Ever since I gave birth to the girls, I keep having back pains. I don't really why or how I got it. I keep on researching on why I have gotten this persistent back pains. Sitting in front of the computer for hours I guess also does not help. Maybe when you get pregnant and once the belly gets bigger and bigger it is getting harder for the back. Since it's been the third time that I got pregnant my body really took it hard. By the middle of my pregnancy, I had a hard time sleeping because of this back pain. There are times when I cry myself to sleep because of the excruciating pain. I keep on drinking motrin to ease the pain but since Jessela is still don't have a schedule and wakes up many times at night I cannot drink motrin because I may have a hard time waking up when she needs to be fed or change. Thank God I have a friend who recommended Freeze It Gel. She said I can use it to ease the pain of my back without getting drowsy and I can be active to take care of Jessela. I really need it because I have to carry Jessela all the time because she does get fussy during the night. I can use Freeze It Gel as many as four times a day. This really helps when I need to catch some sleep when Jessela goes to sleep. Now I can sleep without worrying the pain. With Freeze It Gel I can take care of the girls more efficiently.

Freeze It can help people like me who has persistent joint or muscle pain. By rubbing the gel the pain quickly wears off making your life much better. Now I can even stay in the computer without getting worried that it'll give more pain. I am able to concentrate on much better things than just lying down on bed because the pain I have been feeling. I know a lot of my friends who got pregnant and gave birth have persistent back pains either from carrying the baby or from epidural, this will truly help all those nights of pain. No more sleepless nights for people who suffers from back pain and joint pain if you use Freeze It Gel. If you want to get relief from any muscle pains you have been experiencing use Freeze It Gel. For more information watch this video:
Labels: Health Issues