Carangel.com. You can choose a charity or foundation if you donate your car.. Carangel is a non-profit organization who will help kids and teens out there through car donation. They will provide anti-drug videos and prison literature to guide the children of today. If you have a car that you are not using it anymore do donate it because you can really help mold the children today so they'll have a much better future.
Hello guys
8:21 PM /
Hahaha sorry haven't been posting here. I just have been so lazy. I really don't have the energy to post anything plus there's really nothing much going on here in my side of the world. And the fact that's I haven't been getting opportunities so I really don't have the motivation to post hehe. But I hope you are all doing alright. Will try to blog hop one of these days. Have a great week ahead.
Labels: Ramblings
I always love to see my name in all of things. It makes it more personal and this is no different for my little girl. Jelynn loves seeing her names on her school supplies so I have looking around for school supplies that can be customized. I found custom pens at pensrus.com They have a lot of pens you can customized for a low price. I'll try to order some for Jelynn. It'll make her love to do her homework more.
Tagged by Irel
10:32 PM /
*****Here are the rules********
***:~Start copy paste~***** Instructions:
To play this game, all you must do is explain what your most common writing mistake is. Then, simply tag 5 people for the meme. Those 5 will, in return, tag 5 more people. Ultimately, readers should see a tapestry of common grammar and spelling mistakes. Therefore, anyone who feel ashamed of their errors will feel a bit more confident and secure.Copy the person and persons' names that sent it to you and add your own at the bottom of the list. It really helps build community.The answers: Shine with Grace : Mixing the word 'from' with 'form' all the time.
* *Trinity : I sometimes feel confused to use past tense or present tense when I share my stories.
* LadyJava : Typing too fast that sometimes I miss words in between.
* Genie King : I type too fast too... always end up with 'tot he'... when it should be 'to the'.
* Spiff : I type too fast that I end up with sentences that have no spaceinbetween... LOL!
* Nessa : Mostly grammatical mistakes... but it doesn't really bother me as long as my readers understand
* Choc Mint Girl: Obviously grammatical error due to lack of vocabulary…but getting better and better and better… he he he…
* Liza : I type too fast too that's why sometimes my spellings are wrongf... see. Lol And same with Grace, mixing the word from and form at times. (I'll be posting this tag to my other blog
* Cecil: errors on grammar and sometimes I don’t know where to place my comma or when to use colon or semi-colon too.
* Nancy: I'm always trying to use every function of my fingers but can't really help but slip which resulted to pressing the wrong key most of the time.
* Darlene: I always made a mistake by typing HELATH instead of HEALTH. Sometime the FOR is FOT because the R and the T are very close to each other lol! Anyway i always do mistakes when i type, everybody does i guess no matter how good you are in typing you always make some mistakes.
* Bisdak Footprints I usually have wrong typo when I am in a hurry typing entries during PPP time because need to be fast so I can grab as many opps as I can.For that,wrong typo making my english look worse toothers.They read it before I can do some editing..they might think my english is so bad..ahhermmm...but i edit it anyways...
* Twerlermz : I'm using basic or simple english most of the time so i think my most common mistakes are redundancy, spelling and grammar (toink!)
* Thira: I type too fast too, sometimes my mind is way ahead with my typing so I miss out and misspell words and I have to go back and read again and correct it. Sometimes using the past and present tense in writing, and using the hyphen properly,wehehe
* Juliana: I always mis-spell "you". More often that not I type it as "oyu" because I'm typing fast and because it's a three letter word, it's prone to get typed incorrectly. It's good there's a spelling checker hehe, I always catch the mistake before it is published.
* Teebob : If I write an article about a male person I often use her or she instead of him or he.
* Norm : Sometimes I'm confused of the grammar and right spelling. Then I'm typing so fast that usually miss-spell taht instead of that and many more.
* Rea : I get confused and I am having trouble of my grammar as well, and for that it takes me a while to finish it.
* Irel: i type too fast that i misspelled some of my words!
*Joyce: I don't what's up with the word opportunities but I always spell it as opportunites...I always forget the letter I on the end hehehe...
Not tagged anyone..if you want it just grab it..Thanks
Labels: Tags