It's been awhile since I actually watch a movie or was interested in watching a movie. I have been browsing online today to see what's the latest film that would be great to watch and I cam across Superbad. Superbad revolves around two co-dependent high school seniors (Hill and Cera) who set out to score alcohol for a party, believing that girls will then hook up with them and they will be ready for college. But as the night grows more chaotic, overcoming their separation anxiety becomes a greater challenge than getting the girls. I saw reviews online that this is the funniest movies they've seen this year so I think this will be a great movie to watch since I love to watch comedies. If you watch to check out clips of the movie you can log on at and I'm sure you will laugh like you've never laughed before. And if you want some more go to and there you can find 5 Superbad videos to watch. If you are in need of a laugh watch Superbad and you won't be disappointed. And for ringtones and wallpapers of the movie you can go get it an their official site at In theaters on August 17th so don't miss it.
Labels: Movies
That means SALE, SALE and SALE. I know it's never-ending. I swear I've spent so much money this month on digiscrapping supplies. I just have to start scrapping more and more so that I can use the yummy goodies I have been buying. If you're a digiscrapper I bet you know who Gina Miller is. I think she is the most popular scrapper/designer out there. She sells her stuff without even doing anything. She is my top most favorite scrapper and designer rolled into one. Here are what I'm planning to buy...gosh I guess I have to wait for the paycheck to come in tonight lol since I really don't want to spend any of my blogging's reserved for something else...another camera and a camcorder lol....yeah I know digiscrapping is addicting...I salute the people who doesn't buy scrapping supplies because I can't do it... I said it many many times that I'll control myself but I can't. Every week there seems to be something new or a sale that I just have to BUY something lol...anyways, back to the stuff I'm planning to buy at Gina Miller's shop:

Aren't they gorgeous? I can't wait to get my hands on to these products and start playing with them. I must must get more pictures hehehe.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking, shopping
Bedroom Furniture

Ever since I could remember I always wanted to have a canopy bed. I think because I have always wanted to be a princess and in a lot of princess books or movies they always have a bedroom that has a canopy bed. Once we go back to San Diego we'll probably be changing our bedroom furniture and I would have to do a lot of convincing to Rico to buy me a canopy bed. But I don't think he'll say no especially when he finds out that it is from because he knows they provide the best quality bedroom furniture around. If you want elegance to meet with quality this Houston base furniture shop is the place for you. Aside from master bedroom furnitures they also have furnitures for kids and since the girls really need to start sleeping in their own room we need to make their room beautiful too so they won't mind sleeping there by themselves. They offer great prizes that will meet any of your budget plus they offer immediate financing if you need it. If you need anything from master bedroom furniture to your living room to your kids' room this is the place to go. They have great selection with any color that is available in the market. Don't go anywhere else make this your one stop furniture store. And if you live in Houston, TX make this your Houston furniture store. They offer same day delivery to surrounding areas.
Labels: shopping
My 300th post
It seems like yesterday when I started blogging now this post is my 300th. Can you believe how time flies and how many words typed? Heheheh. I'm not a writer by any chance but I just do love to write down the everyday happenings in my life. Maybe years from now I can go through my entries and remember things I might have forgotten. I love to record my kids daily activities because it makes me treasure all the little things they do. I also love to write down whatever is bothering me because once written down it doesn't seem like a big deal anymore. I thank each and everyone who continue to visit my blog and even read my boring entries....Thanks!
Labels: Ramblings
United Kingdom
I bet most of you would love to go to United Kingdom. Who wouldn't right? I have been a great fan of Princess Diana. I remembered crying when I saw in the news that she died. She was a great role model to a lot of us. Since she was once a princess I was wondering how beautiful the Buckingham Palace is. I would really love to visit the place someday. In fact if I ever go to Europe, London would be the first city I would go to. My friend who lives in United Kingdom said that I can find cheap London hotels there so it wouldn't be hard on the budget. There are just so many places to see there.
There are so many cities in London where you can be adventurous and Manchester is one of them. There are great Manchester accommodations too at They offer last minute specials so you don't need to book way in advance. Save money and book your United Kingdom accommodations at If you go to Europe make United Kingdom your first stop. I'm sure that there are plenty of places you'll be able to explore.
