Cooking has always been my passion. I just love to cook but I hate cleaning after lol. So when I cook I need to have somebody who will wash all the dishes and utensils I used lol. I haven't cooked for a long time now I think they are missing my delicious dishes here in the house hehehe. One of these days I will start cooking again since I'm also getting tired of all the food they've been feeding me here but first I need to get some cute aprons since I don't have any. Then I can start cooking again especially Thanksgiving is coming up. I need to come up with a sumptuous dinner.
Labels: cooking
We've decided to have Jessela baptized on December 1st because Rico is again leaving for a four month deployment in January. Yeah, he is leaving again but what else is new? We are all getting used to it. Anyways, been searching around for a baptism dress for Baby JE and found this beautiful dress:

Isn't pretty? It's a little expensive than what I care to pay though hahaha. I mean she's only going to use it once so initially I don't want to pay a lot of money for a baptism dress and I bet she'll be out of the dress immediately after the ceremony. But then she'll look really pretty with the dress hahaha...need to make up my mind soon since I only have about a month to go and I don't want to be searching around town for a dress. If I can't find a pretty dress by next week I guess this will be it.
finding the right home
Finding the right home is hard to do by yourself so you need a real estate agent to help you find the right house. The parents still haven't found the right house. They want to invest more at real estate because as we all know there is money to be made by buying a house. It's just that it's hard to buy a house right now because the interest rate are really high. They need to find a great rate that they are comfortable with paying. Hopefully they find one soon.
How's my health?
1. Do you take vitamins and if so, what?
Right now yeah..still taking my prenatal with Iron...but when i wasn't pregnant I don't take's a hassle lol.
2. Do you make an effort to eat healthy, or you eat whatever you feel like eating? I make an effort to eat healthy especially when I got pregnant...but sometimes we do have the occasional junk foods lol.
3. What two types of food do you have a hard time staying away from?
carbs and sweets I guess
4. What are two food items you refuse to eat?
I eat everything too hahaha...but it all depends on my mood..sometimes I love pasta but one day I won't eat
5. Are you pleased with your daily diet or do you think it could be better?
not really..but will try harder to make it healthy lol
Labels: Tags
Housing market
The parents are trying to buy another house but with the interest rates being so high right now it's hard to buy a house. They're looking for a mortgage rate that is fixed and affordable. They are looking for a Mortgage Broker that can help them find the best rate in the market. I was trying to help them find a great broker and found one at Money Magic Mortgages. They will search the whole mortgage market to find the best rate that suits your needs so you don't have to do all the work. If you've been looking around for the best rate out there and can't find one then try hiring Mortgage broker at Money Magic Mortgages and I'm sure they'll find something that is just right for you.
Questions and more questions
Tagged by Nita. Thanks for tagging me sis.
1. Name one person who made you laugh last night? Jelynn
2. What were you doing at 0800?trying to sleep lol
3. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? feeding Jessela
4. What happened to you in 2006? I got fat lol
5. What was the last thing you said out loud? I love you Rico
6. How many beverages did you have today? one
7. What color is your hairbrush? baby blue
8. What was the last thing you paid for? my groceries from Costco
9. Where were you last night? At home.
10. What color is your front door? blue
11. Where do you keep your change? in the Eiffel Tower replica lol...
12. What’s the weather like today? cloudy, sunny, foggy all at the same time...yes that's San Francisco alright
13. What’s the best ice-cream flavor? not an ice cream person
14. What excites you? traveling with my family
15. Do you want to cut your hair?'s too long na eh
16. Are you over the age of 25? Oh yeah. Does that mean I'm old? hahaha
17. Do you talk a lot? Most of the time...
18. Do you watch the O.C.? no..never
19. Do you know anyone named Steven? yeah used to work with him
20. Do you make up your own words? no not really
21. Are you a jealous person? kind of lol
22. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘A’. Alvin
23. Name a friend whose name starts with the letter ‘K' . Kristine
24. Who’s the first person on your received call list? Hubby
25. What does the last text message you received say? Email notification
26. Do you chew on your straw? Nope.
27. Do you have curly hair? no
28. Where’s the next place you’re going to? The girls want to go back to Florida, Rico and I want Hawaii...who do you think will win? lol!
