Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Superbad Movie

11:18 PM / 8 comments

It's been awhile since I actually watch a movie or was interested in watching a movie. I have been browsing online today to see what's the latest film that would be great to watch and I cam across Superbad. Superbad revolves around two co-dependent high school seniors (Hill and Cera) who set out to score alcohol for a party, believing that girls will then hook up with them and they will be ready for college. But as the night grows more chaotic, overcoming their separation anxiety becomes a greater challenge than getting the girls. I saw reviews online that this is the funniest movies they've seen this year so I think this will be a great movie to watch since I love to watch comedies. If you watch to check out clips of the movie you can log on at Superbadclips.com and I'm sure you will laugh like you've never laughed before. And if you want some more go to Youtube.com and there you can find 5 Superbad videos to watch. If you are in need of a laugh watch Superbad and you won't be disappointed. And for ringtones and wallpapers of the movie you can go get it an their official site at Areyousuperbad.com. In theaters on August 17th so don't miss it.
