As much as I want to stay positive the symptoms I've been feeling keep me restless and worried. I had an appointment with my doctor a week ago to discuss the abnormalities of the lab work done to me. I not only have anemia, but high cholesterol and high thyroid hormones which means I have hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is the one causing my fast heart rate. My heart rate at rest is 115, the normal range is between 60-100. If that isn't enough I'm constantly having skipped/premature heart beats. I was referred to a endocrinologist (a specialist of the endocrine system) to see how they can treat me but the problem is that my appt. isn't till May 9. I'm constantly worried that this might be affecting the baby or worse it might lead to thyroid storm which is a life-threatening condition that could lead to coma or death. I'm worried that I might have a heart attack any minute because of the elevated heart rate. There are just too many things going on with my body at times I don't even know if it's from pregnancy or some other illnesses. I have never prayed as much in my life as much as I've been praying now. I pray everytime I get a chance. I don't want the baby to have health complications once he/she is born. I sometimes blame myself for all the things the baby and I are going through. If anything ever happens to the baby I don't even know how I could ever forgive myself. I hope and pray that everything will turn out fine. All I could do now is wait and pray and stop worrying because I know stress can affect the baby too. I want to stay positive not think about the symptoms so I keep myself busy watching TV or playing with the girls. I have to keep myself busy so that I won't think about it too much.
Jewelle turned 3 yesterday. We went to church then we ate out. They wanted to see the Golden Gate Bridge again so we took them there but during the drive they both fell asleep lol. We then went home, their Lola cooked spaghetti and fruit salad. Then we bought her a cake. It was just a simple celebration because of all the happenings but I know she enjoyed it especially the gifts from Lolo & lola. But the little girl had fever during the night and she has rashes all over her face. She can't even sleep all through the night because of the itch. So tomorrow I'm taking her to the doctor to get some medicine for her rashes. Since I wasn't feeling well last night I went to sleep early because I had such a terrible headache so I wasn't able to answer Rico's call. He wanted to greet his baby a happy birthday. At least he left a voicemail so I played that to Jewelle.
Anyways, I'm off to bed. I'm a little sleepy. Thanks for reading!
I'm finally on my second trimester so the symptoms are finally subsiding. Thank God! I can finally drive myself to appointments or out to go grocery shopping. I don't get dizzy or throw up as much anymore only when I miss a meal or went without eating for too long. It's just that I'm hungry all the time. I don't really mind gaining extra weight because I have a reason to be fat lol but I have to watch what I eat especially my rice intake because I'm prone to gestational diabetes. I went to my first OB appt. last friday and we were able to see the baby. Everything seems to be fine. But I had an appointment about two weeks ago with my primary doctor because of my fast heartbeat. I was given a lot of blood tests...when I say a lot I mean ALOT lol. It all came back abnormal =(. My blood count, liver, cholesterol and thyroid tests came back abnormal. Hopefully it's nothing serious. I'll fine out tomorrow because I have a follow up. It seems that this pregnancy has too many complications. I often pray that the baby and I will come out of this both healthy. I'm mostly worried about my heart because my heart rate is in the 100's. I've never had a heart disease or anything and hopefully this is nothing serious because I heard of people not making delivery because of heart problems. I had two EKGs the last three weeks and it seems like everything is fine and my heart rate is regular with no palpitations, irregularities or tremors except that it's pretty fast. I leave it all to God instead of worrying too much because He knows what's best for me and my family.
The girls are doing better each day. They would constantly mention their dad but I kept telling them Daddy is working so that they have money to buy their toys and their food. Jelynn believes that Rico is in "San Diego" by himself even though I kept telling her daddy's in the ship. Sometimes when they hear Rico's name they would just cry and that just makes me so sad. The older they get the harder it is because they know what's away means. I constantly tell Jelynn to email her dad when she misses him and that seems to work for now. Anyways, Jewelle's turning 3 on Sunday. We really have nothing plan except buy her cake and go out to eat. No party because I don't think I'm up for a party just right now. The grandparents are too busy to plan a party so we're skipping it again this year. I asked her what she wants if she wants a party or not she said no she just wants toys hehehhe so why should I argue lol. Today we went to their Doctor's appt. and since they were good at getting their shots (they had four each lol) will be taking them shopping tomorrow so they won't be afraid going back to the doctor.