29. Who’s the rudest person in your life? nobody naman Thank God
30. What was the last thing you ate? Fried tilapia and rice
31. Will you get married in the future? I’m happily married!
32. What’s the best movie you’ve seen in the past 2 weeks? Ang cute ng Ina mo ...haha made me laugh so hard
33. Is there anyone you like right now? what do you mean lol...I like everyone
34. When was the last time you did the dishes? about 1 hour and a half ago
35. Are you currently depressed? NO
36. Did you cry today? a little bit..I think it's the postpartum blues..ek
37. Why did you answer and post this? I don't have anything to post fillers lol
38. Tag 5 people who would do this survey. anyone who wants it..hehe
Labels: Tags
St. Augustine, Florida
One of my favorite states is Florida. When we went there last year we were able to visit Disney world and the ten days we were there wasn't enough to explore Florida. I want to go back and and visit more places there aside from Disney world and one of the places I want to go to is St. Augustine. St. Augustine, the nation's oldest city, also holds the distinction of being one of the nation's most charming. Known as the "Ancient City," Saint Augustine is located between North East and Central East Florida and is convenient to Jacksonville, Orlando, and Daytona airports. North Florida boasts a year-round mild climate perfect for strolling Saint Augustine's delightful historic district, with its cobblestone streets, quaint cafes, bars, unique shops and bed-and-breakfast inns. Experience the beauty of an early morning that slowly comes alive with locals and tourists setting out on foot to explore significant landmarks such as Castillo de Marcos, Fort Matanzas and Lightner Museums. This time around it would be a great time to visit St. Augustine because of the Uptown Saturday Night event that is going to take place every Saturday night from October 27th to November 24th. A favorite end-of-the-month event, Uptown Saturday Night takes place from 5pm to 9pm the last Saturday of every month in the Uptown San Marco Shopping District, St. Augustine.St. Augustine shopping features some books, antiques and more one of a kind shops. Each participating shop features an open house with wine and refreshments that add to the festive night time atmosphere. The Mission of Nombre de Dios provides free parking for Uptown Saturday Night. Take your family to Uptown Saturday Night at St Augustine and enjoy the old city atmosphere the city has to offer.
Labels: traveling
I have my hands full most of the time...I know it seems I still am blogging alot hehehe but just doing my Opps from payu2blog because they keep giving me some jobs...haven't gotten some opps from PPP just don't have the time to look for jobs...have been so busy with the girls and since Rico is here..I don't like to spend my days in the I try to finish opps that was given to me once a my brain is all drained out hahah...can't think straight that much anymore...ammm probably from lack of sleep....hehehe..anyways, that's about it..I'll try to update soon I guess..we'll see hehhe..have a great week everyone and thanks for the visit!
Labels: Ramblings
I love to buy necklaces that are heart shaped. I was able to get a locket that is a heart shaped at They were able to customized my locket with my girls' photo. I even have my name engraved in the front of the locket. These kinds of gold lockets are special because they can laser print your treasured photo inside the locket or outside. They have different kind of lockets you can choose from. This is a great Christmas gift or anniversary gift. They even offer a Lifetime Guarantee with every pendant being SCRATCH & WATER RESISTANT so you guaranteed to have the best. Here is the locket I got:

want some Juicy?
Here is what Rico got me:

It's a Juicy Couture Day Dreamer Velour Tote. He said I can use it as a diaper bag and I'm not the one to disagree lol. I just love Juicy Couture and Rico knows that hehehe...Didn't even have to ask him to buy it for me...hehehe how sweet huh? or maybe he bought it for his daughter...hahaha
nutritional supplements
Have you been feeling a little down or more tired lately? If you are into sports then your body is constantly tired from all the practices you do so it is important to take care of yourself by taking nutritional supplements. Nutritional supplements are intended to supply you with vitamins, amino acids and proteins that are missing in your diet making you stronger and healthier.
Labels: Health Issues
O.N. Designs

Head over at Scrapbookgraphics and get this grab bags from O.N. Designs. I guarantee you you will love what's inside. I cannot even believe Nicole and Oliver put so many elements inside this bad for just $5.00. It's worth your $5. I can't wait to play with all the elements inside.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking
When I have something important to plan or to write about I do a lot of research. It is better to see what is written about the subject than be clueless about it. And that is true to everything especially in business, you need to base your business through market research so that they would know what people like and dislikes for the business to succeed. Synovate operates around the world to give you the up to date market research out there. You need this if you have a business and if you want your business to succeed.
Labels: Websites
I miss it hehehe...haven't scrapped for about a week already hehehe..been missing a lot of sales too ...must shop some supplies today. I saw Catscrap is having a sale so I will have to go grab some stuff over there that I have been eyeing for. Scrap Girls are also having a sale though I never shopped there before I have a gazillion stuff in my wish lists hehehe. I might stop by over there too. Sometimes there are so many sales that I forget most of them. Good because that means I don't have to spend that much money I guess...bad because I missed the sales...anyways, hopefully I can scrap again anytime soon but if not then at least I have supplies ready when I do lol.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking, Ramblings
utility cart
Nowadays everyone wants to have a more organized house or office. This is more true for schools and hospitals so most of them uses utility cart to store away TVs or anything that they might need in the moment. Utility carts are used in schools when they need to watch TV. They can just roll in the utility carts when they need it and when they don't they can be stored away somewhere. Utility carts at are easy to clean and they are reliable and sturdy.
opportunities that was given to me...I'll be on and off from blogging from now on..still recuperating and hopefully it'll be a fast can read my birthing story at my other blog My own little world if you get a chance. Thank you for all you ladies and gents who prayed for my safe delivery..I really appreciate it. Sorry if I haven't visiting will try to catch up soon.
Labels: Ramblings
ceiling fans
Since San Francisco has a really weird weather, what we need is everything that covers all kinds of weather. We need heater all the way to ceiling fans because the weather changes every couple of hours or so. I have been looking for ceiling fans so we don't need to use the fan all the time and I found great selection of ceiling fans at and most of them have the energy star seal so you know even if you use them all the time you won't pay that much money and that's what we need right now.
Labels: Ramblings, San Francisco
How your life is rated?
Your Life is Rated PG |
![]() Your life is pretty family friendly. The worse someone is going to get from you is brief nudity or toilet humor. |
Labels: Quizzes
Succession planning
In an organization, succession planning is very important because they provide mentoring, training and job rotation. Halogen esuccession is a great succession planning program where it follows the Talent Pool model that states a larger number of "promote-able" employees, who are more likely to stay loyal and whose skills are better aligned with your organizations strategic plans. Once you have this program your organization will run smoothly.