Labels: traveling
I discovered a new designer
But not really I used to buy Kay Miller's stuff back when she was still doing the lil bits at Nitwit. But now that she makes a whole kit gosh I'm so in love with all of her stuff. If only I'm a fast scrapper as I used to then I wouldn't be guilty if I buy all her kits hehehe. Since she does have a lot of girly kits I know I will keep coming back to her shop to grab some of her kits. Here are some of the kits I grabbed from her last weekend:

I'm in the process of doing layouts using these kits and I just can't help using them over an over again. They are gorgeous aren't they? I'll post the layouts I made after I finish them.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking, shopping
As most of you know, I'm also a nursing student. I'm not in school right now because of the tremendous waiting list that nursing school have. Yes, it usually takes two years to finish nursing school but their waiting list lasts longer than that. I have been waiting and waiting for years now but since they do lottery now to pick their students my chance is as slim as to none lol. So I have been looking for other schools that I could go to to finish my nursing degree and I found nursing schools I could attend to at They have different programs from Nursing to dental assistant to Pharmacist. This is great for people who are waiting to get into a nursing program. Don't waste your time waiting like I did just log on at and find the best program that fits you. This is the number 1 source for anyone who wants to get their degree sooner. They have so many schools across the country so I'm sure you'll find a school that you'll like and love.
Labels: School
Costco Shopping
Today we went to costco because we needed to buy paper plates, forks, spoons, etc for the baby shower this coming Sunday. I don't know why when we go to Costco I end up buying too much and would just be surprise when I'm about to pay. Paper plates and spoons end up costing me almost $300. What the hell? I didn't know that plates could cost that much hahaha. Now I remember why I never like to give parties. I would rather spend those money for vacation because it is expensive to have a party. Thank God the parents are hosting the baby shower so that means I don't have to pay for everything lol.
Do you know that kitchens sell the house? Yes, that's right. Nowadays the house selling point is the kitchen so in order to get plenty of bucks from your house you better have that kitchen looking great. The counter tops, the cabinets and of course the bonus would be great appliances. I especially would love to see a kitchen with a great stove with state of the art range hoods because I just love to cook and if I have a great kitchen then I wouldn't mind cooking all the time, right? So I recommend people who are trying to sell a house to spice up their kitchen especially the outdated appliances and with you need beautiful range hoods, is the place for you.
What are my fingers' names?
Late last night, Jewelle and I were still awake. She didn't sleep early because she took a late nap waking up at 8:30 so at midnight she was still wide awake. I was reading my book and told her:
Sleep now, baby.
No, not yet..not sleepy yet.
But it's late.
No, it's not. (She is stubborn I tell ya...must have gotten it from her mother lol)
Oh oke, what are you going to do?
Read my book. Get my Elmo book please.
I gave her her elmo book.
She started reading but then she kept asking me what's happening, so I told her:
You're not reading.
No, I am. See it's a perfect day for picnic. (Pointing to the book's title)
Oh oke, read your book then I'll read mine too.
After awhile, she got tired of her book and watched me read. Then she asked pointing to her fingers:
What's this finger's name? (showing her index)
Index finger.
How about this?
This one?
This one?
How about this one?
Oh your thumb is reading your book.
I look at my thumb and because I was holding my book and the thumb is on top of the pages.
What a silly little girl lol. Made me laugh in the middle of the night.
Labels: The Girls
There are a lot of teens out there who turn into drug or alcohol addiction. Maybe because there are a lot of peer pressure going on with their friends and at school. Addicted children and young adults are trapped in their behaviors and cannot simply quit on their own. And because they are in constant communication with their peers who influenced them to take drugs in the first place it is very hard for them to quit on their own. So their family members must take an active stand to get these young adults better. An adolescent drug rehab is a great place to start and get treatment. Since adolescent drug and alcohol addiction result to more suicides we need to get them help as soon as possible. At they can help your child get better through their 12-step rehab program. They are there to help you with any problems you may encounter 24 hours a day and seven days a week. And if you need help confronting your child about their addiction a lot of professionals do recommend having a third party with you to help you explain to your child that addiction can ruin his or her life. can also help you with intervention so if you have a child or know anybody who needs help please have them log on at so they can turn their children's lives into a better and more peaceful one.
Labels: Health Issues
Can I sit?
I was browsing BabiesRus the other night when Jelynn came next to me and ask
Can I sit next to you mommy?
