Tuesday, August 21, 2007

bathroom lighting

3:40 PM / 0 comments

I have been complaining to my Dad to change the bathroom lights because it's a little dim over there. And the kids have a hard time using it at night time because they think it's a little dark. Properly lit bathrooms does ensure the safety while using the bathroom. Since we have kids we need to have the bathroom as safe as possible so that they can use it alone wihtout us following them all the way to the bathroom. Plus bathroom nowadays has become a refuge for many so why not light it adequately? A good lighting plan is a series of layers — placing ample light where it is needed for showers, shaving, or putting on makeup, for instance, while other light sources enhance the overall mood of the room. Create an atmosphere you can totally relax in, get the best bathroom lighting to transform your bathroom not just a another room in your house but a place where you can truly start your day refreshed.