Monday, June 25, 2007

my fitness goal

6:59 PM / 1 comments

I will probably gain about 30lbs from this pregnancy and I am determined to lose all the extra weight once Baby JE comes out. I know it will be hard because I have gain alot even before the pregnancy but with determination comes success. I want to be able to wear back my pre-pregnancy clothes. It is very expensive to buy more clothes and it's a waste to put all my clothes away if they won't fit me after I deliver Baby JE. To accomplish my goal of going back to 90lbs will help me. They have free weight loss journal to help you lose those extra pounds and free calorie counter. I know that keeping track about your diet does help big time in losing weight. It's great to see your progress and myfitnesspal does that and they have a message board where you can communicate with others to help you accomplish your goal.