Okay. (giving her a room to sit)
Mommy, you're squishing me!
No, I'm not.
I think maybe because you're fat now.
Am I Fat?
Yes, you are because you have Baby JE in your tummy.
Hahahah even my five year old thinks I'm fat. Hahaha. At least she knows I'm fat because I have a baby inside me lol.
Shopping for furnitures
My friend recently bought a new house and she asked me where they can buy great quality furnitures. I told her to try Century furniture because it is elegant and durable. Their furnitures are also hand-finished and hand-distressed so you know that they took their time to make the furniture you are trying to buy and when time is invested I'm pretty sure it is top quality. If you are looking for top quality furnitures that you can invest your money on Century furniture is the one. You won't regret it!

Describe a toy you remember from your childhood.
A doll which was as tall as me when I was a little girl. It goes with me everywhere and everyone were jealous of me because I had the biggest doll in the neighborhood.
On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how observant are you?
8 I'm pretty observant I remember everything and anything that goes on around me.
Where would you rather be at this very moment?
Maybe somewhere we can fully enjoy the summer months because here in San Francisco it doesn't feel like summer with the cold and foggy weather we're having.
Main Course
When was the last time you learned something new?
Just this month...I have been searching and searching about food allergies because Jewelle seems to be having that and I've learned that allergies are not just nuisance that some people make it look like but they can be deadly. They can be life threatening too if not avoided.
Fill in the blank: I have ____________ but I haven’t ____________.
I have given people a lot of advices but I haven't really followed my own advice myself lol.
Labels: Memes
Sydney, Australia
As you all know Rico is on deployment right now but he is coming home soon. Just a couple more months and he'll be here just in time for Baby JE's arrival. Anyways, since they are on their way back to San Diego they might stop by Australia. So he asked me to find cheap Sydney hotels they can stay overnight. If they stay in a hotel they'll have more time to tour Sydney. I know how much he loves Australia so why not let him.
Last time he was there he wasn't able to go to the Sydney Opera so he really wants to go there. But I just need to find them a reasonable Sydney accommodation they can stay at. A hotel that is also close to a lot of Sydney's tourist spots so they don't have a hard time going around. I found cheap Sydney hotels at that the guys would probably love because it is close to Darling Harbour. I do hope they'll like it.
I'm proud of myself..hehehe
hahahah of course I'm always proud of myself but I'm extremely proud of myself because since Rico left I was able to pay off most of our credit card bills. It took a lot of self control from spending those extra money for shopping hahaha. I still do shop most of the time but now I can control how much I spend (ehem! lol...I know some will disagree especially my Dad lol). I was also able to put some money in our savings account every month plus I had Rico increased the saving bonds for the girls. I could have use the money for shopping but I didn't see I'm growing up lol. Hopefully by the time Rico gets back in the middle of September I also have enough save for our vacation so we don't need to touch our savings. I think my girls deserve to go somewhere especially Jewelle since she's been sick on and off. She needs to get out of the Bay Area and have vacation somewhere. And if I can save enough she might just get her Wahaii ...yes that's how she pronounce Hawaii lol.
Labels: Family, Myself, Ramblings, The Girls
I have always wanted to go visit Germany because I would love to see Neuschwanstein Castle. It would be a dream for me to go over there maybe Rico and I can go there when the kids get a little older so they don't have to come with us hahah. It'll be a second honeymoon for us actually our first since we never really had a honeymoon. I searched for cheaps hotels in Germany so I know how much to save and found great hotels in Germany. Since they have last minute specials going around all the time it wouldn't be hard to book a hotel room even we decide to go the last minute.
I would also of course love to go around the city because Germany is full of beautiful tourist spots to go to. I especially would love to go to Munich so I've also been searching for Munich hotels. I need to know how much everything is so that I can save the amount needed to go to Germany. At of course Berlin hotels would be on top, you need to visit hotel when you go to Germany since a lot of historical happenings did happen in Berlin.
This will be a great vacation for us since we never really went anywhere just the two of us and Germany at that. What I could do now is start saving for that trip since at you can still find great deals even the last minute.