Labels: programs
looking for a new car
A van actually lol. That's what Rico wants as if he'll be the one driving it all the time lol. It'll be me who will be driving the new car because I feel the Pathfinder is a little cramped for all of us already. We need a 7 seater SUV or a van. Rico's gearing toward a van while I'm gearing toward a SUV lol. I actually want either an Armada or Sequoia while Rico wants an Odyssey. I wonder who'll win lol.
Labels: Ramblings
My friend is getting married in December and she's been looking around for gifts she can give for her entourage. I know how hard it is to pick gifts for your entourage because you want to show them your gratitude by picking the best gift possible and if that isn't hard enough you have to pick gifts for the groomsmen and I know how hard that is so I have been helping her to find groomsmen gift. Hopefully we can find something the groomsmen will find useful.
Labels: shopping
Friendly site award

I was given this Friendly Site Award by JenR. Thanks sis I really appreciate it.
I give this back to Yen, Shabem, Rissa, Nita, JennyL, and back to you sis JenR.
I have never these ladies but I can tell that they are warm and friendly. Hopefully someday I will be able to meet all of them.
Labels: awards
a new laptop
Jelynn has claimed the desktop as her own so I'm just left with the laptop while Rico don't have anything so he has been looking around for notebook computer he can bring when he goes to deployment in January. At they have a lot of laptops for sale and hopefully he can find something he likes or maybe I'll find something I like hehehe then I'll give him my old laptop hahaha.
Labels: shopping
rain rain go away
As Jewelle would say...rain rain go away little Juju wants to play just come back another day. The weather is pretty bad lately. It has been raining on and off. I just feel sorry for Jelynn going to school in the rain especially she gets cold pretty easily. Her body just does not like this sudden change of weather here in the Bay Area. I didn't even want to go out yesterday because it was drizzling and very cold but we have no choice Jessela had her appointment yesterday so we need to go out even though I prefer to just stay home. Hopefully this weather does not stay that long.
Labels: Ramblings, San Francisco
There was a time in life when most of my extra money goes to CDs. I just music even though I can't sing very good but I love listening to music. I found a website where I can talk about music to people around the globe and that's IndieMV - Music+People. IndiveMV is a great community to talk about music. You can even check out artist interviews and find videos through their sliders. IndieMV is sponsoring UNICEF Unite Against AIDS concert. They are having a concert to create awareness of the disease AIDS. You can help but showcasing your creativity by creating a video that depict the impact of AIDS and HIV to children worldwide. You can win great prizes if your video is chosen plus you are helping to create awareness of this deadly disease. The UNICEF concert features Avril Lavigne, Sarah McLachlan, Corneille, and Angelique Kidjo and will take place on November 28th at the Bell Centre in Montreal. For more information read the press release down below: Launches and Partners With UNICEF for Upcoming, Star-Studded, 'Unite Against AIDS' Benefit Concert
Avril Lavigne, Sarah McLachlan and Others to Perform at UNICEF AIDS Benefit Concert as IndieMV Provides Music-Video Based Contests to Promote Awareness
NEW YORK & LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IndieMV Media Group announced today the official launch of the Company's web site and shared details about their recent partnership with UNICEF to provide music-video based contests surrounding the upcoming "Unite Against AIDS" benefit concert on November 28, 2007., is a video-based website that has been designed to connect independent music artists, fans, and labels through social networking. The website is not only a video marketplace for musicians but also a social networking service for students, music lovers, and users that simply want to connect. Services to users are based around networking tools such as video blogging (or 'vlogging'), private web-cam messaging, photo sharing, as well as access to music videos, interviews, and much more. Services to musicians include digital distribution with revenue share on video downloads along with access to all user-based features.
IndieMV also offers users a new technology called 'Sliders'. Sliders are an advanced tagging system that allows users to easily search content on a more personalized level. It is a filtering system that each user can customize to their personal interests and preferences.
Concurrent with the website launch, the Company is also pleased to announce their new relationship with UNICEF surrounding music-video based contests that have been organized to help promote their upcoming "Unite Against AIDS" benefit concert in Montreal, Canada on November 28, 2007, as well as promote independent music while spreading awareness for the "Unite For Children, Unite Against AIDS" campaign. IndieMV will be hosting a music-video contest in conjunction with UNICEF. It has been designed to give youth the opportunity to share their impressions and thoughts on issues regarding AIDS and its effect on the world. UNICEF will provide audio tracks and visual footage, and IndieMV will provide the platform for uploading, viewing, and voting for the music videos. Over the next couple of months, the Company's campus development efforts will carry the UNICEF message and encourage thousands to support the campaign and to build their scene on
Confirmed feature performers already include headliner Avril Lavigne, Grammy Award winner Sarah McLachlan, Corneille, Marie-Mai, Angelique Kidjo, and DJ Dino Lenny, as well as the winner of the IndieMV "Unite" band contest. Net proceeds from the concert will benefit UNICEF's international 'Unite For Children, Unite Against AIDS' campaign, which is the largest ever mounted to bring the world's attention to the global impact of HIV and AIDS on children and young people. Please visit for more details surrounding the contests and concert.
