Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I wanna shop....

10:27 PM / 8 comments

My shopaholic self came back... Urggghhh!!!! I promised Rico I wouldn't buy anymore designer bags because I really don't use them I just want them. Lol. I think the last time I bought a bag was middle of last year. I got a bag from Rico last October and I told him not to buy me anymore. Hahha. I know I was crazy then. There were many times he asked me to go inside a Gucci, Burberry & louis Vuitton store. I always said no. He was surprised at first but after awhile I think he was just asking me to go just to test if I wouldn't want to buy anything lol. At first it took alot of self control but after awhile I don't mind anymore because I have digiscrapping to keep me busy. But since my mojo went somewhere I don't really know where. I started to get the itch of shopping again lol. I told Rico actually I would only buy one bag this year hahaha. Yes only one bag. So here are my choices:

Cool huh? hahahah.The cheapest one of course is the Juicy Couture bag in the bottom. Then I will get this diaper bag for the baby:

And to add to the shopping list...Easter Dresses for the girls. Since the girls' bdays are coming up soon, we're thinking of taking them to Disneyland one of these days maybe when Rico get a three day off. Then we might go to San Francisco before Rico leaves and go with the grandparents to Lake Tahoe. I wanna go on a mini getaway this month. I swear I am so bored stuck in the house. Pregnancy symptoms is killing me and I want to relax because I know for the next six months I will be too busy taking care of myself and the girls since Rico will be away. I deserve it lol. You got that Rico I deserve a vacation hahahah. You can't say no I want one lol. Spoiled brat me came back...hahahah. At least Rico will only have to go through the pregnancy hormones for about a month so it isn't so bad lol.

Anyways, I'm off to eat my :midnight snack". I figured that I need to eat before I sleep to prevent myself from being nauseated in the morning. And it's been working really good but when I shower I throw up. I think aside from the shampoos my body don't like to be inside the shower. It's like I'm claustrophobic or something....

Anywhoo, here are the latest scraps I've done...It only took me two weeks lol. Credits are in my DST gallery.

Thanks ladies for dropping by I appreciate it always!

Monday, February 26, 2007

UrgHHH....slow internet connection

6:43 PM / 4 comments

I'm having trouble with my internet connection lately. I swear this is the first time it gave me some trouble. Part of the day it would be off and then when it comes back on it is excruciatingly slow. UrgHHH! Jelynn has been complaining because she can't play her playhouse disney...I kept telling her it'll come back later, so I told them to go play with their toys and they did in now time our living room looks like a hurricane passed through it lol.

Anywhoo, yesterday was bad again. Day by Day it's something different. I started having morning sickness in the middle of the night. I swear I never had this problem with my other two or maybe I just forgot how to be pregnant. Every smell irritates me. From my shampoo to toothpaste to milk. I use the girls' baby shampoo because of it. I'm also having a hard time consuming meat. I cooked pork sinigang yesterday and I couldn't eat the meat. Every time I try to it made me gag. Tomorrow I will cook Ginisang Monggo because I've been craving bittermelon/ampalaya. I'm so freaking weird. I don't even eat ampalaya but here I am dreaming about it lol.The other night I was craving eggplant. Gosh of all vegetables I have to crave those that I hardly eat lol. I haven't consumed meat for weeks now because it just wouldn't let me. Everytime I ran in the bathroom to throw up Jewelle starts copying me lol. The morning sickness I have does not pick any time at all. I could wake up in the middle of the night running to the bathroom and wake up in the morning still feeling queasy. Urggh!

When Rico comes home I need to go in the mall and shop for clothes. The clothes I have barely fit me anymore. My widening behind is too much for my stretchy sweats. I might go up to 150lbs this time around wahhh. lol. I will have a hard time losing the weight maybe I will need to enroll to aerobics classes again just like last time. Jelynn has been calling me "Large" hahaha. She said I have a big tummy. Way to make your mommy feel special lol.

I have a new addiction. Pinoy Big Brother Season 2. I'm still contemplating on subscribing because they don't show it here in TFC. I think it has to do with the licenses here in north america. Subscribing means another $40 lol. I was able to watch the grand opening and the day 1 episode. I was laughing like crazy. It was so funny. I subscribed at the first PBB & Pinoy Dream Academy and I had fun watching it.

The first PBB is where I saw Sam Milby first. Yes he was a part of the Pinoy Big Brother Season 1.

Anyways, I'm off to read. Bye for now!

