You Are 40% Vain |
![]() Okay, so you're slightly vain from time to time, but you're not superficial at all. You are realistic. You know that looks matter. You just try to make them matter less. |
I think this is accurate. I'm not too vain. There are times when it is needed like we need to go out or something. But I don't buy the latest stuff just because. I hardly even look at myself in the mirror. But sometimes when I go out with my friends there are times I spend so much time getting ready but that's about it. I do that maybe because I know they got themselves all fixed up too. Nakakahiya naman if I'm all losyang and all lol while they are all glammed up.
Labels: Quizzes
I just love to write down my ideas but I'm very particular about the pens I use. I don't know why that certain pens does make my handwriting looks ugly while other pens make it neat. I haven't been writing as much as before because I keep losing pens especially now that the girls are at that age where they love to scribble so I have been looking for Pens that I can buy. I also want to personalized them because Jelynn just love seeing her name everywhere. At PensRus you can get customized pens for a low price. How cool huh? I bet you remember when you were a kid and all of your school supplies were customized hehehe.
I Hate...
Snagged it from JenR
1. Food you hate - I'm not a picky eater...I eat almost everything that is edible ..what I won't eat is probably Ube lol
2. Fruits that you hate - plums..not really hate but i won't eat it as much as the other fruits
3. Veggies that you hate - celery
4. Celebrities or people that you hate - no one hehehe
5. Event/Incident/Situation that you hate - where i have to wait for people because they are late...or when people come visit unannounced lol
6. TV Shows or Movies that you hate - anything sporty hehehe or anything gory
7. Type of Music that you hate - rap
8. Household chore that you hate - ironing
9. Things you hate about the world - war in Iraq
10. Things that you hate about yourself - i think things over and over again even though I know that I can't do anything about it. I can be bitchy at times especially when you keep repeating what you say to me lol
Labels: Tags
luxury homes
Who wouldn't want to have a luxury home? I bet you all want one too if only money isn't an issue. I just love browsing different kind of houses that are for sale especially here in San Francisco. It will be a dream come true for me to have an elegant home with a gourmet kitchen situated here in the Bay Area. I absolutely love looking at kitchens because I just love to cook. And if you love to cook you need a spacious kitchen with world class appliances. Hey I can dream right? You never know it might just come true.
My pregnant self at 24 weeks
This Pregnant Body
Joyce, you are looking and feeling very pregnant, and no doubt getting to know that little one inside you a bit more with each new day. You may notice your baby moving more after you drink a cold beverage or eat certain foods. At this point in your pregnancy, your uterus has expanded and is now taking up more of your abdominal area. You may begin experiencing some heartburn, which is due to the increased pressure on your stomach and esophagus.
Your Baby
Your baby weighs about 1.2 pounds and is about 8.4 inches from crown to rump (or just under 12 inches from head to heel). His or her lungs have started secreting surfactant, the substance that keeps the moist, interior surface of the lungs from sticking together; and he or she is practicing breathing. Your baby's eyes are also watching for light and its ears are listening to your heart beat and your stomach growl.
Please do check out my other blog: My own Little World. It has been updated finally. Thank you
Labels: Pregnancy
Gas cards
Gas prices nowadays keep getting higher and higher. I swear when I put gas in my Nissan Pathfinder it cost me about $50 when about two years or so ago it'll just be about $30. And because of this I bet a lot of you would love to have free gas. Now you can get free gas card at You can get $75 worth of gas money when you spend $25 coupon book. Everybody needs to put gas in their cars so this gas money is a big help. You get coupons and by mailing it through the mail you get an instant $75 worth of gas money. It is so easy. Start ordering your certificate booklet now at and with 100% money back guarantee you have nothing to lose.

How many pieces of jewelry do you wear most days?
most days it's just my wedding ring
What is your favorite instrumental song?
the wedding march hehehe and anything by Jim Brickman
Who has a last name that you like?
nobody really..I'm pretty happy with my last name heheh..not too common
Main Course
Name a popular movie you’ve never seen.
Spiderman..who hasn't seen any of those anyways right? ...Yikes I didn't read this right lol hahahah..wrong answer.
The Pirates movies..I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't seen it lol...
Fill in the blank: Nothing makes me ___________ like ____________.
Nothing makes me happy like my family does. My life revolves around them. They are my everything
Labels: Memes
Proteomics is the large-scale study of proteins, particularly their structures and functions. Proteins are vital parts of living organisms, as they are the main components of the physiological pathways of cells.Proteomics is often considered the next step in the study of biological systems, after genomics. And alot of scientists out there are looking for the best DNA to make their research possible. If their studies are successful we might see a better solution of a lot of illnesses out there.
