Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Going to Disneyland

2:27 PM / 1 comments

This coming Christmas break we're taking the girls to Disneyland. It has been a tradition for us to go to Disneyland on Christmas and we're continuing that tradition. It'll be Jessela's first time. It's part of the girls' gifts this coming Holidays. I know how much they love Disney so this will be a chance again to go to the happiest place on earth. But before we go I need to book hotel room for us to stay. Been looking for deals online and found a great deal at Hotel Reservations. Hotel Reservations offer so many choices for us to stay like hotels, motels, resorts or vacation rentals. Vacation rentals would be great when we go to Hawaii in the near future. I know some of you are traveling over the holidays and you know how expensive hotel rooms could get during the holiday season so try hotel reservations and you can save almost 70% off.


Take Two

2:16 PM / 1 comments

Grabbed this from Shabem

1. Two names I go by: Juzahlyn and Joyce
2. Two things I am wearing right now: t-shirt and pants
3. Two things I want (or have) in a relationship: Love and Trust
4. Two things I like to do: digiscrapbooking and blogging
5. Two things I want very badly in this moment: Nothing really I have everything I want
6. Two things I did last night: Blogging and scrapping
7. Two things I ate today: Rice and Fish sinigang
8. Two persons I last spoke to: Daddy and Jewelle
9. Two things I am doing tomorrow: blog (I guess) and organize the clothes
10. Two favourite days of the week: Saturday and Sunday...I can sleep in
11. Two favourite holidays: Christmas and New Year's
12. Two favourite beverages: water and nesquik
13. Two things about me that you may not have known: I wear socks whenever I go to sleep and I eat everything and anything lol (takaw ba?)
14. Two jobs that I have had in my life: wife and a mommy hahahah (it is a job you
15. Two movies I would watch over and over: any Disney movies...the girls watch it all the time
16. Two places I have lived: San Diego & Oxnard
17. Two of my favorite food: Pork Sinigang and Filipino style spaghetti
18. Two places I would rather be right now: Hawaii or Mexico somewhere hot


I know that a lot of people have a problem with their weight. I know some people who can't seem to lose the weight with dieting and exercise. They've been thinking of doing LAP BAND surgery to have the weight they desire. If you are interested with LAP BAND surgery which is a procedure to reduces your stomach capabilities to ingest more foods. Journey lite is one of the companies who specializes in LAP BAND surgeries. They have offices all round the country like in Los Angeles and houston weight loss surgery. If dieting and exercise don't work for you maybe LAP BAND can help you.


I have missed this show. I love Maging sino ka man. Like a lot of you who probably watched the show I was crying buckets of tears to every heart wrenching episodes. Now they are coming back. Maging Sino ka man: Ang Pagbabalik will debut on December 10. Just two weeks away. I can't wait. They've added you characters we should watch out for. It's the beginning of a new saga again. Can't wait to see Eli, Jackie, Celine & JB.


I dread the holiday season as much as I look forward to it. Why? Because of all the shopping I need to do. The girls have a long list of things they want to have this coming Christmas and I need to save as much money as I can because we're having Jessela's baptism right after the new year's. I was surfing online and found who offers coupons to stores I love like Target and Gap. I can now go shopping and save some money. You can save some money at so visit today.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

30 things that change when you have a baby

8:52 PM / 2 comments

1. You finally stop to smell the roses, because your baby is in your arms.

2. Where you once believed you were fearless, you now find yourself afraid.

3. The sacrifices you thought you made to have a child no longer seem like sacrifices.

4. You respect your body ... finally.

5. You respect your parents and love them in a new way.

6. You find that your baby's pain feels much worse than your own.

7. You believe once again in the things you believed in as a child.

8. You lose touch with the people in your life whom you should have banished years ago.

9. Your heart breaks much more easily.

10. You think of someone else 234,836,178,976 times a day.

11. Every day is a surprise.

12. Bodily functions are no longer repulsive. In fact, they please you. (Hooray for poop!)

13. You look at your baby in the mirror instead of yourself.

14. You become a morning person.

15. Your love becomes limitless, a superhuman power.

And from our readers...