Labels: traveling

Wow! 50% off storewide! I have a couple of kits over there on my wish list so this would be a great time for me to grab those. I love Gina Cabrera's stuff because I can totally use every single item on the kits so my money wouldn't go to waste. Go check it out she has beautiful kits both for boys and girls. Click here to be redirected to the site.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking, shopping
Office desks
We're changing out computer table downstairs because it's getting too crowded for all the office stuff we have. Since we do use that as a home office we really need office desks that can accommodate all the things we have over there. I found beautiful office desks at I will have to send the link to my dad so he can choose and find the right one for us. I'm sure he will be able to find one because they have great selection of office desks.
Labels: shopping
I've been planning to have my hair cut for awhile since it's getting too long for me. It's almost reaching my elbow and it's harder to manage now. It's also getting dryer and I really don't have time to go to the salon and have hot oil treatment or any hair treatment for that matter. I have two girls who constantly are behind me so I can't really just take off and go to the salon anytime of the day so a shorter hair is better for me and more convenient. Plus it's hard to brush now because I do get tangles a lot. Here are the hair cuts I'm choosing from. Not too short since I'm fat right now so my face is also fat and shorter hair will just emphasize that lol.

Labels: Beauty, Myself, Ramblings
Bachelorette Gift
One of my friend is getting married this year and since she'll have a Bachelorette party and unfortunately I would be able to go I thought of sending her a naughty gift. I thought of giving her crotchless panty. I think her hubby to be would find it sexy. Visit and you can find different colors of those kind of panties. It is a great gift for bride-to-be.
Labels: shopping
A tag from Kristine. Thanks sis!
Ten random facts about a one of a kind lady named, Flor, my mom.
1. For me she was the best mom. She did everything she could to raise me the best way she can even though she was in the hospital most of the time.
2. She was the youngest in her family and was her parents' favorite.
3. She was sick for almost 16 years from kidney failure. She had a transplant way back in 1987 but that kidney did fail her again in 1998.
4. She was really strict which I took it against her. I didn't know then that she was only trying to protect me now that I'm a mom I fully understand her.
5. She waited for me to give birth before she died. I think that was her last wish to see her first grandchild. She died three weeks after Jelynn was born.
6. She prays the rosary every single day. Sometimes three times a day. She taught me that prayers do make miracles.
7. She cooks the best food. She taught me how to cook when I came to the States since I had yayas in the Philippines I never learn how to cook back home.
8. I was her life. She loved me with everything she had.
9. She only had me because after I was born she couldn't conceive anymore due to her kidney failure. And it took them almost five years before they had me.
10. The only man she ever loved was my Dad.
Tagging: Anyone who would love to grab this!
I am sure that almost 100% of you would love to save money. Especially nowadays when everything seems to be going up in prices. For a stay a home mom like me I love to search for deals especially Rico is the only one working. We need to save as much as we can. Since I have two kids they do ask me to buy them toys a lot of times and if you know me I have a hard time saying no to those two. Toys are expensive so a coupon codes at Toys R Us would really be helpful. offers a bunch of coupons for so many stores. I'm sure you'll find one that you'll need. It is updated daily so you can subscribe to their newsletter so you coupon codes could directly be emailed to you.
I don't know if she and Paris Hilton lead the same life or something but this girl must be crazy. Back to back DUI arrest in just 3 months, I bet a lot of you will agree with me when I say she should go to jail after her rehab so she can learn her lesson. But I think it's mandatory for any back to back DUI arrest for the person to go to jail. They'll probably just wait until she gets out of rehab to book her for prison. She even refused sobriety test because I think she knows she'll fail it. The actress was booked on two misdemeanor charges of suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol and driving on a suspended license and two felony charges of possession of cocaine and transport of a narcotic, police said. What are these young stars doing wrecking their lives? I really hope she learns her lessons this time around.
Labels: Entertainment, Newsflash
I haven't been the type of person who takes really good care of her skin. Now now that I'm getting older it is about time for me to take care of myself. At they offer upscale skin care products, fragrance, nail and makeups. I have been thinking of buying Bare Essentuals since I heard great reviews from my friends. They totally love using bare essentuals makeup because it feels so natural so I thought of trying it too. And since I'm already at I should buy Calvin Klein Perfume for the hubby because he does love all Calvin Klein colognes and thought of getting myself Gucci Perfume since my cologne is almost running out.So if you are looking for great products for your skin or even looking for the best perfumes and colognes out there SkinAct is the place to be. Free shipping for all orders over $100.