Need help?
Do you need help overcoming drug addiction? There are a lot of ways for you to be able to overcome addiction. The most effective is drug rehabilitation. If you know someone who is abusing themselves because of drugs, drug rehabilitation is the best way you can help them. You can help them go back to a a drug-free life. Do take the first step and look into drug rehabilitation program by doing so you can save your life and others.
Raising a Reader
I'm guilty about not reading to the girls as often as I should. Having Jelynn attend kindergarten readiness made me realize that I'm not reading to them enough. So we'll make a few changes. I will try to read to them at least 15 minutes a day. We have been reading everyday and they seem to be very attentive. Jewelle doesn't try to rip the books like she used to anymore which is great. Reading also builds their listening skills and vocabulary so this is great activity to have since they are in the age where they are curious about everything. We'll try to accumulate as many books as possible so they have variety of different books not just disney hehehe.
Labels: Activities
friend finder
Is it hard for you to make friends? Sometimes there are people who have a hard time making friends in person. They are either too shy or they do not go out as much. Or you might just be too busy with your job that you hardly have time to find friends. Now you can find new friends at FriendFinder. How convenient it is to find friends inside your own house. You can meet different kinds of people if you join their community. It's free to join and there are over 1 million members with about 10,000 pictures every week. I'm sure you'll find somebody who you can get along with and people who are looking for love you might just find your soul mate. So why not try it out. You can't lose because it is absolutely free. Check out their website at and you'll be amaze at how easy it is to do a quick search. You'll find what you are looking for in no time. You can even socialize in their very own chatroom. And there are groups that you can join with similar interests. It is so easy to find friends and even love. There are friends listing all over the country so you are not stuck just locally. Start having fun today by logging on at If you join today you might just see yourself going out tomorrow night.
Ever since I discovered Gymboree when I got pregnant with Jelynn I have been so addicted. Every single time they have a sale I can't seem to hold myself from not buying anything. Especially when they offer gymbucks. They are having a half yearly sale right now so do check it out. They just have adorable clothes for little girls. Boys not so much but for girls they have the cutest.

That's up to 60% off heheh ...sorry it's cut.
Labels: shopping
My blogging personality
Tagged by Shabem
Your Blogging Type is Artistic and Passionate |
![]() You see your blog as the ultimate personal expression - and work hard to make it great. One moment you may be working on a new dramatic design for your blog... And the next, you're passionately writing about your pet causes. Your blog is very important - and you're careful about who you share it with. |
I think everyone got tagged already so I won't be tagging anyone right now. But feel free to get it if you haven't done this already. Heheh.
Labels: Tags
Fleas control
The girls are in the stage where they want to be able to have a pet. I think they wnat a poodle. How cute huh? If only they are old enough to take care a pet then why not. Maybe when they get older. I think they're getting jealous of their Ninang Cherry's two chihuahuas. But to be able to have a pet you have to control their fleas also so that it won't spread to the other pets. I've seen pets who have gotten feline cystitis and that needs to be treated right away before the irritation gets infected. If you have pets that is infected by fleas whether it is a cat or a dog just do log on at and you can get information hot to treat and control their fleas. You do want you pets healthy too. That comes with the responsibility of owning pets and that's what I want the girls to learn.

1. Go on a vacation with the whole family..probably Hawaii..hoping..praying.
2. Give birth..hahah definitely
3. Baptism of Baby JE
4. Go Camping..since the girls really never went camping..we'll be doing that this weekend.
5. Go take the girls to a water park especially it's finally getting hotter here in the Bay Area!
5. Finish up the girls' baby albums! (I know it's past overdue)
6. Do have all my scrapbooking layouts printed!
7. Go to Vegas...we usually do a yearly trip to Vegas but alas this year we haven't been yet but hey there's still 5 months to go lol.
8. Go to Lake Tahoe!
9. Do lose the extra weight I will gain by the end of the pregnancy...can I lose it in two months? I give birth on October...sometimes I'm not that realistic lol. Do try to slim down at the very least.
10. Have a family picture...ahhh this seems like so easy to do but when you have girls who can't sit still for 5 takes about 5 times going back and forth to the photo studio to finally get a great one lol.