1. "You discover how much there is to say about one tooth." — Ashley's mom

2. "You finally realize that true joy doesn't come from material wealth." — Anonymous

3. "You now know where the sun comes from." — Charlotte

4. "You'd rather buy a plastic tricycle than those shoes that you've been dying to have." — Sophie's mom

5. "You realize that although sticky, lollipops have magical powers." — Roxanne

6. "You don't mind going to bed at 9 p.m. on Friday night." — Kellye

7. "Silence? What's that?" — Anonymous

8. "You realize that the 15 pounds you can't seem to get rid of are totally worth having." — Brenda

9. "You discover an inner strength you never thought you had." — Ronin and Brookie's mom

10. "You no longer rely on a clock — your baby now sets your schedule." — Thomas' mom

11. "You give parents with a screaming child an 'I-know-the-feeling' look instead of a 'Can't-they-shut-him-up?' one." — Jaidyn's mom

12. "Your dog — who used to be your 'baby' — becomes just a dog." — Kara

13. "You take the time for one more hug and kiss even if it means you'll be late." — Tracey

14. "You learn that taking a shower is a luxury." — Jayden's mom

15. "You realize that you can love a complete stranger." — Dezarae's mom

Source: Babycenter

There are so many things that change when we get a baby. It's not all about me anymore. I have to be responsible for somebody else other than myself. I have learned alot being a mother of three and I'm always learning because I know I still have plenty to learn.


Monday, November 26, 2007

organizing our closets

3:33 PM / 0 comments

I really need to start organizing our closets because I'm having a hard time finding clothes every time I dress the girls. Even though I know that I have bought them so many clothes. We also have a lot of clothes we hardly wear anymore so that needs to go to make wake for the other clothes I recently bought. I need some space bags so that I can put them away without having to occupy too much space inside the closet. I have to do that soon because I just bought gazillion clothes for the girls over the weekend ahahaha.

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Last week she finally revealed to us her designs and they are all gorgeous. I have been eyeing her designs since Monday last week when she debuted at The Digichick and since I know that there are going to be a big sale on Black Friday I waited to buy her stuff that friday and I can't wait to use them. They are so realistic and beautiful. here are what I grabbed at her store:



3:23 PM / 0 comments

I usually suffer from migraines headaches usually at the time of my menstrual period. Sometimes it's so bad that no medicine can make it alright. I usually try to sleep it off but since I have three kids to take care of most of the time that is not an option. Someone told me to get Botox for headaches because it truly help her with her headaches. I might just do that if my headaches gets worse. I don't want to suffer from migraines headaches anymore. It's time to get a permanent relief from it.


Both of You Wear the Pants

You and your guy seem to have stuck the perfect power balance.
It's not that you don't disagree - it's just that you've learned how to compromise well.
You're both mature enough to know that you can't always get your way...
And usually, you're both adult enough to reach an agreement - even if that sometimes means giving in a little.
Who Wears the Pants... You or Your Guy?

Heheheh...It used to be me most of the time. But since I've matured a little bit, I let him wear the pants once in a while hahahah.



3:15 PM / 1 comments

I'm not a makeup kind of person because I really don't have the time to put on makeup. When I go out I'm always rushing and don't even bother to put on makeup. But since my friends have been asking me to wear makeup thought I should try it. I don't need to wear it all the time or something but maybe sometimes when I have the time to but first I need makeup mirrors. But before I buy a mirror since I'm really clueless about all of these things should read they Mirror's buying guide at


Did you guys shop? I Did hahaha...I woke up 4:30AM to go to the mall. I thought we were early but we were wrong. The line was Crazy I cannot believe people would wake up soooo early to shop hahaha. I was having a hard time standing on line because it was hot that I keep getting dizzy. So I only dropped by a few stores...I shopped online instead when I got back home. The mall was just chaotic.