Labels: shopping

The story revolves around a young cook named Ysabella Cuenca. At an early age, Ysay develops an inclination for cooking, and dreams of becoming a great cook like her mother, Rosario Cuenca.
However, her mother's misfortune causes Ysay to taste the bitterness of life. This teaches her to be meticulous and devoted to her cooking, and cynical when it comes to love. She grows with one goal in mind—to be the best cook in their area and exact revenge on the woman who was responsible for her mother's misery.
Along the way, Ysay meets two men who will show her how sweet it is to fall in love. Who will give her the right mixture of happiness? Will it be the cocky, street-smart Andrew Amarillo or the chef Mito Valenzuela ?
Ysabella is played by Judy Ann Santos and Andrew Amarillo is played by her real life boyfriend Ryan Agoncillo and Mito Valenzuela is played by Derek Ramsey.
I totally enjoy watching this show because it's light and funny. Not too dramatic but full of romantic moments. I love watching Ysay and Mito together. They really have the chemistry. Is it so wrong if I like them better than her boyfriend Ryan Agoncillo? Hehehe. I would love them to end up together at the end but of course we all know that they won't and she'll end up with Andrew Amarillo played by her real life boyfriend. I love weekdays now because I'm able to watch Ysabella. They keep me tuned in every night.
Labels: TV Shows
Monday, July 23, 2007
I love to visit blogs that talk about parenting and other family issues because I know there are still a lot for me to learn in those areas. I found a parenting blog by Julian and Morin. They are married couple residing in Malaysia. They have a 13-month old baby name Raelynne. I'm sure you can learn a lot from these two. Check out and join their adventures in raising their daughter, Raelynne.
Labels: Parenting
Update on Jewelle
We just stayed home over the weekend because Jewelle had a fever but thank god she woke up yesterday all better. But she has little spots of rashes. I'm getting worried that she might be reacting to something again. I don't even know what to feed the little girl anymore since we aren't too sure if peanuts are what she is allergic to. I'm making sure that she doesn't eat anything that she ate the last six hours she had the reactions. She ate some Nagaraya peanuts, Popcorn, Chicken and string beans. Corn is basically everything from cereal to oil to cookies to crackers. I don't really know how I can avoid that. Chicken is usually in everything too. We use chicken bouillon in almost everything we cooked and plus all kids meal we buy in groceries are packed with chicken. So I'm having trouble giving her anything to eat because I'm not sure which one was the culprit. But we do AVOID nuts like a plague because that's what her pediatrician thought was the culprit. If only I can get her to the allergist and they can tell us for sure what her allergy is then our lives would all be better. But we're waiting for the referral and authorization to go through and I don't know how long that would take. Hopefully they call soon so we know for sure what to avoid. I have been writing down everything she eats and if she's reacting to them or not. If not that's what I usually give her to eat. The thing is when she breaks out into rashes it is not immediately after she ingested the food so it is hard to track down which food is the culprit. I really hope they call soon so that I can give her food to eat. It seems like she's on a diet because she can't eat a lot of food.
Labels: Health Issues, The Girls
The parents always wanted an RV. I think when they retire they've want to go and travel in an RV. When you have an RV you need a place to store them from harsh weather. You'll be needing steel buildings to store your RV or even boats. offers complete, cost-effective metal building and steel building systems. Whether it is for business or residential, they have everything you need. Order now because they are running a special. Call 1-888-449-7756 if you have additional question.
Jewelle is sick again...
This time with her cold and cough. She has been having a fever since yesterday. It's not terribly high just above normal but she does feel hot. It's not making her cranky or anything so I didn't give her any fever reducer meds. Hopefully it'll go away on it's own by today. When she woke up today her temperature is slightly higher about 100.4 degrees. Even Jelynn mentioned that her sister is hot. It seems like she's been sick for 2 months already, after the diarrhea, it was constipation then she had that terrible allergy reaction to food and then she got her sister cold & cough now she's having the fever. It just breaks my heart to see my baby sick. I mean I'm used to her being strong and all and it just makes me cry everything she'll say "Mommy, I don't feel good." Well, hopefully she'll get better by today if not I will have to bring her into see her pediatrician because it might be ear infection due to her cold.
