1. Do you take vitamins and if so, what?
Right now yeah..still taking my prenatal with Iron...but when i wasn't pregnant I don't take vitamins...it's a hassle lol.
2. Do you make an effort to eat healthy, or you eat whatever you feel like eating? I make an effort to eat healthy especially when I got pregnant...but sometimes we do have the occasional junk foods lol.
3. What two types of food do you have a hard time staying away from?
carbs and sweets I guess
4. What are two food items you refuse to eat?
I eat everything too hahaha...but it all depends on my mood..sometimes I love pasta but one day I won't eat them..lol
5. Are you pleased with your daily diet or do you think it could be better?
not really..but will try harder to make it healthy lol
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