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I really want to go back to my old weight because I don't want to buy anymore clothes when I know in my heart I want to go back to my old size. It's a waste of money to buy clothes that I would only wear a few times. I'm very determined to lose the pregnancy weight and if not I can try hoodia. Hoodia can suppress your appetite so that you won't eat as much resulting on much lesser weight. If I can't do it the natural way...I can try hoodia so I can finally wear my old clothes.


How was the weekend everyone? I really hope you had a great celebration with your family and loved ones. It was great to finally sleep in hahaha because I don't need to help Jelynn get ready for school. It's hard to function sometimes when you don't hyave enough sleep so the weekend help me catch some Zzzz's...finally feel recharged. Another week of sleepless nights again I guess lol...Have a great week everyone!


get help

2:35 PM / 0 comments

Addiction is something serious. Most of the time the one who is addicted does not know he or she needs help so it is important for their loved ones to get them the help they need. If you have loved ones who has a drug or alcohol addiction get them to a drug rehabilitation. Get them the help they need so their lives can go back on track.


Nya-ha-ha...I'm Spongebob!

This is a fun tag! This time you don't have to provide answers, all you have to do is gather all your points and you'll find out the result at the end! Thanks JennyR for tagging me on this one, I really had fun!

Here's The Rules:

Everyone has a personality of a cartoon character. Have you ever asked yourself what cartoon character do you most resemble?

A group of investigators got together and analyzed the personalities of well known and modern cartoon characters. The information that was gathered was made into this test.

Answer all the questions (only 10) with what describes you best, add up all your Points (which are next to the answer that you choose) at the end and look for your results.

Do not cheat by looking at the end of the e-mail before you are done.
Then ask your Friends to answer it. (Make sure to Highlight your answers)

1. Which one of the following describes the perfect date?
.a) Candlelight dinner (4 pts.)
.b) Fun/Theme Park (2 pts.)
.c) Painting in the park (5 pts)
.d) Rock concert (1 pt.)
.e) Going to the movies (3 pts.)

2. What is your favorite type of music?
.a) Rock and Roll (2 pts.)
.b) Alternative (1 pt.)
.c) Soft Rock (4 pts.)
.d) Country (5 pts.)
.e) Pop (3 pts.)

3. What type of movies= do you prefer?
.a) Comedy (2 pts.)
.b) Horror (1 pt.)
.c) Musical (3 pts.)
.d) Romance (4 pts.)
.e) Documentary (5 pts.)

4.. Which one of these occupations would you choose if you only could choose one of these?
.a) Waiter (4 pts.)
.b) Professional Sports Player (5 pts.)
.c) Teacher (3 pts.)
d) Police (2 pts.)
.e) Cashier (1 pt)

5 . What do you do with your spare time?
.a) Exercise (5 pts.)
.b) Read (4 pts.)
.c) Watch television (2 pts.)
.d) Listen to music (1 pt.)
.e) Sleep (3 pts.)

6. Which one of the following colors do you like best?
.a) Yellow (1 pt.)
.b) White (5 pts.)
.c) Sky Blue (3 pts.)
.d) Dark Blue (2 pts.)
.e) Red (4 pts.)

7. What do you prefer to eat?
.a) Snow (3 pts.)
.b) Pizza (2 pts.)
.c) Sushi (1 pt.)
.d) Pasta (4 pts.)
.e) Salad (5 pts.)

8 What is your favorite holiday?
.a) Halloween (1 pt.)
.b) Christmas (3 pts.)
c) New Year (2 pts.)
.d) Valentine's Day (4 pts.)
.e) Thanksgiving (5 pts.)

9. If you could go to one of these places which one would it be?
.a) Paris (4 pts)
.b) Spain (5 pts)
.c) Las Vegas (1 pt)
.d) Hawaii (4 pts)
.e) Hollywood (3 pts)

10. With which of the following would you prefer to spend time with?
.a) Someone Smart (5 pts.)
.b) Someone attractive (2 pts.)
.c) Someone who likes to Party (1 pt.)
.d) Someone who always has fun (3 pts.)
.e) Someone very sentimental (4 pts.)