Saturday, February 24, 2007

tagged by JenR

10:45 PM / 3 comments

I usually do it at least 4 times a week but since I've joined PPP. I've been doing it everyday...

I finally finished one yesterday. I started making it two weeks ago lol I just finished it last night lol

We're moving back to the grandparents in about a month. It will give me time to enroll the girls to Ballet school for the summer. I might have to enroll Jewelle too because I know she will get jealous of her sister. I don't know if I should enroll her to gymnastics or ballet like her sister. She's more of the boyish one unlike her girly big sister lol. Then Jelynn starts school on Sept. Of course the new baby will come sometime in Oct. I'm due Oct. 18. We've been telling the girls almost everyday that a new baby will be a part of the family. They are finally getting used to it. They want a baby brother they said. lol

*Social Life
Nada, ever since I discovered digiscrapping I've been too lazy to go out. I would only go out with my family. But with friends, I'm hesitant lol. And since I got pregnant I just want to be in bed curled with a book.

I was tagged by JenR. Thanks girl keeps my blog going heheheh.

What is yours?
Explain yourself
Culinary: Lindt's Chocolates they melt in your mouth lol
Literary: Filipino Pocketbooks they are so romantic
Audiovisual: filipino soap operas They always make me cry
Musical: boybands I'm a teenager at heart
Celebrity: Sam Milby boy next door cutie pie...

Now I tag:-


to complete this same Quiz, Its HERE.

I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't work outside the house for awhile, not until my kids start to go to school full time. I want to be there every step of the way while they are growing up. So I found a way to earn money from blogging. My friends were talking about earning while blogging and since I love to blog why not try it out right? My online friends from Philippine Digiscrappers recommended blog marketing. They said that I can earn money from blogging. I can pick opportunities and write about it. That's how easy it is. And a few posts a day you can earn up to $1000 for just one post. You can't earn that anywhere. Since I love blogging and I want to stay at home with my girls. I thought of joining Payperpost and instantly I love it because they don't give me the products I need to post. I can easily choose what I want to post about. The more traffic you bring to your site the more opportunities given to you. But don't worry lower traffic blogs can earn too staring $5. That's how simple it is. So go ahead an try out Payperpost.

Also...Did you know that PPP only charges a 35% service fee compared to ReviewMe that charges a 100% markup. They are taking half your money for every post! You can get high paying opps more often and put more in your pocket with PPP

Disclosure is required from all bloggers.

Sam Milby...heheh I told Rico I'm going to keep looking at Sam maybe our baby will look like him lol. I just love the boy next door type lol. I love watching Maging Sino Ka Man right now because I get to see him everyday lol...I can be really weird when I'm pregnant.

Of course Tom Welling...hehehe he got those eyes and I think he is a good Clark Kent aka superman. Thursdays wouldn't be the same without him of course.

And of course Budong aka Super Inggo himself, Makisig Morales. This little boy made me cry many nights because of his role as super inggo. Who would have thought that this singing superstar would be a great actor. He is very effective and every time he cries I cry. I miss watching him on TV hopefully Super Inggo's book II will launch soon.

No matter how busy life can be ...everyone needs somebody to love. I know that alot of people out there are having trouble finding the "right one." I am one of the lucky ones who found my one true love. If you don't have the time to go out and go on dates why not try online dating service.

It's absolutely free and you can get to know a lot of people out there. You might even find good friends. They help people find somebody who is completely compatible for them. Just join their active message board and you might be dating in no time.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Friday Feast

5:11 PM / 5 comments

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Go visit the Friday Feast blog if you want to join the fun.

Where on your body do you have a scar, and what caused it?
On top of my nose in between my eyes... My mom said I stumbled and fell flat on top of a can flower base when I was just starting to walk

What is something that has happened to you that you would consider a miracle?
I was in grade school. My friends and I were walking home while it was raining then we heard gunshots. We started running and hid in somebody front patio then we heard a gunshot again that just missed us by a couple of inches.

Name a television personality who really gets on your nerves.
Nothing really..I hardly watch television that's why and if somebody annoys me I don't watch that show lol.

Main Course
What was a funny word you said as a child (such as "pasketti" for "spaghetti")?
I said vegetables as Ve-Ge-tables lol

Fill in the blank: I have always thought ______ was ______.
I've always thought that my mom was strict but not really she just wanted to protect me.