Labels: Health Issues, The Girls
It is extremely hard to be in two places at one time so a lot of businesses opted to have LifeSize Video Conferencing Equipment to eliminate travel costs to their business. Plus, it is convenient to have one in case you can't be in that place due to other reasons. Having Lifesize video conferencing equipment will give you the ease to communicate with your business partners across the globe. Lifesize offers the best quality video conferencing at any bandwidth. It is clear as crystal when communicating with this device. So if you want to eliminate travel costs for your company try video conferencing equipment today.
Labels: business, technology
Time for shopping
It is the time again to redeem my accumulated gymbucks. I swear every time I go inside Gymboree I go home broke hahaha. I had to redeem my $100 gymbucks so that means I have to buy at least $200 worth of clothes so that they'll take out the $100 and of course I always go overboard especially now that Jelynn goes to school. It means buying more and more clothes for her. Here's what I picked up from Gymboree for the girls:

The umbrella was bought because Jewelle wanted it lol. She didn't want to let it go so I had to buy it for her before she throws a tantrum right then and there. I swear the little girl have her own shopping list lol.
Then we dropped by Nordstrom because they are having an Anniversary Sale. I spent some money there too. Got some vest and matching dresses for the girls. Plus a bunch of long sleeve shirts for cold weather. I still have a lot on my lists for Jelynn because most of her clothes are getting smaller since she gets taller really fast. Most of her 4t/5t clothes doesn't fit anymore so I moved it to Jewelle's closet.
Labels: shopping
My friend Cherry and her husband got matching tattoos about a month ago and Rico suggested we should get one too hahah. I was looking for tattoos design that I would like and I found some at If you are looking for unique tattoo designs this place would be great to browse. It is so easy to download. Just find the design you like and download in less than 3 minutes. They have fairies, butterflies, crosses, animals and many more. I'm sure you'll find one you like at

On a scale of 1 to 10 (with 10 being highest) how much do enjoy watching sports on television?
0 lol...I'm not a sports fan but Rico is. I only watch it when I absolutely have NOTHING to do or watch and when Rico is watching it but if not I would rather do something else.
If you could completely memorize any one work of fiction, which one would you pick?
How about the Harry Potter books..I know I watched the movies but not really read the books hehehe..
What is your favorite breakfast food?
Oatmeal and Milk does the body good hahaha
Main Course
Name something fun you can do for less than $10.00.
Watch a movie, eat out, have Jamba Juice with a friend
How long does it usually take you to fall asleep?
very usually takes me about an hour or so..I guess I have too many things on my mind that's why my mind wanders a lot while I'm trying to go to sleep
Labels: Memes
Drink your Veggies
I have never been a vegetable person until I got pregnant. Since I have to take care of another person other than myself I have to eat something healthy. I don't need to remind all of you that vegetable is important in a balanced and healthy diet. Now that my kids are getting older I want them to be able to have vegetables in their diet. I want them to be able to have at least five to nine servings of vegetables daily to keep them strong and healthy. Drink My Daily Veggies is a great way to have them attain that goal. Drink your Veggies is not great for adults but also kids will love it too. This is not a juice but dried vegetables with no added salts, no sugars and other preservatives. So it is absolutely healthy. And only 35 calories per serving. It is great to use in a lot of recipes or you can just add it to rice if you are to busy to cook a dish and viola you have gotten your daily serving of vegetables. You can try My Daily Veggies free just log on at to get your free 7 day supply a $10 value.
Labels: Health Issues
Kit for a Cause

I grabbed this beautiful kit at Sweet Shoppe Designs last weekend not only because it is beautiful and would be perfect for girlie photos of the girls but also by purchasing this kit you are contributing to Esther Grace Slagle Memorial Foundation.
Esther Grace is Mandabean's niece. Esther Grace was born at 12:25pm on July 18, 2007, exactly one month from her scheduled due date. Little Esther, weighing 4lb. 15.7oz. and 17.5in. long, was born an angel. A cord accident inside the womb that none of her family members ever anticipated, took her from her family before they were able to hear her first cry or see her first smile.