Now add up your points and find out the answer you have been waiting for!

Put your character in the subject line and forward to your friends and back to the person that sent this to you.

Very interesting to see 'who' your friends are!

(10-16 points) You are Garfield :
You are very comfortable, easy going, and you definitely know how to
have fun but sometimes you take it to an extreme. You always know what
you are doing and you are always in control of your life. Others may
not see things as you do, but that doesn't mean that you always have to do what is right. Try to remember, your happy spirit may hurt you or others.

(17-23 points) You are Snoopy:
You are fun, you are very cool and popular. You always know what's i n
and you are never are out of style You are good at knowing how to
satisfy everyone else. You have probably disappeared for a few days
more than once but you always come home with the family values that you learned Being married and having children are important to you, but
only after you have had your share of fun times

(24-28 points) You are Elmo:
You have lots of friends and you are also popular, always willing to
give advice and help out a person in need. You are very optimistic and
you always see the bright side of things. Some good advice: try not to
be too much of a dreamer. Dreaming too big could cause many conflicts in
your life.

(29-35 points) THIS IS ME!!! You are Sponge Bob Square Pants: You are the classic person that everyone loves. You are the best friend that anyone could ever have and never wants to lose. You never cause harm to anyone and they would never not understand your feelings. Life is a journey, it's funny and calm for the most part. Stay away from traitors and jealous people, and you will be stress free.

(36-43 points) You are Charlie Brown: ( This is Me! )
You are tender, you fall in love quickly but you are also very serious
about all relationships. You are a family person. You call your Mom
every Sunday. You have many friends and may occasionally forget a few
Birthdays. Don't let your passion confuse you with reality.

(44-50 points) You are Dexter:
You are smart and definitely a thinker... Every situation is fronted
with a plan. You have a brilliant mind. You demonstrate very strong
family principles. You maintain a stable routine but never ignore a bad
situation when it comes. Try to do less over thinking every once in a
while to spice things up a bit with spontaneity!


Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Going back to Orlando

11:07 PM / 0 comments

I think the girls have pretty made up their mind that our next vacation would be in Disneyworld once again. I don't mind because we weren't able to tour the whole Disneyworld. But this time around we might do the Disney cruise also to make it a little different but it still depends if we can afford that haha. We are a family of five now and the girls are older so they aren't free anymore. To save money it would be nice to have vacation home Orlando so that we don't have to pay a lot of money for a hotel. The girls really want to go back so I have been looking around for deals so that we can take them again without spending too much money. It'll be sometime next year and if I want to save us money I have to start looking for a place to stay and plane tickets this early. Hopefully I can find a great deal so that we can go back and experience the Disney magic once more.


A question tag from JenR. Thanks sis!

When did you ever consider you were so depressed or when was the time you were at the lowest point of your life?

After I gave birth to Jelynn and then after three weeks my mom died. I didn't even know how I survived those months I was in San Diego with a newborn and grieving. On top of that Rico was always away. I wouldn't see him for weeks. I was always crying because I didn't know what to do especially Jelynn got used to Rico carrying her all the time. She wouldn't go to sleep. Then I would constantly dream of my mom. I was so lucky it did not turn out to be full blown depression. I had to be strong for my baby...for myself because I know I'm the only one who can help myself.



10:51 PM / 0 comments

Do you guys love Wizard of Oz? I do. I watched it so many times and I think I've memorized all the lines. There's an untold story of the Wizard of Oz called Wicked. I've always wanted to see it but never got a chance to. This is a story of the witches in the Wizard of Oz. Long before Dorothy dropped in, two other girls meet in the Land of Oz. One, born with emerald-green skin, is smart, fiery and misunderstood. The other is beautiful, ambitious and very popular. How these two unlikely friends end up as the Wicked Witch of the West and Glinda the Good Witch makes for the most spellbinding new musical in years. It would be nice to see it since I'm a big fan of the Wizard of Oz. And since the musical is coming here in California I'm looking for Wicked tickets. This will be my chance to watch the show finally!