Labels: hobbies
Q&A again...
Tagged by Darlene. Thanks sis!
1. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP? *** With my hubby....almost 7 years
2. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED? *** Juicy Couture purse from hubby
3. EVER DROPPED A CELL PHONE? *** Oh yeah many times...even dropped it in water lol
4 . THING(S) YOU SPEND A LOT OF MONEY ON? *** kids' clothes, purses, shoes, digiscrapping supplies lol
5. LAST FOOD YOU ATE? *** mamon from goldilocks
6. ONE FAVORITE SONG? *** Forevermore by Side A
7. WHERE DO YOU LIVE? *** Daly city, ca
8 .LAST WEDDING YOU ATTENDED: *** my cousin's wedding
11. CAN YOU COOK? *** Of course
15. CAN YOU BAKE? *** ammm i'm lacking in that area lol
16.LAST TIME YOU CRIED?: *** this weekend...
18. HATE MOST ABOUT YOURSELF? *** i can be really bitchy
19. CAN YOU SING? *** i love to sing but if i can carry a tune..that's a different story lol
20. DRINK? *** Water
22. DO YOU LIKE COFFEE? *** no
25. CAN YOU PLAY POOL? *** no
26. CAN YOU SWIM? *** no...wahhhh
27. FAVORITE ICE CREAM?: *** none..not an ice cream person
29. WHAT DID YOU DO THIS WEEKEND? *** stayed at the hospital
30. ARE YOU SMILING?: *** I am because i am happy
32. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH?: *** None
33. DO YOU HAVE A SISTER? *** none...only child
34. ARE YOU IN LOVE?: *** Very much indeed!
37. WHAT WERE YOU DOING 10 MINUTES AGO? *** blogging
38. IF YOU WERE A COLOR, WHAT WOULD YOU BE? *** pink...very girly lol
39. IF YOU COULD GO ANYWHERE RIGHT NOW, WHERE? ** * somewhere warm
40. WHAT MOVIE CAN YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER? *** madrasta by sharon cuneta
42. NAME 5 PERSONS WHO'S NAME STARTS WITH THE LETTER "K"?***kitty, kathy, kim, kristine, kenny
43. WHERE'S THE BEST PLACE TO EAT ICE CREAM? ***not into ice cream nga lol
44 . WHO IS YOUR CELEBRITY CRUSH? *** none i think lol
45. SONG LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? ***because of you by kyla
47. ARE YOU ONLINE? *** Yeah
49. ONE THING TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE: *** Make sure my kids are alright
50. ARE YOU BORED? *** tired
I love shopping
That's why I love Christmas hehehe. Because I absolutely love to shop. I know that it does involve money everything you go shopping but if you manage your money pretty well and get promo codes from the stores you plan to shop on, it will truly help you a lot. Especially now the holidays is coming we really need to manage our money so that we can buy quality gifts for everyone on our list. Since I have a lot of nieces and nephews, a great place to shop would be Gap and I found a lot of Gap coupons at Another place to shop at if you have a lot of kids on your list would be Disney shopping because kids absolutely adore disney characters. I'm starting my shopping early because I want to beat the rush. Thank God for, I can save as much as I can.
Labels: shopping
Another week....
and still busy hahaha...I can't keep up anymore...I am just loaded with so many things ...I guess you probably have an idea where I have been the last couple of days...heheh will update you later just doing some opportunities first then will update you of what happened to me this past weekend. I hope you had a wonderful weekend..another week again and hopefully all of you are doing fine. Thanks for the visit. I'm just swamped with everything here in my side of the world ..will try to visit as soon as I can.
Labels: Ramblings
Courtesy of Coutts
Do you constantly want to change you credit cards because of the high interest rates? Are you looking for a credit card that works best for you? Now you can at Courtesy of Coutts. You can have a card that will donate your accumulated points to a charity of your choice. You an also use your points to travel on easyJet in 72 European airports. If you love to travel and you are constantly using a a credit card why not get a Coutts World card and earn rewards you can apply towards that vacation you've been dreaming of.
Labels: services
I completely forgot about sharing Jelynn's first day of school pics. Here's a layout I did of her first day of kindergarten:

Credits are in my DST Gallery.
Anyways, Jelynn has been doing pretty good in school. The teacher has been very impressed by all the things she can do especially she never attended preschool. I don't think I should give credit to myself though hahaha because I didn't actually sit next to her and teach her. I do buy her activity books and I did subscribe at Disney's Preschool time online which she plays most of the time. And I'm also pretty proud because she can figure things out on her own. She would ask me questions occasionally when she doesn't know something but most of the time she figures it out. What I do try to do though is read to the girls everyday before they sleep and once they have that schedule down they would read books throughout the day and it was a great help for both the girls. Their vocabulary expanded and their memories are amazing.