How cute huh? The girls and I love playing online. We are usually found in front of the computer either playing at or I thought since the girls love dressing up this Dress Up Games would be perfect for them. It lets you create dolls of different faces and clothes. The girls just had so much fun making dolls. They can't wait to make more. Maybe next time they would want me to create a website for them so they can display theirs little dolls. heheheh. If you want to go create your own doll go to The Doll Place and create your own. You can even use them as avatars in forums or chats. They are absolutely the cutest.

If you were a man, which SugarBabe or SSD designer would you want to take out on a date? Why? Where will you take her?

What a cute question hahaha....not that I want to be a man or anything but I think I would like to take Karen aka Hom74 out because ever since I started digiscrapping I've always been awed by her talent. She constantly creates layouts that rawks maybe by meeting her, I can learn more. I've been stalking her DST gallery for as long as I could remember and I think she is the nicest and sweetest scrapper out there. She leaves love for everyone and I see her everywhere. It would be nice to see this scrapper in person.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Kids say the darnest things....

9:27 PM / 9 comments

So I was talking to Jelynn. I asked her if it's my turn to use the computer. She looks at me and said: "I guessly not Mommy." Ok what is a guessly? lol

I prepared them dinner. When I told them to eat. Jelynn replied:
"Oh not bad I Guess."

Gosh this girl is something else. She says things like
"Oh No, this is the worst day of my life." Wow really in her four years of existence. hahaha. Jelynn has been learning phrases I never thought she would ever use. I cannot believe how much she has grown in the last two years. I remember when she was 2 years old barely talking. Nobody can understand her but me. I used to worry that something might be wrong because she doesn't talk as much as other kids. But once she hit three it seems like she grew a blabbermouth. Really! During long drives she would talk and talk like there's no tomorrow. Jewelle on the other hand started talking early maybe because she has Jelynn to talk to her. There are words that I can't seem to understand that Jelynn would know. The other night, I told Jewelle to turn off the TV because we need to go to sleep. She replied to me: "Time for you to go to sleep Juzah." I swear I didn't know whether to laugh to get angry. She probably have gotten that from her dad. I asked her to repeat what she said: "Time to go to sleep now Nanay." She started calling me Nanay when we started calling her anak. She thinks it is just the funniest thing. But once we told her she's going to be an "Ate" she replied and pointed at Jelynn: "She's the ate, I'm the baby." Uh Oh, at least we have 8 months to go before the baby comes out. Maybe by then it'll be easier for her to accept she is no longer the bunsoy.

Still haven't scrap really. It seems like every time I look at elements or a layout I get nauseated. Ewww! I can't even leave praise for my friends because I get nauseous. Maybe in a couple of days. I need something to do because Rico left again today. He'll be back next sunday. So it's just me and the girls again. I feel really bad that I haven't been spending time with the girls. They play in our room, watch TV in there too because I'm usually in bed resting from throwing up. And since the computer is inside the room too, they don't usually go out of our room so I still could see what they're doing. But still I feel bad that I don't get to play with them as much as I would want to. The symptoms really came too early. At least just one more week and Rico would be with us for about a month then we'll move to San Francisco with the grandparents so then they'll have somebody to play with them other than their pregnant mommy.

Oh well gotta go now, I leave you with the scrap I did just before Vday. The girls' gift to their Daddy. Not a really good scrap it is just something I did the last minute. In another day I will redo it.

(Credits: Papers& elements by Vera Lim, Bird & Swirlies by Jackie Eckles, Frame by Katie Pertiet, filmstrip by Gina Miller, flower by Jen Wilson)

Thanks for reading until next time...Bye for now!


9:17 PM / 0 comments

So Rico's leaving in about a month. He is headed to the Persian Gulf. He was telling me that they will stop at Dubai. Really he gets to go to these exotic places I could only dream of. Dubai such a great place to live because of the rich culture and great places to visit. I'm am so jealous that Rico will go there in a couple of months. I've been searching about Dubai in the internet. I found out that it will be a great place to have a vacation home. I found this site that specializes in properties in Dubai area dubailand. Oh I will go and check it out some more and let Rico know about it before he leaves for deployment.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


6:45 PM / 4 comments

Do you want to showcase your photos a little different? Use fliptrack to showcase your photos. Not only can you showcase your photos but you can add music to your slideshow too. I usually create slideshows so that I can share our photos to our friends and relatives from all over the world. You can even embed these slideshows to your friendster account or even in your blog.