This Christmas the color would be pink. Yes the girls' gifts would consist of mostly pink stuff. They have been telling me what they wanted as early as June. I keep telling them they have to wait until Christmas. I told them that Santa might bring it to them if they are good and they have been understanding. Here are some of the gifts the girls will have this coming Christmas:

Totally pink huh? hehehhe. It's fun to be a girl hahaha!

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Ever since I gave birth to the girls, I keep having back pains. I don't really why or how I got it. I keep on researching on why I have gotten this persistent back pains. Sitting in front of the computer for hours I guess also does not help. Maybe when you get pregnant and once the belly gets bigger and bigger it is getting harder for the back. Since it's been the third time that I got pregnant my body really took it hard. By the middle of my pregnancy, I had a hard time sleeping because of this back pain. There are times when I cry myself to sleep because of the excruciating pain. I keep on drinking motrin to ease the pain but since Jessela is still don't have a schedule and wakes up many times at night I cannot drink motrin because I may have a hard time waking up when she needs to be fed or change. Thank God I have a friend who recommended Freeze It Gel. She said I can use it to ease the pain of my back without getting drowsy and I can be active to take care of Jessela. I really need it because I have to carry Jessela all the time because she does get fussy during the night. I can use Freeze It Gel as many as four times a day. This really helps when I need to catch some sleep when Jessela goes to sleep. Now I can sleep without worrying the pain. With Freeze It Gel I can take care of the girls more efficiently.

Freeze It can help people like me who has persistent joint or muscle pain. By rubbing the gel the pain quickly wears off making your life much better. Now I can even stay in the computer without getting worried that it'll give more pain. I am able to concentrate on much better things than just lying down on bed because the pain I have been feeling. I know a lot of my friends who got pregnant and gave birth have persistent back pains either from carrying the baby or from epidural, this will truly help all those nights of pain. No more sleepless nights for people who suffers from back pain and joint pain if you use Freeze It Gel. If you want to get relief from any muscle pains you have been experiencing use Freeze It Gel. For more information watch this video:


Gosh I hardly drop by this blog anymore hahaha. It's so hard to update four blogs regularly. Plus everytime Rico is here I don't get to blog. Last weekend Rico came home because it's his weekend off. He gets every other weekend off. So when he is here I try not to spend too much time in the computer since we don't see him everyday. We want to spend as much time with him as possible. It was a busy weekend for us. We had to go San Mateo to pick up Jessela's birth certificate so Rico can add her to our insurance. Then we went to Schubert's for their delicious chocolate mousse cake. A one month cake for Jessela hehehe. Saturday we went to my nephew's bday party. We were invited to a friend's son party too but we just don't have the time anymore because my cousin lives all the way to Pittsburg about an hour drive but since traffic was bad going across the bay we waited in traffic for about an hour. Argghh! Rico left Sunday night. He was delayed for nearly 4 hours because it was foggy in San Diego. They were having a hard time flying in to San Diego. He got to San Diego at 1AM. He won't be with us this Thanksgiving because he is working until the 21st then he works again on the 23rd. I don't want to book him a $300 flight for just an overnight stay. hahahah Pangshashopping ko na lang yon lol. So that was our weekend. We still can't get an interview to the priest. I'm really getting frustrated. And Rico won't be home again until the 14th of December. So I don't know how January 5th baptism is going to happen. Hopefully it will because I don't want to baptised Jessela later than that. And if we wait until Rico comes home after his deployment next year it'll be about June and Jessela would already be 8 months old. Ang tanda na magbinyag lol. Plus I want her to be able to have the Lord's blessing as early as possible. Oh well hopefully I get an appointment for an interview next week since they don't do interviews this week because of Thanksgiving.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

plasma TV

7:25 PM / 0 comments

The parents are rearranging everything downstairs because the arrangement right now makes it too crowded. They are also eliminating a lot of stuff and they want to mount the plasma TV so it's out of the way and won't need a TV stand that will make the living more crowded. They are looking for plasma mount so that they can eliminate the TV stand. At they have plasma mounts at a great price so I'll have them check it out.