Jelynn memorized the Pledge of Allegiance within two weeks and Jewelle memorized it after three weeks. They love to recite it whenever their lolo and lola asks them to. When Jelynn's class turn to do the Pledge for the whole class her teacher told me she will lead the whole school. Of course, I'm a proud mommy lol. But since she loves school so much she doesn't want to be absent at all even though she doesn't feel well. She is sick again. Been throwing up and having a mild diarrhea. I argue with her that she should just stay home and we'll be going to the doctor but she keeps telling me she NEEDS to go to school. So we just let her go. We just let her teacher know that she hasn't been feeling well lately. I cannot believe how much she loves going to school...but at least we didn't have a hard time putting her to school...Hopefully Jewelle will be the same hehehe.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking, School, The Girls
RC airplanes
Rico's into a lot of things and that includes RC airplanes. He is so fascinated with airplanes that he tries to collect them too. Building RC airplanes is now a very popular hobby for a lot of guys and Rico is no exception. If you like the idea of flying a RC airplane then go grab one today and start learning. At Hobby Warehouse they offer free shipping for a limited time so hurry!
Labels: hobbies
Getting ready ....
I sometimes procrastinate..I only had my hospital bag done just about a couple of weeks ago hehehe. I know in my heart I wouldn't give birth that early that's why I didn't pack it earlier. Here are what I'm bringing:
*Gazillion panties hahahah(yes too many of them)
*Thick socks
*going home clothes (I actually have three hahaha..I have it in different sizes just in case I don't fit)
*my Rebel (of course I wouldn't dare give birth without a camera lol)
For the Baby
*5 one pieces
*3 receiving blankets
*1 big blanket
*5 going home clothes ( heheh I can't decide once again)
*2 sweaters
*4 socks
These are what I'm bringing for about 48 hours stay in the hospital lol. Even though we live like 5 minutes from the hospital hahaha. I didn't even pack anything for Rico because he can just go home and take a shower hahah.
getting help
People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol should get help immediately. Their families should try to get them the help they truly need by bringing them into drug rehabs where they can be monitored and have the therapy that can help them overcome their addiction. Addiction can ruin lives so get the help as soon as possible. Don't wait too long because the longer you wait the addiction will get much worse.
Labels: Health Issues
Life has been pretty hectic here
It's been pretty hectic lately. We have been running around the city doing errands and since it rained yesterday and was pretty cold to go out we weren't able to do a lot of the things we planned to do. Today was another busy day, running around because of appointments and last minute shopping for the baby. We are fixing the house too so that has been keeping us busy. I can't even sit long enough to grab some opportunities at PPP lol. Just a couple of more days and we'll be finish hopefully. Anyways, thank you ladies and/or gents for dropping by and checking on me. I appreciate it always. Will try to catch up with you soon.
Labels: Ramblings
Since we are growing as a family, the parents have been looking for a bigger place for all of us to live. So we're looking for the best rates for home loans. We really need a mortgage rate that is suitable for our monthly income. Since they have no intention of selling this house we have right now we have to have mortgage rates that is significantly low because of we'll have two monthly payments to pay. At My Home Loan Mortgages they have a lot of mortgage loan options we can choose from. Hopefully they can help us buy a new house we're going to be comfortable living in for years to come.
Labels: Investments
Rico's coming home again today and won't be back to work until the end of the month. He is taking his Baby leave early because I'm getting nervous already hahaha. I think I may go in labor any day now and I don't want to take the chance of giving birth by myself. I mean it's okey if I give birth during the day since there are always flights coming and going but what if I give birth during the night..he can't just take a flight he has to wait until the morning and with my history of fast labor, I think I probably have given birth by then hehehe. Since I have been feeling a lot of contractions lately I think it'll be any day now. Hopefully sometime after the 8th because I still have to bring my little girl to her allergist on Monday hahaha. I had an appointment last Wednesday and she predicted that it can happen this weekend but I doubt it hahaha I'm only 1.5 cm dilated. I think it will still be awhile. But she said because this is the third baby it can go faster than the previous ones. And she said that once I go into labor she's pretty sure it won't be false will definitely a labor that will bring out the baby. Ahhh...I'm because I don't know when I'm giving birth. With both kids I had induction done so I didn't panic or anything. Hopefully it doesn't happen in the middle of the night or we're far away from the hospital lol. We have been preparing the house for the big arrival. We want everything clean and with two little girls that's a hard thing to do lol. I also started my laundry ahha I want to be able to iron Jelynn's uniforms and get all her clothes ready before I go into labor. So that's about it...hope you have a great weekend! For those who live her in the States, you are probably having a three day weekend... Have fun!
Labels: Ramblings
Las Vegas real estate
Since we spend quite sometime in Las Vegas every year I think it would be a nice idea to buy a house over there since Las Vegas Real Estate is thriving nowadays. We can have it rented out when we're not vacationing. I think this would be a great investment because I know a lot of people who did the same. They bought a house in Las Vegas and have it rented out when they're not there. You already got an investment plus you save money when you visit Vegas you won't need a hotel room.
Labels: Investments
Doing the laundry
Ever since Jelynn started school, I seem to be doing the laundry more often. We change clothes so many times that the laundry accumulate so fast. So today is another laundry day. I'm actually doing it today instead of the weekend because I have loads and loads of laundry to do. I'm also washing all the beddings in preparation for Baby Je's arrival. I want the house clean. All the beddings clean and all the laundry done. Hmmm maybe this is what they call the nesting intuition...could this mean the baby is coming soon?
Labels: Housework
Freezing weather
It is suppose to be fall so it shouldn't be that cold but I don't know what's wrong with San Francisco's weather because the last couple of days have been freezing cold. It is sunny but very breezy. Since we lived in Southern California for awhile we don't have a lot of cold weather clothes. Rico is specially in need of North Face jacket because he doesn't have a lot. Since he'll be taking time off from work as part of his baby leave we really need to get him warm clothes so he wouldn't complain about being here in San Francisco hehehe.