If you want to share pictures from a particular event without uploading so many to your website why not use fliptrack and create a slideshow and make it easier for you and others. It will be easier for everyone to load your website than have thumbnails and thumbnails of photos. Try fliptrack and I guarantee you won't be disappointed.

Nothing much hehehe....just a bunch of stuff I need to do. I cannot believe that it's going to be March next week. It seems like it was just yesterday when we celebrated New Year. Really this year is going really fast. We need to start packing again for the move back to San Francisco. Rico's leaving early April so we need to have done all the moving by then. Daddy has been telling me to throw a party for the girls. The last time we threw a party for Jelynn was when she was two years old and Jewelle when she was one. Throwing a party is a lot of work. I think my dad thinks it is so easy lol. Oh well as long as he pays for it lol hahah why not. We'll probably do their party both at the same time. Jelynn's bday is on March 26 and Jewelle's on the 22nd of April. We'll probably do it before Rico leaves for deployment. Sort of a going away party for him too lol. Ahhhh another work for the pregnant lady I

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007


11:37 PM / 0 comments

Since I grew up in the Philippines and I still have a lot of relatives that are living over there. I try to call them as much as I can. I've been trying to find a long distance company that is more affordable than my home phone company. That's when I found Pingo. Pingo is a prepaid calling card that saves you a lot of money. I can now call Philippines for as low as 13 cents a minute. How cheap is that. I can now call internationally and not worry about how high my phone bill is going to be. Try calling internationally using mobile Jamaica calling cards and I know you will be pleased.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

I met my long lost friend again....

4:06 PM / 8 comments

Yes..I met my long lost friend nausea. UrgHHH! I've been feeling nauseous for the last couple of days. I have to to keep eating...a little bit crackers here and there every couple of hours to keep me from throwing up. This is one of the symptoms of pregnancy I don't like. You can't eat in peace because this nauseous feeling in my mouth all the time. I need to eat sour foods because those foods keep me from being nauseous. I have also been craving so many things that I can't even remember anymore. One minute I want my jamba juice, second minute I want some grilled fish, then another minute I want some green mangoes .Urgghh! Of course in a couple of weeks the yellow and icky stuff that comes out everytime you throw up...just great...I will meet nauseous second cousin, acid lol.

Today we ate lunch at Goldilocks because I was craving for bangus belly sinigang. I thought they had one but no they don't have it. So we settled on pork spareribs sinigang instead. I have to look for filipino restaurants that serve that bangus belly sinigang. We then went grocery shopping for foods I am constantly craving. Tomorrow I want Rico to cook me some pinakbet (our non-shrimp paste version with black eyed peas). I also want him to cook me some sisig. I have a hard time cooking. I don't like the smell of meat. I can't even eat chicken because it makes me feel nauseous. Really nauseous is very picky lol. I got the pregnancy symptoms really early this time around. Maybe it's a sign it's going to be a little prince. lol. Oh old wives tales ahhaha.

Oh well gotta go I'm feeling a little dizzy and a little hungry again hahaha. I leave you with my latest scrap. Finally I was able to finish this layout. It only took me about a week lol. Credits are in my DST Gallery. Thank you again for dropping by.

Saturday, February 17, 2007


9:16 PM / 1 comments

Rico and I have decided to go on one big vacation again this year. It gives us a time away from everyday stresses. I think this year will be Hawaii. And since Rico would love to get transfered in Hawaii next time around this vacation will be a test if we like the place or not. The girls have been telling their dad they want to go to Hawaii for their birthdays. We usually don't give the girls' birthday parties anymore. We take them on vacation instead of birthday parties. It is better for all of us, less stress and more memorable. And they remember it better than parties. So I've been trying to look around for deals. If you know me I'm good at finding deals. If I'm booking for a vacation, I search the internet like crazy. And who wouldn't like deals right? Through internet searching I came across Hotel Reservations. I am now currently looking at the site for deals not only for hawaii but another vacation spot as well. The girls also want to go back to Disneyworld so I have to search Orlando too. Since they also have cruises why not look for Disney cruises so the girls will experience cruising with the disney characters.The girls just love the Disney Characters and they've been asking Rico they want to go to Disneyworld again. The site also have the price guarantee, meaning they have the lowest price out there. Log on to Hotel Reservations and you can save up to 70% off. They have certified hotel experts available to answer your call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. They offer the best deal to make your vacation more memorable. They even have destination guides so you can search the place you want to go to. From destination guides you can create your very own itinerary. If you don't want to book online you can call their toll free number anytime at 1-800-893-4086. So you can't lose by booking a vacation at hotel reservations.