Movie time

7:18 PM / 0 comments

We love watching DVDs as a family. We love tuesdays because that's when the new releases come out. There were a lot of DVDs that came out the last couple of weeks that we were waiting for. Here what we got:

The girls have been watching the cartoons nonstop hehehe. Since we don't go to the movie theaters we usually wait for all the movies we like to go to DVD and we've been waiting for six months to watch these movies...hehe

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Friday, November 16, 2007

getting back in shape

9:23 AM / 0 comments

It's been a month ago since I gave birth to Jessela. I pretty much lost a lot of weight already but I still have about a few more pounds to shed so that I can go back to my old clothes. I'm looking for an equipment that I could use and treadmill is the best choice. At they have different kinds of treadmills and shipping is free. This will really get me in shape. Hopefully by my birthday I can be back with my clothes.


You are a Balanced Babe!

You're direct and to the point, but never dramatic
You've got the confidence to speak your mind to anyone
But you leave the theatrics to Hollywood
Level headed and emotionally stable, no wonder everyone loves you
How Much of a Drama Queen Are You?

I think this is basically right but there are times when I can be a drama queen. I do have those moments especially with the hubby. I can't help it. It's maybe because I was an only child or maybe just plain being a girl lol.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

New York City

3:52 PM / 0 comments

One of the places I want to go is New York City. There are just too many places to visit. Rico and I are planning to stop at New York when we visit my in-laws in Ohio. Since we're already going to the East Coast we should just go to the places we've been wanting to go and that's New York City. I would love to be able to see the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building and other famous New York places we've only seen in movies. It would be a dream come true to go there plus Rico has relatives to visit over there too. The best way to tour New York City is through New York CityPass. With the New York CityPass you can visit six famous New York City sights for a low price. Each booklet has a ticket to The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the new Greek and Roman galleries, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Guggenheim Museum and the American Museum of Natural History. Plus, a trip to the top of the Empire State Building Observatory and tour of the Manhattan skyline from the water aboard a Circle Line Sightseeing Cruise. New York CityPass cuts the cost of a Big Apple vacation. And with this citypass you can eliminate long lines because you can just go to the gate directly. You can buy this CityPass for a low price of $65 for adults and $49 for kids compare to $130 when you pay at the entrance gate. This is the best way to visit New York because with each ticket purchase there are tips, location and transportation information to help you navigate your way. If you are planning to go to New York anytime soon, New York CityPass is having a winter special running from December 15 to March 15. This is a great gift to people who loves to travel and what is the best place to travel this coming holiday? Of course that would be New York because New York City is full of excitement.


Last night was the worst sleepless night I've had ever since Jessela was born. From 10:00PM to 5:30AM she refuses to be put down. Everytime I try to put her to her crib or to her bouncer within 10 minutes she would start to cry. I thought she was hungry so I keep giving her some food which she keeps on drinking but at 3:00AM she threw up everything she ate. I was able to catch an hour or so sleep this morning. So yes I'm running on pure adrenaline. I have a migraine and I'm tired. I want to go to sleep but everytime I put on her crib she still cries. She wants to sleep in our bed which I cannot let her sleep in if I'm sleeping too because the girls might hurt her. So I keep trying to put her on her crib but she keeps on crying....ahhh hopefully she'll let me sleep tonight.


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

getting hosted

12:45 PM / 0 comments

I have been planning for awhile to get this blog hosted somewhere affordable because I want to be able to do everything I want to do with my blog without any restrictions. At you can read the hostmonster review and get hosted at Hostmonster for a low price of $4.95 per month. Honstmonster is rated #1 hosting company for ten months already. They offer unlimited domain hosting with 300GB Disk Space and 3000GB Bandwidth + unlimited Add-on domain. I'll have to check that out because it does look like the best deal out there.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Get inspired

5:32 PM / 1 comments

We can't help but sometimes we lose our mojo and it's been happening a lot lately. So I thought of buying something to help me get inspired. I have been waiting for the sale at because they have great scrappbooking books for inspiration. Since they are having their last sale for the year I stopped by over there and got these:

I can't wait to read them and get inspired!