Labels: shopping
Finally caught up...
with one of my Teleseryes...I only finished about 2 weeks worth of episodes I missed of Natutulog na ba ang Diyos. I heard that the show is ending soon so I thought of catching up before the ending. I just hate it if I find the ending first before watching it hehehe. I still have Ysabella to catch up..I think I have 3 weeks worth of episodes that I missed plus the Pangarap na Bituin which I haven't even started and also Lastikman. Thank God I have abs-cbn now I can watch it in the internet and the episodes are stored there for quite sometime so I have time to watch it before they get deleted.
Labels: TV Shows
Eating out
Eating out is one of the things Rico and I love to do. We love trying out new restaurants because we are both food lovers. We specially love Chinese and Japanese foods but we love all kinds of food. We always find something we like in a restaurant we go to. Someday when we go to Europe to visit we will definitely try different restaurants because I heard that chesterfield restaurant have great food they offer. Chesterfield is located in England. I should have my friend try it out since she lives over there. She's a food lover too and I bet she'll just love to try new restaurants with her hubby. It would be a great way for them to have a romnantic night out once a week or so. They can try many restaurant at Chesterfield which is run by acclaimed chefs.
Labels: Lifestyle
Lookie here....
So this is the sale I have been waiting for:

I absolutely adore Kay Miller's kits. They are whimsical and girly. I love using her kits with the girls' pictures. If you've seen my gallery at DST...I have a lot of layouts done with her kits hehehe. I already spent a lot of money in her shop a few months back but I still have a few kits to buy and can you believe it, I actually waited for the sale to come hehehe. Here are some of the stuff I may grab..I still have until Sunday to decide hehehe:

Not too bad huh? Not a lot too...hehehe maybe because I already own most of her kits hahaha..
Labels: Digiscrapbooking
Kids bedding
I have two little girls who absolutely have to have the same thing in everything or else there is going to be World War III here in the house. Jelynn has her own bed but Jewelle sleeps with me because she likes somebody to hug her most of the night but she still wants the same bedding her sister has. So I have been looking around for a design that they both like and found beautiful Kids bedding online. They have different designs I can choose from. And since I have two little girls who totally adore the color pink, it wouldn't be hard to find beddings for them because have girly beddings plus they have matching sets. They even offer photo blankets and pillows if you want to have personalized gifts this coming holidays. I think I'll order some for the grandparents. So update your bedroom or your kids' bedroom with beautiful beddings from Vision Bedding.
Labels: Home Improvement
Classic Movie test
I was tagged by Tere. Thanks sis for the tag. Here is the result:
I think it is somewhat true. I do sometimes tend to put others before my own especially when I know they need the help more than I do. Anyways, if you want to do the test feel free to grab it. Leave me a note so I can check it out. Thanks for dropping by!
Getting married....
If I could do my wedding all over again I would minus all the stresses though hehehe. It is very stressful to plan a wedding so hire a professional to help you plan the perfect wedding like nottinghamshire wedding service. They provide all your wedding needs so you don't need to go anywhere to have that dream wedding you've been dreaming of. If I knew this before I got married then it would have been a stress free wedding.
Labels: services

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how much do you look forward to your birthday? it means I'm getting older hahaha but then it still nice to have one special day of the year..
What is one word you don’t like the sound, spelling, or meaning of?
stupid...I don't like when people call each other stupid...I think it's just wrong..
Do you wear sunglasses when you’re outside? If so, what does your current pair look like? Sometimes, I have a black pair ..but since it's not always sunny here..I don't get to wear them often
Main Course
If you were to write a book, to whom would you dedicate it?
To my kids...they are my inspiration in everything that I do
Name a beverage that you enjoy.
Jamba Juice's mango a go go..yum..also love sprite hehehe
Labels: Memes
Wanna dance?
Rico and I both have left feet. So it would be nice to learn how to dance. I think this would be a great way for us to bond especially of all the months he was away. offers dvds to help you how to dance even when you think you have no rhythm. All of the dance videos they offer have step by step instructions so anybody can follow. The parents also want to learn how to dance. They are most specially interested in ballroom dancing because my aunts and uncles do go out ballroom dancing most of the time and it would be nice for them to go out with them too. So if you have two left feet like me and always wanted to dance now you can through
Labels: hobbies
Q & A
I was tagged by JenR with a question:
What do you think is the core reason of our existence in this world?
OMG! This really made me think. I think the core reason of our existence is to be able to produce more off springs for generation to come. To be able to teach those kids to love so that they can teach the next generation to love also. Do I make sense? Hahaha. I always think that I'm alive because of my kids. They are the reason of my existence. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them. They need me to love and care for them. And that should be the reason for everybody to be able to love and care for people who are part of their lives.
Labels: Questions
oh the Holidays is almost here
Are you starting your Christmas shopping yet? I should but since I'm preoccupied with the pregnancy I haven't started plus we barely recovered from last Christmas hehehe. If you are short on cash right now you can apply for Credit Card Applications in time for the Holidays. As long as you know your limits credit cards are convenient to have. Credit Card search engine have credit cards for anybody with any credit types. Even if you have bad credit you can get yourself a credit card so that you can establish a good rating once again.