6:27 PM / 7 comments

I just want to thank everyone who left me messages wishing me a safe pregnancy. Thank you so much you made my Vday even though Rico wasn't here. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart.

Still adjusting. I had the worst day yesterday. I had this terrible headache that extended all the way to my left eye. And every time I move it feels like a 9.0 earthquake. I was bed ridden the whole day and part of the night. If you read my blog regularly, I've mentioned of suffering panic attacks. They gave me medicine to treat the attack. I have been taking Paxil for over a year now. I've actually considered of quitting even before I got pregnant. I was suppose to talk to my doctor about quitting this coming tuesday but I got pregnant even before I quit. So I called the Doctor's office Wednesday and the nurse practitioner told me to stop immediately. Of course, I asked her if it was alright to stop cold turkey. She said try to cut the dosage but stop it within a couple of days. I then took my last paxil on thursday. During the evening of thursday I was feeling a little loopy. Ears started to hurt and my head feels like there a rubber band around it. I woke up friday with nausea, headaches, dizziness & ringing in my ears. I knew exactly that this was the withdrawal symptoms. I called doctor and left a message but by 2pm I started to cry uncontrollably. I felt sorry for my girls, for my hubby & most especially my unborn baby. I couldn't eat because I couldn't sit long enough to eat. Rico called the nurse and demanded to talk to the doctor. I think the guy got scared because I was crying uncontrollably lol. They now told me that I can't quit on the paxil cold turkey. It will have many symptoms and it will be bad for me and the baby to have those symptoms. Oh well the nurse should have not told me to stop otherwise. Urgggh!!! She told me to take the medicine right away and it will make me feel better. And we will try to go off paxil one day at a time. Reducing the dosage one week at a time. Hopefully by march I will be off from it. I of course then asked her if it will affect the baby. She said the baby will be fine. The benefits outweighed the risks. Of course there's always going to be risk that's why I have to quit the medicine but if I do it cold turkey. It might be bad for me and the baby so we will do it slowly as we can. I pray that there will be no complications and that the baby and I will come out of this healthy. That's all I can ask for. I slept through the day and yesterday I thought by the time I wake up after taking the medicine I will be alright but no everytime I wake up the headache got worse and worse. I just had enough energy to heat the girls some food. By 9pm I couldn't take it anymore, I called Rico and asked him to come home. He didn't get my message till about midnight. He came home and got me some tylenol. Tylenol isn't bad for the baby the doctor and pharmacist said. I took the tylenol and feel asleep instantly. I was glad that I woke up today better. I couldn't take that kind of headache for another day. It was like poking my eye out. I started getting migraines after I gave birth to Jewelle and the headache I got yesterday was worse than the migraines I've ever experienced. That one topped them all. After a couple of hours it went to my right eye. It was so bad. I kept on crying. The girls kept saying it's okey mommy we will make you happy. They can be sweet at times.

Anyways, Im looking for recipes that are sour. Yes I'm craving for sour foods. So if you know any recipe please send it to me. Thanks Ladies. Thank you again for reading.

No scraps from me yet =(. Maybe next time...anyways have a nice weekend.


6:14 PM / 1 comments

Are you like me? Do you just hate to go around town and look for deals? Now you don't have to. Internet seems to have everything that we need. We don't even need to change our pajamas to shop. So Rico and I are looking for a better car insurance. With all the tickets Rico received, our auto insurance sky rocketed. Because I'm always online I found this site Insurance Portal Online.

Insurance portal online not only have auto insurance but home & life insurance as well. I know how hard it is to go around calling people and requesting quotes. Why not try Insurance portal online and request a quote today. They offer the lowest prices and serves throughout the United States.

We changed insurance many many times because it seems that every year our auto insurance gets higher and higher. Now I don't need to go around town to request for quotes. I can just log on at Insurance portal online and request a quote. I can even compare it from other insurance companies out there. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and try you might save a lot of money by trying this company out.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Guess What!!!

3:20 PM / 12 comments

So here is the result.....I guess that's positive right since if it's negative it'll show the minus sign lol...Rico doesn't know yet haha this is my Vday gift for him.. I'm actually 100% excited. This is the first baby where there is no fear and uncertainties. We planned it and we are grateful that God will once again bless us with another baby. I just pray that he/she will be born healthy and normal. That's all I can ask for. I am not particular on the gender. I'm happy either way.

