I am emotionally and physically tired. It seems like the "better months" of being pregnant is not nearing. I stay in bed at least 15 hours a day because of dizziness. I will only get up when I need to especially when I need to run in the bathroom and throw up or urinate. I'm so emotionally tired too because of these sudden changes of hormones sometimes I would just start crying for no apparent reason. I feel that I am a burden to Rico and to my girls. I have been relying on Rico every single time I need something. Even getting up to go get some food sometimes I couldn't do because of this dizziness. I feel better only when I'm lying down on bed but not necessarily sleeping. At night I couldn't sleep till about 4am and sleep most of the day. Since we're moving back to San Francisco "baby Je" hasn't been seen by an OB. I feel that I'm depriving the baby a healthy life by not going to the doctors early on. I have been seen by my family doctor and has given me prenatal vitamins but that's about it. I haven't been check by a ob-gyne. I feel that if baby isn't born healthy it will all be my fault. All these emotions keep me awake at night imagining all the consequences. I pray many many times a day that baby will be born healthy in spite of not having the early check-ups my girls had. The very first prenatal check-up would be on April 13. I feel that that's a little too late but since all these moving stuff and moving my insurance and waiting for approvals and authorization I have to wait til then. Despite of all these physical and emotional symptoms happening to me I am still happy to have a new baby coming our way.
Deployment of Rico:
Rico's leaving in two weeks for six months. I have been too preoccupied with the symptoms of my pregnancy that I didn't notice that he is leaving in two weeks. For the past few days I have been crying myself to sleep because he'll be away from us for so many months. I just hope that he gets to be there when I give birth to baby JE. The girls and I got used to Rico being with us since he wasn't stationed on a ship for almost 4 years but this is his job there is nothing we can do but pray that six months will just pass us by.
The Girls:
Jelynn & Jewelle have been really good. They seem to understand what I'm going through. For little kids like them I give them alot of credit for being partly good girls and trying to listen to their dad. Jelynn's birthday is on the 26th and I feel so bad that we don't have anything plan for her special day because of all these stuff going on. She's been understanding even though I know she wants to go to Disneyland. I really don't know how we can fit Disneyland in two weeks maybe I'll have Rico take the girls to Chuckie Cheese if I don't feel good. I'll just have their grandfather throw a double birthday party for them in San Francisco since Jewelle's birthday would be on the 22nd of April. Jewelle's been really close to her dad lately maybe because there are times that I can't be a mommy to her. When I start to feel bad and I start to cry she's the one who comes near me and gives me hugs & kisses. I call her my little big girl because she seems to know how to make me feel better.
Thank Yous:
Thank you for all of you who still dropped by in my blog and ask me how am I doing. I really appreciate all the concerns and love. I'm sorry if I haven't been leaving comments or haven't been dropping by your blog. I try sometimes when I feel a little better and read updates from time to time. Again, thank you for reading I appreciate it always...
Ever since I joined Philippine Digiscrapper Forum, I've considered all the ladies there as my sisters. They are like my family so when I heard the bad news about Diane's son, Huey passing away. I was shocked! I can't even begin to imagine how much pain Diane must be going through. I know that no words can ease the pain Diane must be feeling now.
Diane, Huey is in a better place now. I know that God have a better plan for all of you. Remember that Huey is now among the angels and he is surely watching the best parents in the world.
I will continue to pray for you and your family. Be strong and we are here for you if you ever need somebody to talk to.
I am always looking for something to do online because now that I'm pregnant I want to be able to distract myself from morning sickness. Since I love watching Deal or No Deal on TV I was searching for a game that is similar to it. I found Winzy, an online game site. They have Deal or No Deal. It's absolutely free to join and you could win prizes too just visit their website.
So if you are looking for a site you can spend your free time when you are bored log on at Winzy. I usually spend my free time online when the girls are busy playing with each other. And this Deal or No Deal game is a good way to ease those boring hours when I have absolutely nothing to do. So log on to Winzy and play the hottest game right now.

What is your usual bedtime? Do you like that, or would you rather it be different?
About 1am...but now that I'm pregnant I don't fall asleep til about 3am and then waking up at 6am. I would be happy to have an earlier bedtime but I guess I have to get used to it once again.
When it comes to advice, do you give more or receive more?
I usually give more, I rarely ask advices because I was used to figuring out my own problems.
Describe a memorable meal you've had.
A meal spent with my family is always memorable.
Main Course
Name a work of fiction that affected the way you think about something.
Pearl Harbor ..the movie is very close to my heart because hubby is a US Navy also. We never really know how much sacrifices they make to give us freedom.
What is your favorite type of fruit juice?
Mango Juice
Rico and I would love to go to Europe. Italy to be exact. It has been a dream for both of us to travel in Italy because the country is so different from United States. Being a devoted Catholic we would love to go to Rome so we can visit Vatican City. We would love to go sightseeing in Rome, lazing in cafes and watching the world go by, creating our own Roman Holiday.
So the next vacation we are going to would be Rome, Italy. I've been looking for hotels in Rome we could stay. I would love the hotel to be romantic because Rico and I never really traveled alone together. It would be like a honeymoon for both of us. I found this site where you can find details about the most beautiful hotels in Rome. They even have information about Rome in their site where you can create your own itinerary. Plus you don't make payment to the site itself but to the very hotel you are going to stay. So why not log on to and create your very own Roman Holiday.
Five girly stuff I love or Collect
1. Bags..I have a collection of them in my closet haha but hardly use them

2. Juicy Couture's Sweats...they are comfortable to wear.

3. Tops from Charlotte Russe & Forever 21...they are cheap and cute heheh

4. Chick Flick DVDs....From Drew Barrymore to Julia Roberts to Reese Witherspoon

5. Cute Sandals--easy to slip on and comfy heheh

Who doesn't like flowers? We all love to receive flowers. Our six year anniversary is coming up and by then I would be in San Francisco living with my parents and Rico would be away in deployment. Since Rico reads my blog most of the time this is a way to give him hints what he should give me for anniversary. San Francisco flower delivery is a site where you can order flowers online and can be delivered the same day as long as the flowers were ordered before 12 noon eastern time. You can order flowers for anybody in the world at Digital Flowers. So for that someone special why not give them flowers I guarantee they would feel special receiving these wonderful arrangement of flowers.