Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Stephen King's 1408

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Who wouldn't know Stephen King? He is the famous authors of many horror novels to date. I think the most popular one he has ever done is Carrie which was adapted into a film. Carrie was about a girl who has telekinetic power. When I watched Carrie back when I was younger I became an instant Stephen King fan. He has a way to make you jump up your seat when watching his movies. They all seem so realistic. There were other Stephen King novels that was adapted into films like The Shining, Misery, Shawshank Redemption and the Green Mile. 1408 Movie is an upcoming movie based on Stephen King. So it will surely scare the hell out of you. 1408 Movie is about a supernatural writer Mike Enslin, an author of two hit books focusing on supernatural phenomena. As research for his latest book, Enslin is determined to check out the notorious room 1408 in a New York City hotel by personally staying as a guest in the fabled room. With the intention that 1408 is just a myth perpetuated by stories and rumor that Enslin has collected for his past works. However, hotel manager Mr. Olin has strong objections to Enslin's stay and only warns him of possible danger to come. But Enslin is determined to go through and convinced that the horrific past of 1408 is just mere coincidence and a myth. But what Mike Enslin is about to experience is no myth, as 1408 truly is a room where the guests don't check out by noon. It's starring John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson. This movie will surely give us a real scare. So if you are a horror film fanatic don't ever miss 1408 Movie because if it's based on a novel by Stephen King, then it will surely be a hit.