Side note: I mentioned to the girls that they will have another baby coming. They looked at me like I have gone crazy lol. Then Jewelle started crying so I let her wear her princess dress then Ate wanted to wear her ballerina dress. Oh well they are in denial LOL.

Another side note: Rico owes me big time. I deserve a great gift not only missing Vday but for all the throwing up & nausea I'm about to embark.. Heheheh. I know he reads my blog..I want my PF Chang's tomorrow behbi better have that ready lol.

Due date: If I'm right would be Oct 19. While my friend Sarah's due date is on the 19 of Sept..hahahah I guess we'll be pregnant together bru lol. I bet my dad would want the baby be born Oct 18 so they'll have the same bday haha.

Updates again blog entry..Cravings..hahah

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

not in the mood to do anything....

4:01 PM / 5 comments

ahhhh not in the mood to scrap...
not in the mood to go out
not in the mood to shop
not in the mood to leave praise
not in the mood to scout the forums all day long
not in the mood to watch TV
not in the mood to exercise....

just want to curl up on the bed and read
or sleep...

I dunno what's happening but it seems like I don't want to do anything but read and sleep. I have to do some scraps though because of my CT requirements but I think I have to let go some of them because I'm really having a hard time keeping up and I don't wanna wake up at 5am every morning to upload and play the praise game. Scrapping has taken over my life and as much as I enjoy doing it, it can burn you down so I'm staying away for awhile. After finishing up some of my CT requirements for this month I have to let go two of my CTs. As much as it's hard for me to let them go I have to. I don't want this scrapping thing to become a "job". I want it to remain as a hobby.

So I have this weirdest craving of Boy Bawang (a garlic flavored cornick from the Philippines). But instead of just eating it just like that they have to be dip in vinegar. Ahhhh! Then all I want to eat is fish, fish and more fish. So tomorrow is the day where I take my pregnancy test hahaha I still haven't gotten my period. So I told my Dad there is a possibility of me getting pregnant. He didn't take it as hard as I thought. Actually he wish it will be a boy this time LOL. At least I have my Dad's blessing. I know he wanted me to go back to school once the girls goes to school but at least he'll have another grandkid just in case. I secretly hope it's going to be a little prince this time so it'll be the last one heheh. But another little princess is very much welcome too as long as the baby will be born healthy. I will let you know what the results as soon as I find out.

Rico won't be home til Thursday and then he'll work again this weekend. Urgh!! Really I am beginning to HATE his job lol. Only because I'm bored, it's been raining here on and off but I don't want to bring the girls out and then it'll start to rain. So he is off on thursday but I bet he'll sleep through the day so we wont really spend quality time till Monday afternoon then he'll leave again on the 22nd. UrgHHH!!! Really ! So no valentine's day celebration for us. I don't mind I just want my Pf Chang's fix and I'll be okey lol.

Anyways I'm off to get the girls some snacks..just dropped but to blog then maybe I can figure out why I'm not in the mood to do anything. Oh well maybe tomorrow will be better since it's VDay! Happy valentine's to everyone. I leave you with the girls' vday card !

Friday, February 9, 2007

dropping by...

1:25 PM / 15 comments

You Are a Fortune Cookie

You're a rather normal person, except that you have extraordinary luck in life.
People want to be around you (even when they're a little sick of you), in hopes of being lucky too!
What Kind of Cookie Are You?

Wanna earn Sweet Rewards drop by the SSD's blog!

So it's friday I believe but it doesn't feel like a weekend again. Just me and the girls been coughing and coughing lately. I just don't like when Jelynn gets sick because she throws up everything she eats. She's been complaining about a headache and I asked if she wanted a medicine but of course she doesn't want too. She's one of those little girls who can make themselves throw up. I don't force her to eat nor drink a medicine because it'll just make it harder for both of us. At least she doesn't look sick and feel sick. She's still playing with her sister and does the usual stuff they do together.

Yesterday for once I didn't scrap. Yes I did play the praise game yesterday and today but like I mentioned in my previous posts I usually have layouts lying around here somewhere. I just put a title and save it as jpg and then uploaded it. I still have a couple reserves hehehe just in case I don't feel like scrapping for awhile. I think I burned myself up this past week because I was trying to catch up with my CT requirements. But I'm all caught up now and I'm so glad I get to rest. Eyes have been hurting from tweaking and cropping and all that. Sometimes I feel like I want to just quit my CTs but then again all the ladies I work for are really nice and they were the first designers who gave a newbie like me a chance.