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I know nowadays that money doesn't come easily. It seems like everything is getting expensive while salaries doesn't increase. So I can understand how people don't have enough at times. But don't despair there are ways now to pay those bills when you are short on cash through Payday loans. Payday loans is quick and easy to get cash when emergency strikes. If you are experiencing some money problems right now, this is a great way to get short term loans. If you want to apply for loans call them at 1-888-615-4346.


I saw this tag from JenR..thought of grabbing it hehehe. Thanks girl!

1) What's the brand of your wristwatch?
Dooney & Burke

2) What's the brand of your bracelet?
Don't wear one

3) What's the brand of your cell phone?

4) What's the brand of your computer?
Sony Vaio for the for the laptop

5) What's the brand of your bags?
Coach, Dooney & Burke, Juicy Couture, Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Kate Spade

6) What's the brand of your undies?
Victoria Secret

7 ) What's the brand of your flip-
Roxy, Aerosoles

8 ) What's the brand of your shoes?
Lacoste, Diesel, Bakers, Report

9) What's the brand of your wallet?

10 ) What's the brand of your shirts?
Forever21, Fang, Aeropostale

11) What's the brand of your TV?

12) What's the brand of your cars?
Nissan & Acura

13) What's the brand of your mp3

14) What's the brand of your make up?
Mac, Bare Essentuals

15) What's the brand of your shampoo
and conditioner?

16) What's the brand of your jeans?
True Religion, Seven Jeans, Juicy Couture, Joe's Jeans

17) What's the brand of your laundry
Dreft (yes the one for baby lol)..sensitive skin namin eh hahaha

1 What's the brand of your lotion?
Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker

19) What's the brand of your

20) What's the brand of your ballpen?
huh? dunno lol



12:43 PM / 1 comments

I feel bad relying on Rico on a lot of things especially for all the digiscrapping supplies I have been buying so I have been looking around to earn a little extra money for my hobby and I found bloggerwave. At bloggerwave you can review products or websites to earn money. Write something you care about or interested in and get paid. That's how easy it is so get started today.

I gave in with the temptation and subscribed to Pinoy Big Brother Celebrity Edition. I wasn't able to watch the first celebrity edition of PBB so I thought I'll try this one this time. I wanna see how celebrity will act when they are being watch. I subscribed last week and I have been laughing ever since. This PBB batch made me laugh so much I guess it's because of Ethel Booba and Reuben. I don't have a favorite yet. I just loev watching the show...hahaha keeping me awake during the wee hours of the night here since they run in Phipippines time. When Jessela is awake during the night I turn on PBB just to keep me awake. It's a big help because I run on 3 hours of sleeps every day and if I don't have anything to do then I'll probably cannot keep myself awake. Thank God.



12:12 PM / 0 comments

We really need more cabinets because we have so many things that are just in boxes. We want to store them in the garage so we need more garage cabinets so we can organize them all. We accumulated so many things and it's just a waste to see them in boxes so a garage cabinets will make it easy for us to find them and it's more organize. Plus the girls have so many old clothes they outgrow already since most of those clothes were hardly worn Jessela can wear them later on so we need to store them somewhere safe away from dusts or water and cabinets are the best way to store them. At, they have a lot of garage cabinets to choose from and will fit with our budget.


Thursday, November 1, 2007

Another question

11:30 AM / 1 comments

This question is asked by Chekwa. Thanks sis..I'll try to answer the best as I can hehehe...

Do you take LIFE as a DESTINY OR A CHOICE?

I believe that we are destined for certain things that no matter what you do God already set a life you are meant to lead. That's why there are certain things we can't really explain because it is already predetermined for us.

I don't have a question..hehehe sorry...Can't think that much...haha lack of sleep you know.