This kit was created by MandaBean and Robin Carlton. You are contributing to the Esther Grace Slagle Memorial Foundation that will assist Mandabean's brother-in-law and sister-in-law in paying the unforeseen expenses of losing their child.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking
Everywhere we go I always make sure that I have magnets to remember the places we've been. I also ask Rico to get magnets from where he has been especially now that he is in deployment. I think he'll be stopping by Guam and Hong Kong on the way back so I bet he'll have magnets from those places. But there is a better way to get magnets why now get our vacation photos and make it a magnet? Now we can do that through They even have Promotional Magnets for all the businesses out there. This is a great giveaway at meetings and conventions.
still frustrated..hehehe
I have been clicking and clicking the qualified opportunities at PPP but everytime something new comes up it turns grey immediately. What!!!! There are so many people clicking the same opportunities like me that new opportunities are gone in 10 seconds lol. I have been on and off the whole day and I haven't been getting the great opportunities....maybe I need a faster internet access lol.
Labels: Ramblings
Furniture shopping

I badly need a computer table because our computer table is actually a TV stand. I was browsing online for l shaped computer desk and found one at They have a lot to choose from so if you are shopping for furnitures this is the place to be. They are having a sale. You can get various stuff on sale up 30% off. They have office furnitures, bedroom furniture and living room furnitures. This is a one stop store so you won't need to go anywhere else for your furniture needs.
Labels: shopping
Bye Bye School...
Tomorrow will be Jelynn's last day of summer school. I am extremely proud of her because she wasn't like me when she first went to school. I was a crybaby when I went to school the first time. I didn't want my parents to leave me but the little girl had so much fun in school she didn't mind being left alone. I didn't even have to bribe her lol. You see Jelynn wasn't able to attend preschool because we were in the process of moving at that time and when we moved to San Diego she was put on waiting list and by the time they called us we were moving back here in San Francisco. So this Kindergarten Readiness program is her "first" school. She did much much better that I ever imagined. She is too popular hahaha. Everyone knows her name, even the parents! She starts kindergarten on August so she has about a month off before she starts school again. I bet she'll miss going to school, she really likes it. She doesn't even mind waking up early to go school hehehe.
Labels: The Girls

It seems like everywhere I go there is a sale. Since August is past approaching every store is having a back to school sale and Wirefly is not exception. Wirefly's cell phone sale is great because I need to buy a new cellphone and shop for a new plan for Rico since he's coming home in a few months. I'm eyeing the Blackberry since we do use the phone for texts a lot. This would be a great phone to have if you do love to text. So I have been looking for blackberry deals out there and I found one at wirefly. I can get the Blackberry Pearl free after an instant rebate with a new T-Mobile account. Since T-Mobile have great plans I wouldn't mind switching since I can still retain my cellphone number. So if you are shopping for a new plan or a new cellphone try Wirefly because they have so many deals you wouldn't know what to get. The sale ends on August 26 so hurry!
Labels: shopping
OB Appointment
Jewelle and I went to my OB appointment today. Everything looks alright. Yey!! NO gestational diabetes this time which is a good news because two kids, a pregnant lady plus poking yourself 5 times a day. Not a good site lol. I gained 5lbs hahaha. Gosh 127lbs already. She said I'm on the normal range so I have nothing to worry about but I keep thinking I have gained alot lol. I think I must let go of the pandesal lol maybe try wheat bread instead. Yuck! Aside from that I measure 26 inches and the baby's heartbeats look good so next appointment at 3 weeks after that it'll be two weeks. Wow! I'm almost there. Just less than 3 months and the baby will be here. I'm just so excited. After the baby shower which is on August 5th, I will have to start rearranging the house for the baby's things. So many things to do but so exciting as well. hehehe.
Date while you exercise
I know that a lot of people out there don't get motivated to exercise especially when they don't have an exercise buddy. And for those looking for a fitness buddy or somebody to date who are into fitness and health fitness personals is a great place for them to find a fitness partner. You can join the number one community for fitness dating on the web. It is absolutely free. If you love to take care of your health and you want someone to have the same passion as you have why not Join their community so that they can better match you with the best possible fitness date out there.
when news are on. I don't like to watch the news because most of the time the news consist of killings and disaster and all the bad stuff that are happening in the world. Just like today I was watching TFC and Bandila comes on. Since Jewelle and I were waiting for Jelynn we were able to watch it. I didn't even know that there were a bunch of marines thatw ere killed in Basilan. And not just killed but they were killed in the most gruesome way possible. Arggghh! I swear those kind of news just makes me throw up. It's not that I don't care about what's going on around me but news like that depresses me so I just avoid watching the news completely.