For the first time also. I turned off my computer at 8 o'clock yesterday. I don't even remember when was the last time I did that. No blog hopping, no online surfing, digi shopping, browsing the forum or layout lovin'. I usually do my layouts at about 9 and beyond after the kids stop playing. But yesterday I was too tired, no creative juices flowing too lol. I just wanted to curl up with a book and read. And for the first time in a long time I slept at 11pm. It felt good. I should do this more often. It's also been a long time since I had 8 hours of interrupted sleep. This weekend I plan to do that hehehe. Because I had a good night sleep I cleaned most of the morning hehehe with Jewelle , my little helper. And since I can now ask the girls to do things, I asked them to put their toys away. They have their toys lying everywhere in the house. Rico hates it that way because he kept on stepping on them lol. Now as I'm doing my blog, cooking for a late lunch since we did have breakfast at 10am. I do try to cook once a day when Rico's not here since it's just me and the girls. I've also been trying to eat regularly because I've been getting dizzy spells. I must be anemic again.

I have to go..the fish is almost done hehehe...I'll update you again soon..for now I leave you my last uploaded layouts..Credits are of course in my DST gallery.Thanks for dropping by always I appreciate it.=)

Wednesday, February 7, 2007


5:52 AM / 14 comments

I think I'm getting sick...throat is is hurting so bad. I drank lots and lots of orange juice already hoping it'll go away. I know contrary to popular belief drinking alot of vitamin C's does not cure colds. Oh well I just don't want to drink cold medicines right now it makes me drowsy and dizzy so I thought maybe OJ will help. Hopefully it will not be a full blown cold because I'm the only one in the house with the girls. Rico left again today and I don't want the girls to catch any viruses. Plus the fact that I haven't gotten my period worries me. Why? Because I've been having dizzy spells lately and if that's any indication I'm pregnant oh no!!. I know we wanted a new baby but not at this time. Rico's leaving for a six month deployment in a couple of months and I don't want to be pregnant by myself with the girls. I know I have my parents in SF but it's still good to have Rico by my side. But of course God will always have the last decision so I leave up to him. If He thinks I can handle being preggy now why not. There are so many women out there who would love to have kids but unable to. I'm one of the lucky ones...

Remember I mentioned I have a guest gig this month. She gave us the go signal to toot our own horn hehe. I am so excited to work or one of my fave designer out there. I remember she was the first designer back at the digi shoppe I ever bought from hehehe. She no longer sells over there and now she has her own store; the Funky Playground. Yep! I'm Corina Nielsen's Feb Guest CT. So freaking excited to work with her. So I've been playing with her stuff and I am so overwhelmed with the goodies I get to work with. Oh scrapping keeps me busy nowadays hehehe..

Well I'm off... will update again later..for now I will leave you with the LOs I made with Corina's stuff. Credits are in my DST Gallery.

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Does not feel like a weekend to

6:56 PM / 6 comments

I've mentioned a few posts back that Rico's sched is kinda wacky right now. He works 12 hours from 6PM to 6AM three days a week then he'll be off for two days then work two more days then off three days. So this weekend he is working. He is suppose to be home today a little early because we're going to go watch Disney on Ice tomorrow. So it does not feel like a weekend to us because he is working and we're stuck in the house as always. UrgH!. At least we'll go out for a little bit tomorrow then he'll be off to work again. On monday he will be sleeping in, gunshot in the evening so one off day wasted once more. Then Wednesday of course they'll be on the ocean once more till take this after Valentine's Day. Yup so Valentine's Day will be spent with the girls. Oh well I just need to ramble about this but I'm used to it. Being a military wife you get used to it or you'll make yourself crazy hehe.

Scrapping news...
I have gotten myself so many duties that I think I'm going to burn myself up one of these days haha. Thank God I'm a fast scrapper. I have about five layouts that are almost done. They needed either a title or journaling then it'll be off to the gallery. I have so many goodies that I can't help but scrap. I just need pictures to scrap hehehe. But the girls have been so cooperative they'll even pose for me for no apparent reason and tell me to take a photo of them. I tell you they are as addicted to pictures as their mommy lol.