Labels: Holidays
In search of a car seat again.... we bought a car seat about a week ago when Rico arrived. It was okey when we were in the store but then when we went home I started to dislike it lol. We're not getting a travel system this time because most travel system are too big. I don't want to go around having a very large stroller. They would consume all the space of the trunk. So this time around we opted to just buy a infant car seat frame since I know for a fact the baby would need a stroller just yet. The baby will probably just stay in the car seat instead of stroller so we decided to buy a stroller when the baby is a little bigger so it would be a compact stroller. So now we bought a car seat and it was green lol I kinda don't like it because it doesn't match the black car seat frame. I'm looking for a car seat that matched the frame but couldn't find any here that I like. Arghhh! I could give birth any day now and I'm still looking for the perfect car seat LOL...we'll I haven't return the car seat we bought just in case I can't find any lol. Time to look for car seat this weekend and hopefully get one before the baby comes out hehehe.
Labels: shopping
Getting rid of the bed bugs
I think we might have bed bugs roaming around the house. We avoided a lot of foods that we thought Jewelle is allergic to but she's still getting rashes on different part of her body. And the rashes doesn't look like the rash she used to get when she got some food allergies but it looks like something bit her so we really need bed bug control to eliminate the problem. Thank God I found to help us get rid of the bed bugs around here. I don't want the girls getting rashes all the time.
Labels: Health Issues
Mommy Survey
1. was your first pregnancy planned? no, but we welcomed it with open arms even though we were scared
2. were you married at the time? yes
3. what were your reactions? scared but happy
4. was abortion an option for you? NO WAY!
5. how old were you? 20
6. how did you find out you were pregnant? I was sick so we went to the doctor's office and asked me if there was a possibility I was pregnant and I said I don't know so they gave me the test.
7. who did you tell first? my hubby was with me so aside from him was my Mom
8. did you want to find out the sex? yes
9. due date? March 25, 2002
10. did you have morning sickness? oh yeah...
11. what did you crave? I ate a lot of potato wedges from KFC and pandesal
12. who/what irritated you the most? I think there was none..
13. what was your first child’s sex? girl
14. did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you were getting? no
15. how many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? I gained a lot with my first I think about 30lbs
16. did you have a baby shower? no, just a small get together
17. was it a surprise or did you know? it was suppose to be a surprise but one of the girls slipped lol
18. did you have any complications during your pregnancy? I had gestational diabetes
19. where did you give birth? hospital
20. how many hours were you in labor? 8 hours I think
21. who drove you to the hospital? hubby
22. who watched you give birth? hubby
23. was it natural or C-section? normal
24. did you take medicine to ease the pain? epidural..I needed it hahaha
25. how much did your child weigh? 6lbs and 10 ounces
26. when was your child actually born? March 26, 2002
27. what did you name him/her? Jelynn Ellianna
28. how old is your first born today? 5
Labels: surveys
Addiction is hard to go through not only for the patient but also for the other members of his or her family. They wreck lives and bring havoc to relationships. If you know anybody who has an addiction whether it's alcohol or drugs then you have to help them get the best treatment possible. The Shores is a center drug rehab treatment that is affordable located here in California. You can get treatment for as low as $8500.00 for 30 days stay at the Shores and you can even get financing to help you pay the cost. The treatment for addiction which includes alcoholism treatment center are one on one therapy, group therapy and you can even get a personal trainer to help you overcome the addiction. They even offer free counseling and support even after you get out of the center. You can't get this anywhere else. So help the people you care about bring back a healthier and more productive life. You can help them by bringing them into a great facility who will do their best to stop the addiction and that place is the Shores. This is a great setting because it is by the beach. You get peace and tranquility that you are looking for. For more information you can log on at
Labels: Health Issues
Yeah...I can't seem to get rid of the habit of buying and buying things even though I don't need them. This time I dropped by at Funky Playground and got myself some of the goodies I've been eyeing for awhile and also found myself a lot more than expected lol. Here are what I got:

Hopefully I can use them one of these days hehehe...
Labels: Digiscrapbooking
Personalized gifts
So are you feeling the holidays yet? Can you believe all the stores are starting to have their decorations up? It's almost Christmas and time to buy gifts for the kiddos. Since Jelynn is our little bookworm I thought of giving her a Personalized Christmas Story Book as one of her gifts. I bet she'll just flip when she sees her name as a character in the story she's reading.
Labels: Holidays
Thoughtful Award

Thank you JenR for this award. You are just so sweet.
I give back this award to you JenR for always having the time to blog hop over here and check on me. I also give this award to Rissa, Shabem, Yen, Kitty, and Nita for dropping by my blogs whenever they can. I know how hard it is to weed through the paid posts but you always take the time to read through my blogs. Thank you so much!
Labels: Tags
plate number
I've always wanted a license plate uniquely my own so I have been looking online and found that Number Plates can be customized. Acrylic plates have different designs that we can choose from and the price is within my range. If you want to have your own license plate that is unique and different from the others out there try
The Magic Genie
I love getting tags from each and everyone of you. It makes me feel special that you remember me by tagging me. Plus I am able to get to know you guys by reading your responses from tags. I truly appreciate all the tags though sometimes it takes awhile for me to finish a tag know I have my hands full sometimes but don't worry I will do them. So just keep them coming.
I got this tag from Nita, thanks for this one..