The parents are going for vacation to the Philippines living us here for 2 weeks. We were suppose to go with them but since I'm pregnant there are too many precautions and I might get too tired traveling so I opted to just stay here since it's only two weeks anyways. The girls don't want to go without me so they are staying here. I just told them to bring me lots of pasalubong lol. I'm a little jealous but it's okey maybe next time heheh all I wanted to do in the Philippines anyways is to shop lol.
Anywho, I'll go now til my next post. Thank you always for visiting. I leave you with baby J. E's first pic.

The girls and I are now back in San Francisco. The last two weeks were very hectic moving our stuff to the storage and of course Rico's deployment. Plus the fact I spent almost a night in the emergency room because of extra heartbeats, fast pulse rate, chest pain & excessive vomiting. I was given 3 liters of IV and they sucked my blog like a gazillion times to see what's wrong with me. After blood test, EKG & X-Ray. They found out that I was dehydrated and I have potassium imbalance which causes my heart rate to go up. But still right now I could still feel the extra heartbeat of my heart so that really worries me. The doctor said that it might be from stress because after all the lab works and tests they've done they couldn't find anything that might have cause that extra beat. Plus the fact that I'm constantly vomiting especially when I'm riding the car. The drive yesterday from San Diego to here was so bad. I threw up almost every time I put something inside my mouth. I was afraid I was going to get admitted to the emergency again for dehydration but what I did to slow down the vomiting is to sleep most of the drive which made the food and water stay even for a little while at least I was retaining something.
Rico also left yesterday. It will be one of the saddest six months again for me and the girls. We weren't able to see him leave because they left a little early and we didn't get there on time. I feel really bad for the girls because they didn't see their dad leave they will be asking when Daddy's going to be home all the time. I think I cried buckets of tears already but the girls still don't understand how long six months is. Just a little while ago Jelynn was telling me she misses her dad. They don't know how long they'll be saying that phrase.
Anyways, I'll update again later I'm just tapping on somebody's wireless network lol. I don't have my high speed yet and my stepmom's computer/DSL is so slow and I can't even connect my computer because it only has one ethernet cable plug and I don't have the CD to install the dsl here.
Just some news about Moi
11:29 PM /
The girls and I are now back in San Francisco. The last two weeks were very hectic moving our stuff to the storage and of course Rico's deployment. Plus the fact I spent almost a night in the emergency room because of extra heartbeats, fast pulse rate, chest pain & excessive vomiting. I was given 3 liters of IV and they sucked my blog like a gazillion times to see what's wrong with me. After blood test, EKG & X-Ray. They found out that I was dehydrated and I have potassium imbalance which causes my heart rate to go up. But still right now I could still feel the extra heartbeat of my heart so that really worries me. The doctor said that it might be from stress because after all the lab works and tests they've done they couldn't find anything that might have cause that extra beat. Plus the fact that I'm constantly vomiting especially when I'm riding the car. The drive yesterday from San Diego to here was so bad. I threw up almost every time I put something inside my mouth. I was afraid I was going to get admitted to the emergency again for dehydration but what I did to slow down the vomiting is to sleep most of the drive which made the food and water stay even for a little while at least I was retaining something.
Rico also left yesterday. It will be one of the saddest six months again for me and the girls. We weren't able to see him leave because they left a little early and we didn't get there on time. I feel really bad for the girls because they didn't see their dad leave they will be asking when Daddy's going to be home all the time. I think I cried buckets of tears already but the girls still don't understand how long six months is. Just a little while ago Jelynn was telling me she misses her dad. They don't know how long they'll be saying that phrase.
Anyways, I'll update again later I'm just tapping on somebody's wireless network lol. I don't have my high speed yet and my stepmom's computer/DSL is so slow and I can't even connect my computer because it only has one ethernet cable plug and I don't have the CD to install the dsl here.