Mommy News...
Their bdays are coming. Jelynn is turning 5 next month and Jewelle will be 3 on April. They are getting smarter and smarter for their mommy. I asked Jelynn what she wanted for her bday. Guess what she said a vacation to Hawaii. Ek! Yep she wanted to go to Hawaii she said because she wants to swim in the ocean. I told her we have lots of ocean here in San Diego but no she wants Hawaii lol. I guess I need to save money for that gift. Maybe next time I will tell her to tell her dad that she wants to go to Europe hahaha. We'll be moving to San Francisco in a couple of months because Rico's deploying so Jelynn will be going to school there for the meantime. Of course if they are spoiled now they will become more spoiled because of their grandparents. They get away with almost everything with my dad. Jewelle, my little miss Independent. Yep she wants to do everything her own way. So irritating sometimes. I put on her pants she takes it off because SHE was suppose to be the one who will get from the drawer. Then pretends to go get it then gives it back to me and then I have to count 1, 2, 3 Jump so she'll wear it. lol And she wants mommy to change her diaper, to get her milk, get her food, read her a book,etc. And when I tell her to ask Daddy, nope she said only mommy. Yep a mommy's girl in the making. Poor Rico, the girls are just too close to me that they usually don't ask him to do anything with them lol. I think because he is always away that's why. Because when he was here with us all the time Jewelle was a Daddy's girl. Well not anymore. I think that's why he wants a son. We've talked about having another baby. Because even if he doesn't tell me I know he wants a son. We decided that we'll have the baby next year heheh. I know this is going to be the first time we're going to plan lol. The two girls were unexpected but very much welcomed. Hopefully I don't get pregnant anytime soon but I do please make it a December baby lol.

Here's my latest layouts, credits are in my DST gallery. Thanks ladies for visiting

Before I leave here's a word art contest Audrey Neal is having. Be sure to go check it out.

Beginning: Friday, Feb. 2
Ending: Tuesday, Feb. 13 (12:00 CST)
Winners announced: Wednesday, Feb. 14

To enter: Create a layout using a quote from one of my Wordart packs (any pack, any quote). Post your layout to any gallery and add your link to the comments section on my blog. You may enter as many times as you wish, but each layout has to use a different quote. Layouts may be any size and may use any other designer’s work that you wish.

My creative team will judge the entries.

1st place: a $15.00 gift certificate to my store and your own personalized word art pack, containing 6 quotes of your choice
2nd place: a $10.00 gift certificate to my store
3rd place: a $5.00 gift certificate to my store

Here's Audrey's blog for more info.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

tired and sleepy

12:06 PM / 13 comments

I'm so tired I was up last night til 12 waiting for the Sweet Shoppe sale. I know that's the time I usually go to sleep anyways right? Yes but my migraine has to pick last night to emerge once again. I drank 800mg of ibuprofen and within minutes I was yawning like crazy. But when I finally went to bed at 12:15 I couldn't go to sleep. I was tossing and turning. Saw the clock hit 1:30 and I was like OMG when am I gonna go to sleep. Then I woke up at 5am to upload a layout for the praise game. I know it's addicting but I like to put my CT layouts in there yah know. It's the least I could do for the trust they've given me. The more people sees it the more people will buy it. I owe it to them for given me a chance to work for them. I did went back to sleep at 6am since the girls were still asleep. We all woke up at 10am so that isn't so bad. I cooked them breakfast and now they're off playing with the Vsmile. As for me, I still have alot of stuff to do. Like fold the laundry, wash dishes, vacuum the house & clean the kitchen. And I have to squeeze in an hour of exercise but instead of doing those I'm here online blogging and downloading kits. UrgH!

I have too many goodies I don't even know what to do with them hahah. Here's what I grabbed at the shoppe:

Not as much as I thought it would be maybe because I already have similar kits already so I didn't hoard as I thought I was going to. Laura Decaetis would be my next favorite designer over there along with of course the ever talented Dani Mogstad. And of course don't forget Zoe Pearn & Robin Carlton. I am one of their biggest fans.

And if you're at the shoppe don't forget to check this kit from Zoe Pearn.

I can't wait to play with these stuff..just need to finish my other CT requirements hahah before I play with these goodies.

Here's a layout I uploaded this morning I used Ake's Missing you kit available at SBE.

Credits can be found in my DST Gallery.

BTW, I have a little gig this month. She hasn't made the announcement yet so I don't think I'm allowed to reveal yet.I was in shocked when she choose me to be a guest CT this month. I'll give you a little hint: "American Pie". Hehehe .

Well I will keep you updated.. gotta go and start my chores. Bye and thanks for the comments as always.