** Start copying now **
1. Write a short paragraph about your visit by the two Genies and include a link to the blog that passed on the Genie Symbol to you.
2. COPY the Rules and ENTIRE List below and post it on your blog.
3. List down your wish.
4. Place your name below the last name on the list and pass on the Genie Symbol to at least 5 other bloggers.
5. Please put up either one (or both) of the Symbols of the Genies on your blog to show that the Genies have visited your blog:

The Genie King,
the Genie Princess
and their trusty
Genie Buddy
have visited:
* Mariuca would like to wish for happiness and success.
* Adrian would like to wish for good health and happiness.
* Emila would like to wish for happiness and success.
* Trinity would like to wish good health for Jan’s brother and Yah and Wan and success
* MPG would like to wish for love and peace
* Jean would like to wish for stress free work environment and happiness
* Cbenc12 would like to wish for health, happiness and luck for my family and friends and me too!
* Paris Beaverbanks would like to wish for more publicity! Hooyah! (taps swollen head)
* Giddy Tiger would like to wish for longer weekends and never-ending holidays!
* Shooi would like to wish for peace on earth, love, good health and happiness.
* Chinnee would like to wish for happiness and good health forever!
* Hui Sia would like to wish for love, health, wealth and happiness.
* Chew Lee would like to wish hubby for a successful business venture in Singapore.
* Jacelyn would like to wish hubby may overcome his business downturn soon.
* Girlie the hipncoolmomma would like to wish that her cousin Marie will win in the coming barangay elections
* Krisa wishes that Ate Marie wins this coming barangay election (Goodluck!) and for Ryan and I to find a job soon after we leave the airforce.
* Francine aka Macherie wishes that hubby would manage to finish his big project before the deadline and good health and happiness for family, loved ones, friends and everyone.
* Yen in Little Peanut wishes to have a safe delivery with my 2nd child. It will be a couple of months from now. And good health and happiness with my growing family, families back home, friends and relatives!
* Tere of Blessings in Life would like to wish for continued happiness in her family life, good health and protection always for all members of her families, peace, harmony, being productive in our work always and lots of love from Jun.
* Emmyrose of Dancing With Butterflies wishes that she’ll have more strength to cope up with her Lupus disease, healing for a broken heart, hope that one day she can still be able to find love and to at least try to be the person that God wants her to be.
* Nita of Nita's Random Thoughts wishes to have a smooth and safe delivery for her second baby :)
*Joyce of My Own Little World wishes to have a safe and uncomplicated delivery of Baby JE any day now with her hubby by her side and for the kids to be always healthy
Welcome aboard the Magical Flying Carpet for the Ride of your Life!
***End Copying Here***
Tagging JenR, JennyL, Mich, Shabem & Liza
Labels: Tags
I know that some of you ladies are addicted to digiscrapping like me and you probably mastered Adobe Photo shop or any other program you may use. There's a great contest going on right now at Ford Blue Oval Scholars. Ford Blue Oval Scholars is a program that will provide scholarship winners a place to network, share information, learn about internships and jobs, plan and implement community service initiatives and access information about careers at Ford. This is a great place for people who would love to work with this award-winning company. The program kicks off with a logo design contest which is open to professional or amateur designers 16 years old and over. The winning logo will be used for the Ford Blue Oval Scholars whether through the web or any printed materials. So if you love to design this is a great opportunity to try. They will pick the top ten and get these wonderful prizes:
* 1. First Place - Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design
Premium = Retail $1,700
* 2. Second Place - $300 for design software of choice
* 3. Third Place - $150 for design software of choice
* 4. Fourth Place - $50 Music Download Card
* 5. Fifth Place - $50 Music Download Card
* 6. Sixth Place - $50 Music Download Card
* 7. Seventh Place - $50 Music Download Card
* 8. Eight Place - $50 Music Download Card
* 9. Ninth Place - $50 Music Download Card
* 10. Tenth Place - $50 Music Download Card
For more information about the contest click here. Try your luck there's nothing to lose, only everything to gain.
Labels: Contests
It's October already?
OMG Can you believe how time flies? It's already October. Where did the other months go? It seems like it was just the beginning of the year now we're approaching Christmas. Ah Christmas with all the Christmas shopping and all the Holiday rush. I keep telling myself every year that I won't be included in the holiday rush but I always find myself shopping the last minute for gifts I completely forgot. The girls have their lists already. They actually asked me to put it on Kaboodle too hahaha. I will have to start buying them soon before they sold out. I remember them asking us to buy the Dora Talking Kitchen but by Thanksgiving the thing is sold out everywhere. I can't even find it until now. Maybe they'll have it once the holidays approaches. So is our wallet ready? Not really hahaha it was still recovering from last Christmas lol.
With the nature of Rico's job we never had a honeymoon. Someday when the kids get older we would like to travel just the two of us. We're thinking of Caribbean most specially Jamaica. Since Rico and I love the ocean this would be a perfect vacation for both of us. Since Jamaica is a melting pot of so many cultures this place would be a great place to visit because you can experience the diversity of the country. Jamaica offers long beaches, protected coves, rugged mountains, waterfalls, caves and sunshine and chances to play in the surf, ride horses, swim with dolphins and many more activities. I just can't wait to visit this place. If you are also dreaming of vacationing to Jamaica you can get more information at
Labels: traveling