Goth Dating
For some people it is hard to find somebody to date, somebody to love. But with the new technologies nowadays there are so many dating sites on the internet. But some people have different taste and if you are into gothic guys, log on at and you'll find great guys there. The site is easy to use, just type in what you are looking and within minutes you can find the person that is right for you. Many of the members at gothscene loves techo, punk rock and goth music so if you are into those kinds of music this is the place to look for someone. It is the number one alternative community online. It is free to join so join today and you can start browsing the thousands of profiles they have available on their site.
Getting opportunities at PPP that is. It seems like all the opportunities available nowadays exclude blogspot so I haven't been getting any post lately. I swear it is so frustrating to log on at PPP and see 50 and so opportunities but none of them are qualified for you haha. I feel like I'm losing money hahaha every day I don't get any opportunities. Now that I know where I'm going to spend the money ngayon naman wala makuhang posts. Lol. I can't wait until my other blog gets old enough so that I can use it at PPP too. Maybe by then I can get more opportunities. If only I can get about $20 a day that would be great hahaha.
Labels: Ramblings
Buying a new car
Since our family is expanding by October, Rico and I thought of buying another car. I mean we can fit inside the pathfinder but it would be a tight squeeze. As much as possible I would like the girls to be comfortable especially they can now appreciate the views when we are having road trips. Rico said to start looking for a car and I came face to face with a site that sells Used Cars. It is a new site but they offer a lot already so you won't be disappointed to search for particular cars. I really want a Toyota Sequoia because it is big for all of us. Especially we have strollers and when we travel we have luggages after luggages. So a Toyota Sequoia would be a perfect fit for us. Rico said to try looking for a van but I don't think I'm a van kinda gal lol. Ayt you can find brand new cars as well plus information about car loans. It's a one stop website. It is very convenient so go try it out if your looking for a car. You might find what you are looking for.And if you want to sell your car, you can advertise at to for a low price.
Personality Quiz
Others see you as sensible, cautious, careful & practical. They see you as clever, gifted, or talented, but modest not a person who makes friends too quickly or easily, but someone who's extremely loyal to friends you do make and who expect the same loyalty in return. Those who really get to know you realize it takes a lot to shake your trust in your friends, but equally that it takes you a longer time to get over if that trust is ever broken.
Personality Quiz
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This is fairly accurate. I mean I don't make friends easily because I'm kinda shy hehehe but once you become my friend you are my friend for life. I will fight and be there for you no matter what. I am extremely loyal to my friends because I also expect them to be loyal to me.
Labels: Quizzes
Health is Wealth
It's been sick season in our household the past couple of weeks. The girls and the grandparents have been sick on and off. They pass around the flu bug back and forth. My Dad who got it the worst wasn't able to work for a couple of days due to the flu. Since over-the-counter medicines seem to be not working for him he needs natural health products.
Oasis Advanced Wellness is a website where you can get the best natural health products out there. They carry products that are non-toxic solutions to all health problems. You need allergy relief? They have it. So if you don't like using drugs for all your health concerns Oasis Advanced Wellness is the place for you. Just browse the website and find more information that is relevant to you and if you have any question, they have a place where you can ask question. All you need is there at Oasis Advanced Wellness. try it today. All orders of $50 and more get free shipping.
Labels: Health Issues
Kits Galore
Do you know why I love posting advertisements in my blog? I love to earn money lol. Basically I started to make paid posts way back in January because I got hooked on digiscrapping. And who would have thought that digiscrapping can be an expensive hobby lol. Designers put out beautiful kits every single week. So I thought I'd try paid blogging so that I can buy all the kits I want without touching our savings and that's what been happening ever since. I don't need to get some money from our savings to buy the digiscrapping supplies I want. Just this weekend I was able to grab some stuff at Christina Reene's shop. Here's what I grabbed:

Those Dream papers are to die for. I can't wait to play with them.
Then The Lily Pad had 20% off sale over the weekend so I was able to grab some of the stuff I have been eyeing for:

You know I'm a Natalie Braxton's biggest fan hehhe I have to have everything she puts out lol.
Anyways, I can't wait to use these on some of my layouts very soon. Hopefully my mojo will continue to stay with me so I scrap and scrap and scrap. I need to finish three shutterfly photobooks soon so I have to start scrapping hehehe.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking