....no not the baby...lol...That's why I have been preoccupied lately because my dear hubby is finally home. He flew from Hawaii to San Diego last Sunday and he was on leave from Monday to Saturday so he spent the week with us. It was great to have him back. The girls especially Jewelle were so happy because when her sister goes to school she really have nobody to play with and with her Daddy around she has somebody to play with her and carry her around. We surprised Jelynn after school Monday because she didn't know her Daddy is coming home but instead of hugging her Daddy she cried hahaha. I forgot she's like Mommy she doesn't like surprises. It also took awhile for her to warm up to Rico but by the end of the day she was like her Daddy's twin. Always asking Rico to carry her and play with her. We dropped Rico off to the airport again though this afternoon. It was heartbreaking to see Jewelle crying because she wanted to go with Daddy. It was hard again for her to see her Daddy leave even though I kept telling her her Daddy will come back next week she was still crying almost all the way home. And when her Dad called she didn't want to talk to him. Ahhh...poor girl. I know that it's going to be like this for awhile until we move back to San Diego again. But since Jelynn started school already and Rico still leaving in January we can't move back to San Diego. I know how hard this will be for the girls but this is the nature of Rico's job. We all have to cope with the situation I guess.

Viva Las Vegas
We usually do a yearly vacation to Vegas ever since Jelynn was born and it's almost the end of the year so I guess I have to start looking for accommodation because it has become a tradition for all of us to go to Vegas. I was thinking of Tropicana Las Vegas this time around. It's on the strip so it would be convenient for us to walk around the strip. We won't need a car since they have the monorail. Ah..I can't wait to go on vacation. Can you tell I really need a vacation? hahahah.
Labels: traveling
Spreading the love
Awww I have the sweetest blogging friends...thanks for loving my blog even though I just copied the template from blogskins...Thanks Shabem, Yen, & Liza. You ladies are just too sweet. Muah!

Spreading the love to:
Rissa: I always love her banner...she does a great job with all of them
Yen: For a beautiful, well coordinated template..love it!
Chikai: I love pink...enough said hehe
Shabem: I love the yellow and the banner very beautiful
Liza: I just adore the photo of the boys..beautiful
Labels: Tags
Outer Banks
Is it the time of the year that I'm always tired all of a sudden. I can't seem to catch up with everything that are going on with my life. I think we really need to get away and have a relaxing vacation for the whole family. It would be nice to go to Outer Banks North Carolina since we haven't been there. It's also great to visit the east coast nowadays because of the fall season. I think the girls would love it. Hopefully we'll get our vacation soon. Maybe after the baby is born.
Labels: traveling
6 weird things about me
Tagged by Liza...thanks sis!
Instruction:Each player of this game starts with 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
1. I eat french fries with thousand island dressing
2. I can't sleep without my favorite pillow which I have since I was 11 years old.
3. I have a hard time sleeping without socks ..yeah even when it's hot I have to have them..but I think I'm learning lol
4. I eat hotdog with tomatoes hahaha
5. I keep buying designer bags but I hardly use them..most of the time I just use my wristlet..
6. The girls have to wear shoes that match their outfits or I have to change their clothes if they don't have shoes to match lol.
Labels: Tags
bunk beds
I always wanted bunk beds for the girls since we don't really have a big room for them. So I have been looking around for a girly bunk beds for them. I saw some nice bunk beds at efurniturehouse.com I think would be perfect for the girls. It is with that looks like one of those shabby chic furnitures that I've always dreamed of for the girls. And since they have having a special might as well grab it before it's too late.
Labels: shopping
You Make me Smile Award
Thanks Yen for this award. It made my day. I'm sorry it took awhile for me to finish it.

Here's my list of my friends who makes me smile too:
Yen: my scrapping idol..she always have the greatest layouts...It's always worth checking out her blog for all the beautiful pictures she takes. I love her because she takes the time to visit my blog all the time.. Thanks girl!
Shabem: I started digiscrapping because of her and I would never forget all the sweet and encouraging comments she gave me with all my layouts.
Rissa: She always leave me sweet comments even though she's busy with her boys and I appreciate that always.
JenR: For also checking out my entries even though she has to go through a bunch of paid posts.
And all you ladies and gents out there who have the time to check on me ...thank you..all the wonderful comments always makes me smile. I love you all.
Labels: Tags
This year has been very tiring for me because of Rico being deployed. I think I truly deserve a vacation from our everyday life. Just a little vacation would do. We all need to relax for a bit so when he comes back home we'll plan our yearly family vacation and since it's already fall it would be great to head to east coast where fall is usually more visible than here in the west coast. I think Raleigh, North Carolina would be a great place to visit for a fall getaway. Raleigh, North Carolina is the capital of North Carolina and is known as the "City of Oaks" because of the many oak trees throughout the city. This time of the year would be a great time to visit Raleigh because of the NC Shakespeare Festival. I was browsing online and I came across a site that is offering FREE Raleigh Getaway. When you register you might win a weekend getaway to Raleigh which includes:
-One night accommodations for two at the Courtyard by Marriott Raleigh Crabtree Valley
-$25 gift certificate to Bloomsbury Bistro
-Free VIP admission for two to Rum Runners
-2 tickets to the North Carolina Theatre
-2 tickets to the N.C. Museum of Art’s Landscapes from the Age of Impressionism
-2 tickets to Dinosaurs: Ancient Fossils, New Discoveries at the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences
So if you are in need of a vacation like me go register for the contest and you might just win and get that romantic weekend in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Labels: traveling
finally done with shopping
I have finally finished shopping for all the essentials Baby JE needs. Thank God. I know that I may not have the time and energy to shop anymore these next few weeks. I have been so tired lately. I have been sleeping earlier than usual. The last few days I went to sleep at about 8PM. I have been experiencing migraines again so I have been resting more and eating more to ease the pain and it seems to be working. We're also finished shopping for the girls' Halloween costumes. At least we don't need to worry about that. They are both ready for Halloween. So I have nothing to worry about...just getting the house ready for Baby JE's arrival. Hopefully by next week all I'll be doing is relaxing and just waiting for the baby...hopefully...
Labels: Ramblings
Protecting your property
Insurance protect us all from unexpected situation. We especially need home insurance because home isn't just a home. There are people who live there and without your house where would your family be? Home insurance is a great protection from disaster too. If something might happen to the home owner you don't want your family to carry all the debts that comes with the house so you need to protect them by getting insurance. Insurance gives you peace of mind. You can be guaranteed that if anything happens to you. your family won't suffer. CIS home insurance provides you with rebuilding costs and free legal expense. And their rapid claim service is what everyone needs in case of emergency. So protect your family today. Don't let them suffer when disaster strikes.
Friday's Feast

How are you today?
Better than I was a couple of days ago but I have a sore throat
Name 3 television shows you watch on a regular basis.
Smallville and mostly Filipino soap operas ..don't watch too much tv
What’s the scariest weather situation you’ve experienced?
Main Course
If you could wake up tomorrow morning in another country, where would you want to be?
France...who wouldn't want to go there?
What do you usually wear to sleep?
Pajamas and tshirt
Labels: Memes
I don't have a lot of credit cards because I don't want to get into a lot of debts but credit cards are great when emergency strikes. Plus everywhere nowadays check your credit even when you're applying for a job and if you don't have a credit card how would they know that your credit profile right? So I have been looking around credit card that has low apr and can earn rewards when you use it. I found some great credit cards offer from co-operativebank.co.uk. I saw a credit card where I can earn rewards and affinity credit cards which donates to organization of your choice when you open an account from coOperative bank. And I bet all of you want a 0% fixed interest rate...they have that too so why not apply one of their credit card offers and get started with your credit.
So many things going on...
in my side of the world.... I had the biggest scare yesterday..will blog about it later on. I'm still catching and processing everything. Probably next week everything will normalized. I will visit your blog again once I get a chance. It's just been pretty busy here. The girls are sick, I'm getting sick, getting ready for the arrival of Baby JE and all the other little things. I'm just logging on get some job while waiting for Jelynn to get off school. I can't even scrap and watch TV ahhhh.....maybe this is what life is going to be from now on...sigh.
Labels: Ramblings
Blog Traffic
Do you Have a Blog? Join in and Get Massive Traffic All of us want to have more traffic going into our blog. Who wouldn't right? You want to be heard by so many especially if your opinions can help other people too. You can join blogrush.com and get the traffic you want and it's absolutely free. Just a widget to your blog and you can instantly get more traffic than you ever wanted. Log on at Blogrush and sign up.
Labels: blogging
Ahhhh...I can't even catch up anymore...too many things to do. It's home stretch from here to my due date. I seem to have an appointment every single day. We're running around like there's no tomorrow. I feel like I need another 12 hours in a day to accomplish everything I need to do. This week especially is so hectic. There's appointments after appointments. So I may be on and off and I'm sorry if I have tags I wasn't able to do yet. Will try to catch up next week if I don't give birth or something lol...Thank you guys for always visiting my blog.
Labels: Ramblings

We have three computers here in the house but the one downstairs which my step mom uses is super slow. It's pretty old so I guess it's time for a new one. She needs a desktop she can depend on. She does a lot of work using the computer so you can imagine how frustrating for her to use a computer that takes about 30 minutes to load. Dell computers are very reliable and have variety of bureau pc to choose from. If you buy a computer from Dell you can have no payments until September 2008 perfect for people who doesn't have the cash to pay for the computer right now. Since we all need a much bigger hard drive nowadays because of all the digital pictures we take Dell can upgrade your hard drive absolutely free. So what are you waiting for...get yourself a dell.
Labels: shopping, technology
Designer Digitals Sundays
I love Sundays because Designer Digitals always releases new kits and elements plus two of their new stuff are $.25 each. I always try to get it especially if the elements I can use over and over again. I'm a sucker for sales anyways hehehe. Even when I don't need anything I still buy them just because they are on sale lol. I always tell myself that later on I can use them and I might need them and if I do I don't want to pay full price for it hehe. Here are the two 25 cents they have this week:

Labels: Digiscrapbooking, shopping
After about 8 hours of labor...she was out at 3:45 PM September 17, 2007. No no she's not my baby lol..she's my Godaugther. My friend Sarah gave birth to a healthy baby girl named Shiela Mhay. Another playmate for the girls. Congratulations Gio & Sarah.
Computer memory
We have three computer here in the house. We have a desktop upstairs in our room which is used mainly by Jelynn and Jewelle. Then I have my laptop which I use and another desktop downstairs which is used by the parents. They've been complaining of how slow it is. It takes about 30 minutes to just start up hahaha. I keep telling them to upgrade the IBM memory so that it'll run a little faster but they just don't have the time yet. Hopefully they can have it upgraded anytime soon because it is excruciatingly slow. I think they spend more time waiting for it to load that actually using it lol.
Labels: technology
Happy Weekend to you all
It's the weekend again and as usual no special plans for us three. I miss the times when we used to look forward for the weekend because we usually have something going on. But since Rico is away from us we don't have anything plan except maybe drop by the mall but since Jewelle and I already went to the mall today I guess no mall for us this weekend. I'll probably finish the laundry and iron Jelynn's uniforms and organize the girls' clothes and have my hospital bag ready. Ahhh I know our lives are boring lol...hopefully it'll get exciting one of these days lol. Anyways, Have a wonderful weekend to everyone.
Labels: Ramblings
Collaboration software
To have an efficient office you need collaboration software to manage everything that goes on in your office. Collaboration software is a software to help people involved in a common task achieve their goals. Epazz.com offer a great collaborative system you can depend on. You can try the software for 30 days absolutely free. To get a better email solution and business scheduling you a software is a great help. Epazz will work with you on whatever you need whether improving the work flow of your business, or enhancing communication between employees, they have everything you need so try their 30 day free trial today.
Labels: business
Peppermint creative freebie
Do you get Miss Mint's freebie every month? She usually put out a great kit every month for all of all to download. I love her freebies because I can use them over and over again plus it's already a kit so it's all goes together. Here is the new freebie she released this month:

If you haven't gotten it already do log on at PeppermintCreative.com and get yours before the end of the month.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking
Since we don't know what might happen tomorrow or the next day we must always be prepared. Insurances are a great way to prepare for the future. If anything happens to you your family won't be in debt. My Dad has been looking for mortgage life insurance just in case anything happens to them the house will be fully paid. Protect your family today get any insurance at wholesaleinsurance.com. Don't wait you may never know what life may bring you.

I hardly watch any television because most of what I watch are Filipino soap operas and I can watch them through my computer. But one show I love to watch is Smallville. I think I missed a lot of episodes already. I thought the new season started but when I log on at cwtv.com the new season starts next week. The season premiere is on September 27 hopefully I won't miss any episodes this season but if I do I guess there's always the dvds lol.
Labels: TV Shows
Christmas gift ideas
Christmas is coming. Can you believe how time flies? It seems like it was just yesterday we were celebrating Christmas of 2006 now it's almost Christmas of 2007. Since I have a lot of people on my list I really have to start my Christmas shopping early. I thought of giving my in laws a canvas photo of the girls for Christmas since we usually send them yearly studio pictures of the girls I think this would be a great Christmas gift for them. Photo on a canvas are christmas gift ideas for the grandparents or the newly parents out there.
computer slowing down
Yikes!!!...It's probably overloaded with kits and photos that's why my laptop is starting to slow down. Oh no! Worst nightmare hahaha. I think I really need to get another external hardrive so that I can transfer the kits and photos in that hardrive plus I have another one for daily use. I have been buying and buying so many kits and the paperpacks are usually are large files so they must be causing my computer to slow down. Gosh another thing to do...oh well...it'll make me busy lol.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking
Visiting Australia
Australia would be a great country to visit because of the spectacular natural environment, multicultural communities, food and wine, the friendliness of its people, combined with its weather and lifestyle make it one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. These qualities also make it one of the best places in the world in which to live and conduct business. Since Rico have been to Sydney back in 2003 he really wants to go back and explore Australia a little bit more. I have been looking around for cheap hotels in Sydney because you can't visit Australia without visiting Sydney. The Sydney Opera house is located there also the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Another place to visit in Australia would be Melbourne. Melbourne is a place for food lovers and if you know Rico he is a food lover at heart. Great accommodations in Melbourne can be found at cheaperhotels.com.au. You can find last minute deals too and they have specials going on everyday. They have a lot of beautiful hotels you can stay while visiting Australia whether you want to visit Sydney or Melbourne but if you want another place to visit in Australia try cheaperhotels.com.au's numerous accommodation in Brisbane. You can visit Australia and stay in a beautiful hotel if you book your hotels in Cheaperhotels.com.au.
Labels: traveling
Lots and Lots of sale
There are a lot of sale going on right now at the digiscrapping world. So if you have a lot in your wishlist especially in Little Dreamer and Oscraps ...it's the time to get them heheh. I still haven't grab any from the Little dreamer and Oscraps still deciding on a few things hahaha. Plus Tracy Ann's new store just opened so I have to stop by over there and get her lucky dip and some of the paperpacks and elements she released. My paypal does not like these kind of sales lol.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking

What is your favorite type of art?
music and photography I guess
When was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it?
wow I don't remember..been ages I guess I usually pay for my own lunch
On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you?
7..it all depends on a situation
Main Course
Approximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails?
not that long but I do log on many times throughout the day especially when I receive confirmation of hubby's emails
To what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat?
70 degrees
Labels: Memes
travel guide
One of my biggest dream is to travel around the world. I'm always fascinated with new places especially in Europe because they have a different culture from here in the United States. But since I haven't been there I need all the travel guide I need especially for France and Italy. It would be a dream come true for me to travel Europe. Ever since I could remember I always wanted to set foot in Paris, France. I want to be able to see the famous Eiffel Tower but I know there are plenty more places to visit in France so I need to read a travel guide to France before we visit.
Realtravel.com provides travel guides for all the fun and beautiful destination you can think of. They are provided by real people like us so you will get a first hand information about the place you want to visit. You can plan the perfect trip through their free trip planner. Your vacation should be just that a vacation, no stresses should be involve so if you want a stress-free vacation log on at Realtravel.com for their travel guides and reviews.
Labels: traveling
Shopping for Baby JE
I finally washed all the clothes I bought for Baby JE. Since I started having braxton hicks contraction I was afraid that I may give birth anytime so I want everything ready. I washed the baby's clothes the other day and I have a lot of one piece but not a lot of pajamas. So Jewelle and I dropped by BabiesRUs and Carters to get the baby some more pajamas because I know how fast a baby can change clothes. I just don't want to wash clothes everyday just to find something for the baby to wear. We also got some blankets for the baby. I'm itching to buy more but I might over do it hahaha. Maybe when the baby comes out I will buy more.
Labels: shopping
Like I said many many times I'm not a good writer by any means but I do love to write. If it's any good that's another story hehehe. Back in college I hate English class because of all the essays we had to do. I think I even went to a tutor to help me write a good essay but nowadays essay writing can be done by professionals. They can help you write the best paper. At Custom-writing.org they can help you write a paper in any subject. They guarantee a great quality essay for you so you know you're submitting a good essay. Their papers are plagiarism free so you don't need to worry about copyright and such. They have 24/7 live support if you ever need it. If your having trouble with your writing custom-writing.org can help you.
Jelynn is sick again....
It must be the weather. Her cold is on and off. When it gets a little colder she'll cough more and have a constant runny nose. Ever since she was two years old, she stopped taking naps but yesterday when she got home from school she went to sleep. I told her to stay home today but she flat out refused to. She really loves going to school and since she was fighting with me about it I let her go to school. If she has the energy to fight I guess she feels a little better. I gave her some triaminic thin strips to ease her cough. Poor girl she's been coughing a lot last night plus her congestion made her snore lol. This is what I hate about San Francisco, the weather keep changing and Jelynn's body does not like it. I think just like her Daddy their bodies love warm weather and cold weather gives them allergies of some kind. Hopefully she feels much better tomorrow if not I have no choice but to bring her in to see her pediatrician. I don't want her colds to turn into infection.
Labels: Health Issues, The Girls
Heelys and Rollerblades are very popular to kids and teenagers nowadays. I see kids wearing them all the time. If only my kids are a little bit older I'll buy them some heelys too but unfortunately they are still a little bit too young for those. Heelys is the new trend in shoes nowadays because of it's unique design. You can switch from rolling to walking in an instant that's why it's very popular to young adults. 123skate.com have different kinds of heelys shoes you can choose from. They are a great gift to all the teens in your live. As I was surfing at 123skate.com I saw they have roller blades on sale too. Since one of my nephew is learning how to roller blade, a pair of roller blades would be a great gift for him. If you're Christmas shopping early and you have kids and teens on your list who are into skating, skatbeboarding and roller blading 123skate.com is a great place to buy their gears.
Labels: shopping
In about 30 days...
We'll be a family of 5. I could hardly believe that we're going to be a family of 5.It seems like it was just yesterday when Rico and I got married. How time flies. We're excited having a new addition to our family but of course a little apprehensive because of all the changes we have to make again. Baby proofing the house and such. Sometimes I doubt myself if I can take care of three kids all by myself. How can I go grocery shopping with three kids in two? Hahahah. It'll be a circus I'm sure. But then I see moms with 5 or 6 kids in the grocery and they have it all figured it out. Maybe as time goes by I can too. It'll just take more patience and soon I'll be a pro hahaha.
Labels: Ramblings
My Dad has been complaining about me using the computer late at night with a dim light. I can't use the bright light because the girls sleep early. So I have been surfing the net with a dim light and my Dad kept telling me that I might ruin my eyes because it's too dark to be reading and looking at the computer with just a little light. To make him stop complaining I need to buy lamps that isn't too bright but not too dim either. A desk lamp that I can use when the girls are sleeping and I'm surfing the net at night.
I found great selection of lamps at Farreys.com. Since I do have a hard time going around to shop with Jewelle in tow and my huge pregnant self I usually order a lot of stuff online. I found Farreys to have the best selection of floor lamps and table lamps. I can now surf the net at night without Daddy Dearest giving me a lecture heheh.
Labels: Home Improvement
The Keys to my Heart
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free. In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. You'd like to your lover to think you are loyal and faithful... that you'll never change. You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment. You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage. In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. |
Most of these things are true to me. I do value faithfulness a lot since I value honesty very much. But I'm not afraid of marriage but I believe that marriage is an important step and should be thought carefully.
Labels: Quizzes
All Natural
When it comes to my dog only the best will do. That's why I've fallen in love with all natural bully sticks from Best Bully Sticks. Well, my dog has, but if he's happy then I'm happy. Best Bully Sticks has the best selection of all natural bully sticks, dog chews and treats. Made from 100% free-ranging Brazilian cattle, you can be sure that these bully sticks are safe for your dog. My dog's been hooked on them ever since I bought him his first pack and we've never looked back since. Check them out for yourself and give your dog a treat that they'll not only enjoy, but is actually good for them.
running around like a madwoman
Hahahah...it seems that's what I have been doing lately. I still have so many things to do before the baby comes. I did finally preregister at the hospital so I can give birth anytime hahaha. I still have a few shopping to do but maybe I have Rico to that once he gets home hehehe. Inutusan ba? lol. Today was no exception. I dropped Jelynn off to school, got myself and Jewelle ready for a 10:30 appointment to the OB, then registered at the hospital, then we ran to Babies R Us for additional clothes for Baby JE. Then of course we have to go drop by Carter's because I need more blankets for the baby. After that we dropped by Target for "card making" supplies so the girls' can make a welcome back home card for Daddy because their Ninang Laly gave them some military stickers to use. Then we were going to drop by Lucky's for milk but we ran out of time we had to pick up Ate from school. After school instead of going to Lucky's we went home because of the complaining kids hahaha their tummies were grumbling daw ...Ahhh! Once finished eating we all fell asleep hahaha tired from walking and running around I guess. Tomorrow will be a new day...
Labels: Ramblings
Bad Credit Offers
Did you ever forget a payment on a credit card? Were you able late? I know that a lot of people out there have bad credit. And when you have a bad credit in your record it's harder to apply for credit cards and loans. You have to look for bad credit credit cards so you can get another credit card on your sleeves. At BadCreditOffers.com you can compare dozens of credit cards who are offered to people who have bad credit rating. You can have your good credit back. Nowadays good credit can buy your way to any situation. You can have a good financial future through bad credit offers.
It's fall already....
Ughh....the weather is unbelievable here in San Francisco. I swear one minute it's scorching hot then another minute it's freezing cold. The weather changed really fast your body couldn't even adjust. I think that's why the girls' colds hasn't gone away yet. Today is was so cold I didn't want to go out but I had to drop Jelynn plus I had an OB appointment so I had no choice lol. I just wrapped myself and the girls with bulky Jackets to warm us up. At least all the walking Jewelle and I did made us warm heheh.
Labels: Ramblings, San Francisco
Everyone who is a TV addict would love to have a home theater of their own. My friend who recently bought a house was asking me what I thought of home theater. I told him if he is really into TV it would be a great idea. He could convert his other family room into home theater with matching home theater carpet. It will be a place where he could relax after work with his family.
I'm no photographer by any means. I think I will never be a good photographer because I hate reading the manual. I did buy a couple of books but until now I haven't really tried learning all those techniques that was discussed in those books. Maybe someday or maybe not so photo actions does help a lot with my pictures. The last photo action bundles I bought was Holly Mcraig's Photographer's Assistant. I still haven't played with it that much yet but I kinda like it based on a lot of examples I've seen. I'll post examples once I start playing with it.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking
Car spoiler
Rico has been asking me if he can modify his car a little bit. Since he is coming home soon he really wants to change a few things on his car. The first on his list is to add a car spoiler for his Acura Integra. Spoilers can add elegance and character to your car he said. So I said fine since I have been very passionate with digiscrapping I guess it's only fair for him to be passionate with something right?
Labels: Hubby
Happy Monday
Happy Monday everyone. It's a new week and I am absolutely not in the mood to do anything. It seems like I'm always sleepy. Friday I went to sleep at 9:30...can you believe that? That's very rare. I never go to sleep before 11 lol. Then I woke up at 9 the next day. If the girls weren't awake yet I would have slept some more hehehe. I think all the sleepless nights have finally caught up with me. I sneak it a nap here and there especially when Jewelle takes her afternoon nap but since she's been waking up later than usual she doesn't take a nap anymore lol. So I don't get the power nap my body is used to. I really need to start sleeping early....but then again once the baby comes here...will I ever get any sleep? Probably not....ahhhh motherhood.
Labels: Ramblings
Nourishing my skin

Ever since I hit puberty I have had bad skin. I still have a bad skin right now. Back in high school I had really bad acne. Until now I still break out especially if it's the time of the month. I stop buying expensive moisturizing creams because it doesn't seem to be making my skin better. I was afraid that if I keep trying new products it'll make the acne worse so I just flat out stop using one. I just use a mild soap but it is still not getting better so I was looking for a solution for my skin problems and I came across R.G. Skin Revitalizer. R.G. Skin Revitalizer is a new way to improve your skin. It's a dietary supplement that will help nourish your skin inside and out. It is very rich in antioxidants that will help fight free radicals in out body making you shine inside and out. It is made from Gac a tropical fruit found in Vietnam and other regions of Southeast Asia where many of them believe that it is essential to one's health. Gac is a great source of carotenoids. Carotenoids helps boost your immune system, helps assists skin rejuvenation and supports the structural integrity of the tissues. I bet you want your skin to look better so why not try R.G. Skin Revitalizer it might help your skin especially if you've tried many products and still nothing works.
Labels: Health Issues
I have been so addicted with scrapping...most of my blogging money goes to digital stores selling beautiful kits hahaha. Every week or shall I say every day one digital store is putting a great element or having a sale. And since I have been addicted to scrapping again I must buy something. I really need to start organizing my kits and elements because I haven't used a lot of stuff yet but I still keep on buying. ACDsee organization is a must the next couple of days maybe if I can see what I have I won't buy that buy...gosh and I'm suppose to be saving money for another camera and a camcorder lol...I guess Rico will just have to buy them for me hahahah.
Labels: Ramblings
Let's go to London
Ever since I could remember I think I'm always been fascinated with new places and one of the places I would like to go someday would be London, England because of the culture and history. Plus I heard so many great things about London since I have a few friends whole live there right now. And if you want yo travel to London trustedplaces can help you find the best restaurants and London bar . They have recommendations from people like us so you know you can choose whatever place you may want to hang out. London is a great place to visit and with the help of trustedplaces.com you can travel London with ease.
Labels: traveling
Questions time once again
Tagged by JenR....Thanks sis =)
1. Are you Male or Female?
2. How old are you?
26 years
3. When was the last time you watch TV?
right now watching handy Manny with Jewelle hehe
4. Do you enjoy kissing in public?
not really hahaha not a PDA kinda person hahaha
5. What do you dream about at night?
a happy and healthy family always
6.What do you do on a Friday night?
nothing...same thing as any other night...lol nothing different
7.Do you sleep with a fan in your room?
when it's hot
8.Do you shower before you go to bed?
yes, every since Jelynn started school I take a shower after the kids take their bath
9.What kind of drinks do you prefer?
I'm a water person
10. Do you have a crush on someone?
not really hahahha
11. Are you taken?
12.Have u ever been inlove?
12.How long have you been together?
almost 7 years..can you believe that??? It's almost 7 years..time do fly so fast
13.How did you meet?
14.What do you like the most about him/her?
sweet and romantic at times hahaha, responsible, dependable
15.What do you like the least abouthim/her?
impatient at times, pikon lol
16. What is the best thing he have ever done for you?
love and understand me even though it's difficult with all the mood swings
17.Have they met your parents yet?
yes...they love him more than they love me..hahahah.
18.What would your kids look like if you had kids?
Jelynn looks like me and Jewelle looks like Daddy..I wonder what Baby JE would look like hehehe
19.What is the worst argument you have had?
jealousy I guess...that used to happen a lot back in the days right now not too much anymore
20.Do you still kiss a lot?
hahaha lol..yes i think that's why the girls got to be affectionate too
21.Who asked who out?
I don't remember lol..i think it started as a joke hahaha
22.Do you think you will get married?
married now
23.Can you see yourself growing old with them?
of course
24.What is the one thing you would like to change about him?
to be more patient
25.What do you think they would like to change about you?
to be sweeter LOL haha more understanding I guess
26.What is the first gift he ever bought you?
pajama set from Victoria Secret lol
27.Do you have a favorite song together?
Forevermore by Side A
28.Which famous person do you think he look like the most?
He said Romnick Sarmienta daw LOL
29.Would you say the two of you are a good match?
i think so we compliment each other
30. When you are away from your partner do you wish you were with them?
of course
31. Are you able to argue with your partner and then make up afterwards?
hahaha yes...
31. When shopping do you see things you would like to buy for your partner?
not always because I rarely go to Men's department LOL but if I do I usually find something for him..if he likes it or not that's a different story LOL
32. Would you rather go out for the night with your partner than your friends?
yes...but that never happens LOL since I can't leave my girls with anyone
33.If your partner asks you to do something for them do you do it without grumbling?
depends what it is..but I usually grumble LOL
34. Would you change something about yourself if your partner asked you to?
it depends what it is
35. Have you and your partner talked about what you would do when you are both retired?
yes, we'll travel
36.Do you worry about how your partner would cope if you weren't there for them anymore?
no..I think he'll be okey..I worry about the kids though
37. Where is he right now?
in the ship hahaha as always..he stays there more than he stays in the house LOL
38. What is the last word you say to your partner before you die.
I love you forever and I hope you always remember that....but this question is so morbid LOL
Home Improvement
Home Improvement is the way to go if you ever want to sell your house in the near future. Sometimes you even earn a lot more money if you buy an older house and totally renovate it to make it almost brand new. My Dad who does handyman jobs does this all the time with his clients. For over 30 years Anglian Home Improvement has been serving United Kingdom and if you're looking for quality home improvements this is the place to go. They offer double glazing of windows, conservatories, roof trim and a lot more. Plus they have a 10 year warranty on all their services and each of their product whether it's the windows or conservatories they are tailored made to fit your house. You satisfaction is a must to them so if you choose them for home improvements you won't be disappointed. Home improvements will raise the price on your house so don't delay home improvements. You'll not only have a more beautiful and appealing house but whatever money you spent on improving your house will come back to you.
Labels: Home Improvement
Arghhh!!!..It seems there's not enough time in a day to do everything I want...I'm still getting used to the routine of having a school girl. I always try to drop her off and pick her up everyday just to see how she's interacting with the other kids. Her teacher haven't talked to me if she misbehaves or anything so I guess she's doing pretty well in class. Since I sleep pretty late and waking up really early to cook breakfast and getting Jelynn ready..I'm always sleepy. Thank God sometimes Jewelle wakes up late so I have a little time to take a nap after I drop Jelynn off. It seems though there are neverending tasks to be done...like organizing the girls' clothes, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, cooking..etc...And since my tummy is quite big now it's hard to go up and down the stairs without catching my breath and I get tired pretty easily now....I just have about a month to go and still I have so many things to do...haven't bought a carseat or stroller for Baby JE plus I haven't registered at the hospital...haha must do that this Wednesday since I have an appointment then. Plus I have to get my hospital bag ready ..and wash all the clothes and blankets for Baby JE...ahhhh too many things to do and all I want to do is scrap and sleep hahahah...oh well...Thank God Rico's almost here..yeppii
Labels: Ramblings
Winter is almost here and time for snow sports. Rico has always been interested in skiing and snowboarding. I think we may head to Lake Tahoe this winter and he might want to try to ski but he needs rossignol skis first. At Christysports they have all your ski and snowboarding supplies. Their employees are serious skiers and snowboarders so you get the best advice and help. They can answer any questions you may have. They provide the best quality products because they've been serving the Rocky Mountains for over 40 years. If you want quality buy from Christysports. For more information call them up at 1-888-413-6966.
Labels: shopping

When was the last time you visited a hospital?
Last week I had my bi-monthly appointment to my OB
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how ambitious are you?
7..not too ambitious but I do have some dreams
Make a sentence using the letters of a body part. (Example: (mouth) My other ukelele tings healthily.)
EAR: Eat Apples Regularly...hahaha sorry I can't think of anything else
Main Course
If you were to start a club, what would the subject matter be, and what would you name it?
Parenting... Guide to Parenting..haha I know lame lol
What color is the carpet/flooring in your home?
green upstairs..downstairs it's hardwood
Labels: Memes
Room makeover
Since the girls are older we can change our dining room furnitures without being afraid of they getting hurt or ruining it. I've been eyeing these leather dining chairs because they are not only durable but also easy to clean. At furniturefromhome.com you can shop from Living Room furniture, bedroom furniture to home office furniture. You can update the whole look of your house in this one stop furniture store.
Labels: Home Improvement, shopping
1. How old will you be in 12months?- 27..yikes old na LOL
2. Do you think you'll be married bythen?- I am now happily married
3. What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months?- Rico's homecoming..yey!!...Arrival of Baby JE..almost there..
4. Who was the last person you called?- my Dad..asking him to buy tocino and hotdog lol
5. Who was the last person to call you?- Sarah
6. Who was the last person to text you?- Laly...asking me what's up
7. Who was the last person to hug you?- My girls
8. What were you doing at midnightlast night?- sleeping
9. Parents separated/divorced/married?- married but my mom died 5 years ago so my Dad remarried
10. Last time you saw your dad?- this afternoon
11. What happened at 11:00 a.m.?- after I dropped off Jelynn to school I went back to sleep so I was still sleeping..got a bad headache today..thank god Jewelle woke up late too
12. What is your favorite number?- 8
13. Do you prefer shoes, socks, orbare feet?- socks
14. Are you a social person?- don't think so hahaha..antisocial daw ako sabi ni Rico LOL
15. What was the last thing you ate?- nilagang baka and rice
16. Favorite ice cream?- not much of an ice cream girl but I have to choose a flavor i guess halo halo
17. What is your favorite dessert?- also not into dessert...I know I'm different LOL
18. Do you have children?- Yes two plus one on the way
19. What kind of jelly do you like on your peanut butter sandwich?- don't like jelly in peanut butter..like I said I'm different lol
20. Do you like drinking coffee in the morning?- No..haven't drank any coffee for years now
21. How many glasses of water a day do you drink on average?-a lot I think 10-12
22. What do you drink in the morning?- ?water
23. Would you rather kiss an ex or a person u dont love- hhaha i dunno
24. Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed?- right side facing Jewelle so I can monitor her always
25. whats your hidden talent/talents? nothing that I know of lol
26. Do you have any regrets from your past?- not really....whatever happened in the past molded me into the person I am today..and I kinda like how I turned out hahaha
27. Do you consider your husband as your soulmate?- yes..we compliment each other
28. Favorite perfumes?- Sarah Jessica parker's lovely
29. Are you independent?-not until I got married
30. Any dreams?-to raise my kids the best we can..give them the life they deserve
31. Are you affectionate?-sometimes...hehehe
32. Your family that knows about you? huh? don't get this
33. People misinterpret you because of...the way I say stuff sometimes...They think I'm always lecturing lol
34. Are you a good driver?...ammmm..next question?? lol
Labels: Questions
Nowadays it seems like all houses don't have enough room for everything and we are no different. We need storage solutions to organize everything we have in the garage. I think we can add more cabinets in the garage so that all the stuff in the boxes can be put inside the cabinets. It will be much easier to find what we're looking for plus it'll look more appealing. At carguygarage.com you can find storage solutions for your garage, laundry room or any other room in the house.
Labels: Home Improvement
What were you doing six years ago? I still remember how scared I was when I found out the attack on the twin towers. I remember driving Rico to work because they were going to sea to do some exercise. They were suppose to be out for only 3 days but since the attack happened they were out to see for almost 3 weeks. I remember like yesterday when I finished dropping him off, I told myself..."Dang that security alert never change huh?" But was I wrong. I got home at about 5:30am PST so I went back to sleep. I woke up at about 10:00am and I had a bunch of missed calls and texts. One of the text said "It's the end of the world." Lol of course I thought it was just one of those nonsense forwards. I called my parents because I've gotten so many missed calls from them. They told me about the bombing. Of course being alone and pregnant...I was so scared. I wanted to go home to San Francisco but all flights were cancelled. There was no way I could talk to Rico. So I left in San Diego all alone until he came back three weeks later. I opted not to watch too much TV then because I was already scared as it is. Until now I pray for all the people who lost their lives through that horrible tragedy. I hope that this will never happen again.
Labels: Ramblings
I get to know most of my blogger friends through surveys and quizzes so I have been looking for new quizzes to try. I saw a lot of funny MySpace surveys at Quibblo. You can create surveys for you and your friends to try if you can't find any quizzes you like. You can add the quizzes on your blog or your MySpace profile. So if you're looking for quizzes and surveys to try go log on at Quibblo.com I'm sure you'll find quizzes that will interest you.
Labels: Websites
Sale at Sweet Shoppe
Sweet Shoppe is having 30% off sale for nearly all their products except the new releases. I have a ton of stuff I want to buy but I keep thinking I haven't been using a lot of stuff that I have been buying. It's not even middle of September I think I've already spent about $100 for digiscrapping supplies. That reminds me to back them up soon before my hard drive malfunction. Anyways, I thought of getting some of MandaBean's word art. Saturday I started putting some kits/elements on my cart and it was like $30 already...I guess I must trim it down..since I'm planning to buy other stuff from other store too lol...ahhh the joys of shopping!
Labels: Digiscrapbooking, shopping
Animal costumes
Halloween is almost here. I just love to go and buy costumes for the girls. Since I don't like to shop the last minute because I hate it when I can't find the sizes I'm looking for I've been looking around already. I saw some cute animal costume. They have animal costumes from infant to adult so maybe I'll get one for baby Je too hehe. Start your costume shopping early you don't want to find a costume then find out they are either sold out or out of the size you're looking for. Try thejunglestore.com they have a lot of animal costumes to choose from.
Labels: shopping
Love is the best part of life
To love is to share life together
To build specials plans just for two
To work side by side, and then smile with pride
As one by one, dreams all come true.
To love to help and encourage with smiles
and sincere words of praise
To take time to share, to listen and care
in tender, affectionate ways.
To love is to have someone special on whom
you can always depend.
To be there through the years, sharing laughter and tears.
As a partner, a lover, a friend.
To love is to make special memories of moments
you love to recall.
Of all the good things that life brings.
LOVE is the greatest of all.
Labels: Poems
Diamonds are girls' best friend
Yes..any girl would love to have a diamond rings. Who wouldn't? It's the ultimate gift. Their value never goes down. It even goes up as time passes by. At Reeds.com they have variety of diamonds to choose from for every special occasion. They offer free shipping and free gift wrapping ready for the recipient to be surprised. You can't go wrong with diamonds so if you're looking for a special gift for that special someone in your life diamonds is the way to go. You won't regret it.
sleepless nights again
The little girl starting to get rashes again last night which made her the skin below her left eye swelled. It was just a little swelling so I didn't give her any benadryl. I just don't know what to do anymore because it seems like she's allergic to something but I can't figure out what. She just ate spam for dinner which was at 6PM at night and she started to have her rashes at about 10:30 thats four hours later. I don't know anymore. So I barely had any sleep because I was monitoring her face. I kept looking if the swelling is getting bigger or something. thank God it didn't. But I think she must've touched something because even her wrists had rashes. But what???? Ah maybe she's allergic to San Francisco?
Labels: Health Issues, Ramblings, The Girls
I have always wanted to learn how to dance. I always adore people who can dance and that's why I love watching Dancing with the stars because of how much better they are by the end of the show. I always say I wish I can do that. Now I can learn how to dance through Learn Dance BootCamp. Salsabootcamp.com is an online Latin dance school. Even if you have two left feet and you have no rhythm they can teach you how to dance. Salsa is one of the greatest dance in the world. It is a flirtatious dance that is usually with a partner even though there are a lot of solo steps. Since Rico is coming home soon I think this is a great way to get us to spend a quality time together, just the two of us. At SalsaBootCamp.com they can teach you how to dance even though you think you are hopeless. You'll find everything you'll ever need how to express everyone with your dance skills. Just become a member and you get two free dvds to help you learn the dance you want to learn. Plus you can try before you enroll for three days absolutely free. This is an online video dance school so it's very convenient no need to travel to learn how to dance. You can do it in the comfort of your own house.
How time flies....It's almost Christmas. I cannot believe how fast time flies this year. It seems like we were just finished with Christmas now it's almost the holiday season again. As much as I love the holiday season I know you agree with me when I say it's expensive lol. I mean I have kids to buy gifts plus my nieces and nephews. I have like over 20 nieces and nephews so I need to start buying gifts now if I don't want to go broke by Christmas time. But even though holiday season is pretty expensive I just love it. It seems like everyone is in a much happier mood plus I love the decors...Oh I can't wait for Christmas especially we have a little baby with us. I'm just imagining all the pictures the baby can take...so much fun
Labels: Ramblings
Do you need reliable lawyers to defend you? Have you committed a felony or DUI? Los Angeles Criminal Attorneys | California Criminal Defense Lawyers | Felony Misdemeanor DUI Specialists can help you. They have knowledgeable team that can help you with your case. They have offices throughout southern California. If you have any question you can call them up at (877)781-1570 and they can assess your case and help you the best they can.

Using only one word, how does grocery shopping make you feel?
Happy..I love shopping ....
What is your favorite part about the season of Autumn?
the leaves turning orange..they are so beautiful
Have you ever had any bad experiences online?
not really..I think I was lucky to have met great people from the net
Main Course
Name three things that make you happy daily.
My girls...the internet...daily emails from hubby
What one household cleansing or organizing item would you not want to be without?
Lemon lysol...
Labels: Memes
Weight loss
Once Baby JE is out I would need to lose the pregnancy weight I've gained. If I can't take off the weight in a natural way, there's other ways to lose the weight like weight loss surgery. At Journeylite.com you could have your dream of being thin. If dieting and exercise hasn't worked for you LAP-BAND may be right for you. Lap-Band is the safest weight surgery available today. Improved your life today and gain the confidence you truly deserved.
Labels: Health Issues
Ten questions
Questions I grabbed from Yen's blog.
Q1: What are you doing 10 years ago?
I was 16 years old..junior in high school ..no responsibilities..no worries...ahh that was the life LOL
Q2: What were you doing 1 year ago?
preparing to move to San Diego probably
Q3: What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
Cheeseburger from In-n-Out, little bagel bites pizza, Nachos with guacamole, Oreos, Krispy kreme doughnuts
Q4: What are 5 songs you know the lyrics to?
hahaha I can't memorize any songs lol...pwede itsy bitsy spider or twinkle twinkle little star LOL..talo pa ako nila Jelynn and Jewelle they memorized two of our (rico & i) favorite song...Because of You & the way you look at me..hahah.
Q5: 5 things you would do if you are a millionaire: (this ones a bit crazy..I wish I’m a millionaire!!! lol)
Buy a mansion here in San Francisco
Buy vacation homes all over the world
Travel all over the world of course
Help my relatives and friends put out a business or something
Put out a foundation for street and abandoned children
Q6: 5 bad habits:
Addicted to Internet.
Sleeps too late.
Doesn't take care of my health as I should ...
Q7: 5 things you like to do:
digiscrapping, blogging, playing with the girls, shopping, surfing the net
Q8: 5 favorite toys:
my laptop, my rebel, my bags, wala na ata LOL
Q9: 5 things you would never wear:
anything orange LOL..i have a story about this but it's not about me kaya I won't share it na lang baka mamaya mabasa nya LOL
Q10: 5 things you hate to do:
washing the dishes(i can cook the whole day but if I have to wash all the things I used I don't want to lol), cleaning the toilet bowl (ewww!)
Tagging anyone who wants it...

A kilt is a traditional garment of modern Scottish culture. Kilts exist in various modern forms, and in forms inspired by the historical garment. Knee-length, skirtlike garment worn by men as part of the traditional national garb, or Highland dress, of Scotland. It is made of pleated wool and wrapped around the waist so that the pleats are in the back and the flat ends overlap in front. It is usually worn with the plaid, a rectangular length of cloth draped over the left shoulder. Both kilt and plaid are woven with a tartan pattern. I have always been fascinated with the Scottish kilts because of the design and I thought Rico would look great in a kilt. Since Halloween is coming up I think he'll look so cute in a kilt as a costume. For different kinds of kilt for men or women and kids heritageofscotland.com have great selection of kilts. Either a casual one of a formal one. Take your pick.
Labels: shopping
Catching up...
Since Jelynn started school last week I have been pretty busy. Cooking for breakfast, getting her ready for school, dropping her off and picking her up. Since she goes to school pretty early I have the girls go to sleep much earlier. By the time I've given them a bath and read them stories it's already 9PM and time for them to sleep. And by the time they fell asleep all of the filipino telerseyes are all finished lol. Thank God I have ABS-CBNow so I can watch it in the internet. I have been catching up two week worth of episodes of Ysabella, Natutulog ba ang Diyos, Kokey and the new teleserye Pangarap na Bituin.
Labels: TV Shows
I've been thinking about getting my own domain for this blog because there is more privacy and security. Especially nowadays I see websites and blogs getting hacked. I don't want to have everything I wrote go to waste. There is more freedom of having your own domain plus there is no banner to block the contents of your site. WordPress Blog Hosting on MySite is perfect because of the customizable theme and automatic archiving. And it's only $4.95 a month. That's not too bad for a blog that has your own domain with lots of extras to go with it.
Labels: Websites
Update on Jelynn's schooling
I'm so proud of her because she has been such a great girl. She started school last week with no apprehension at all. She was full of excitement. Even before the 29th she was counting the days when she'll be back to school. I left her in school without worrying because I know she'll be good. I see most of her classmates teary eyed everytime they were dropped off but Jelynn is the opposite. She loves waking up in the morning and going to school. She even LOVES to do homework. I try to help her but she doesn't like me helping her. So I let her do her homework herself. Her homeworks has been pretty easy for her because she's been used to doing workbooks. I buy her workbooks all the time and she loves to do them. I picked her up today and the teacher talked to me about her. OMG I thought she did something wrong LOL. She said Jelynn is pretty smart. She can memorize a lot of stuff pretty easily. She even memorized her lunch menu and not just memorize it she memorized it in order lol. The teacher is pretty amazed at how good her memory is and how much she can read. To tell you the truth I don't teach her because she doesn't want me to plus I don't have that much patience. She teaches herself by asking questions and when I'm reading she can remember the words which is pretty great. I'm not really superstitious at all but I think giving her a dictionary as her first pillow does work hehe. She's a reader at such a young age and she loves to study.
text editing
I'm not a good writer ever since I could remember. English is not my favorite subject at all because of the creative writing part. I love writing though but my writing would never be good thank God for Gramlee.com. I can compose my paper then I can send it at Gramlee and they have professional who can edit my paper. They will review my text for sentence structure, grammar and spelling. This is great for college students who loves to write but aren't good at writing. I know there are essays every month or sometimes every week in college and if you are having trouble with your assignments Gramlee can help you write better. You will received your edited paper in two hours or less through email. That's how easy it is.
I was tagged by JenR. I do love tags because it keeps my blog updated hehehe. So keep them coming lol.
What color is your personality? Your personality is green! You are a curious, and inquisitive person. You have keen observational skills, and enjoy thinking about words. You are shy sometimes, and enjoy your solitude to reflect on nature. |
![]() Quizzes and Personality Tests |
This is basically true....yes I'm a bit shy I do take awhile to warm up to people but once I get to know you that's another story. I do love to think about everything. And I think I'm pretty observant. I can remember even the smallest detail.
Penn State Football
I have never been a football fan but Rico is. He loves to watch football games and I know that since football season is here he would be on the lookout for Penn State football team because they have potential to win the championship. Great photos of the Penn State football can be found at Replayphotos.com. They have photos from the 2006 season so if you are a football fan and looking for photos to decorate your game room this is the place. They have everything you are looking for.
Grab Bags
It's a new month so that means lots and lots of grab bags going on in digiscrapping world. I ONLY get grab bags when the designer has a lot of stuff I already own because I don't want to get disappointed. I know it's not a lot of money but still I want to be able to use everything or almost everything I've gotten from the grab bags. Here are what I've gotten:

I got these from my two favorite Ginas...Gina Miller & Gina Cabrera. Since I love their stuff I know I won't get disappointed and of course I wasn't. They are all a must haves.
Labels: Digiscrapbooking, shopping
Colon cleansing
Since we are getting older we have to be more careful about our health especially for our kids' sake. They need us to be healthy so we can take care of them the way they needed to be taken care of. If you are blessed with healthy genes and great health you might not need a colon cleanse but some people aren't as lucky. Colon cleansing is beneficial because if the colon is not clean toxic back-up can damage your digestive system and can give me a variety of diseases. Educate yourself and stay healthy.
Labels: Health Issues
What books and/or magazines did I read this month?
Creating Keepsakes magazines and a bunch of ideabooks I've gotten early this month
What movies and/or tv shows did I watch this month?
Did not watch a movie this month..so what's new? lol...have my daily dose of the Filipino teleseryes and the Buzz..that's about it
What special days did I celebrate and how?
my baby shower..had a picnic party in the park
What gifts did I give and/or receive?
Had my baby shower early this month..was able to get some blankets, clothes, playpen and some money from my friends and relatives. I gave a bouncer and head and body support for the carseat for my friend who had her Baby Shower too.
What illnesses or health concerns did I have?
Jewelle's allergies and the Jelynn's colds
What fun things did I do with my friends and/or family?
nothing really...basically a boring month for us
What new foods, recipes or restaurants did I try this month?
nothing LOL...we stop eating a lot of foods because of Jewelle's allergies
What special or unusual purchases did I make?
unusual?? nothing really..special would be my Baby's crib and bouncer..
What were this month’s disappointments?
I still unable to get Jewelle to see her allergist...no opening until end of september..tsk tsk
What were my accomplishments this month?
Jewelle is potty trained! Jelynn started kindergarten with excitement...no apprehension from the big girl whatsoever.
Labels: roundups
Venture Capital Database
For a business who is just starting VentureDeal Venture Capital Database is a great way to gain knowledge of the business world. At VentureDeal you are provided with the latest information about technology-related venture capital transactions. So you are always up to date. You can join VentureDeal for 14 days free and get thousands of transactions to help your business. There is no obligation to continue after your 14-day trial plus no credit card required.
Tagged by Darlene
1. Are you taller than your mom?- Yes my mom was short
2. What color is your curtain?- white
3. What is the closest thing to you right now that is red?- Ariel's hair (little mermaid)
4. What is your ring tone?- My humps lol heheh favorite song kasi ni Jewelle
5. Does anything hurt on your body right now- I woke up with sore legs and my body hurts a little I think from tossing and turning throughout the night
6. What color is your favorite pillow?- Little RicRic is light green lol ..yup he has a name I have that pillow since I was 11
7.What is/are your favorite video game?- I don't play video games...only the hubby..maybe I'll try the Wii after I give birth. It looks fun.
8. Had a nap today?- no we went to Ikea instead
9. Gold or Silver?- Gold but white gold don't like yellow gold
10. Is there an animal that creeps you out?- Snake...I'm terrified of them.
Tagging anyone on my blogroll who has the time to do this tag.
Labels: Tags
Teeth Grinding
Do you know anybody who grinds their teeth at night? I surely do. I have a friend who grins her teeth while sleeping and let me tell you it's so hard to sleep when you hear teeth grinding. I know a lot of people grinds their teeth because of stress now theirs a solution for teeth grinding useNight Guard, TMJ, Bruxism, Tooth Grinding, NightGuard. No more sleepless nights because of teeth grinding when you use NightGuard for nighttime teeth grinding.
Labels: Health Issues