11. Try to visit the grandparents in Ohio.
12. Enroll both girls to Ballet & Tap
13. Potty-trained Jewelle so she can start going to preschool. She gets jealous of her big sister.
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Labels: Meme
Police enthusiast

Are you one of the Police enthusiast out there? I surely am. Who doesn't know them anyways. The Police is a three-piece rock band consisting of singer/bassist Sting, drummer Stewart Copeland and guitarist Andy Summers . They became popular in the 80's worldwide, playing a style of rock that is influenced by reggae and punk. Their 1983 album Synchronicity was number one in the UK and the US, and went Platinum eight times in the US. So I know that you know them and they release a Police Cd last June 5th. When you buy their 2 disc compilation you can get a free vintage poster with it too. I have the CD and I know you'll definitely love their tracks so get yours today. There are 28 tracks on the CD so I guarantee that it is well worth it. For more information about The Police, just click this link. The link will provide you with videos, track list /jukebox, tour dates, how to enter their contest, ringtones and of course how you can share this wonderful news to fellow police enthusiast. Do enter their contest also you might just win a trip to New York City to see the Police live. How cool is that? It will be a dream come true for a Police enthusiast to see the Police live in person. And also don't forget to buy their CD this is a great addition to your Police collection
Thank you
Thank you ladies and (gents) for always visiting my blog. I'm sorry if I haven't been visiting as often since Jelynn started school Monday. I'm getting used to the new schedule. Sleeping in early, waking up earlier and getting her ready, fed and getting the little girl ready to go with me everywhere I go because soe doesn't like to stay with lolo does take extra time and I'm still getting used to it. Plus opportunities that needed to be done kept me busy. I visit sometimes but pardon me if I don't leave comments as often. I will probably get everything all together by next week. Thank you so much for leaving me comments. I truly appreciate it.
Labels: Ramblings
Get yourself some heelys
I notice a lot of kids love heelys. I see them worn by a lot of kids. My nieces and nephews have them too. They are so adorable and they love using the heels because it'll get them to one place faster. When Jelynn gets older I would like her to learn how to use rollerblades because I never learned to to use one hehe. And since my neice is having a birthday in a couple weeks I think I'll give her another pair of heelys and I bet she'll totally love them. I found and they have thousands of heelys and inline skates available and ready for shipment. So if you have somebody or you yourself love heelys and want to have a pair of inline skates why not log on at and get yours today.
Update on my busy week
Things to do:
* Bring Jelynn to school - stay for a brief orientation - Done...also had orientation Tuesday..she seems to like going to school but the little girl gets jealous she wants to go to school too lol
* Have my Dad go book the place for the baby shower. -Done we went to see the places we were choosing from and we finally decided for Aug. 5th Baby us plenty of time to prepare.
* Go buy a tent & camping supplies - we're going camping this weekend - Done also...gosh those big tents are expensive ..we need a tent that is 7 ft high and can accommodate at least 6 people because we're rooming in with Lolo & Lola
* Go to Costco - no more bottled waters & pull-ups - Done...bought other stuff too is cheaper to buy bulk stuff but I keep thinking where I'm going to store all of them lol.
* Go to the bank - deposit money before I spend it lol
* Do the laundry - too much laundry if you ask me. How the hell did we get 5 loads of laundry in less than a week? - Yes..finally...folded all of them too.
* Go to the mall - buy more shoes for the girls... I dunno why I keep on buying them sandals when I KNOW that San Francisco is always cold? Done this yesterday with Jewelle..they just don't have a lot of selection of sneakers right now because it's summer time.
* Buy tickets for Bonfante Gardens for 4th of July.
* Do go grocery shopping for Rico's stuff - more boy bawangs, white rabbits & Uncle Ben's ready rice.
* Go to the post office - send a care package to Rico.
* Glucose test AGAIN!- yes I am one of those unfortunate people who gets to do this 1-hour glucose test twice!
* Do organize the girls' clothes. Why I keep on buying them clothes but when I dress them..I can't find anything for them to wear? Where did all their clothes go?
* Go to office depot buy some ink cartridges
* Go grocery shopping - ang bilis mawalan ng pagkain dito lol
* Go to Farmer's Market tomorrow and go buy some kettle popcorn and fruits.
* Do back up my files - especially the pics. Sometimes I procrastinate about doing this lol.
* Go to Target again -buy some swim diapers for Jewelle, sunblock and stuff to bring to camping.
Labels: Ramblings, things to do
Travel insurance
When traveling especially internationally you need medical travel insurance because there are certain conditions that arise that is out of our control. I really want to book our trip to Hawaii right now because the earlier you get the plane tickets the cheaper it is and of course the better. Especially when a lot of people want to travel the same time you are traveling. But you see I'm pregnant and the baby isn't here yet so how can I book a flight for five people when the baby isn't here. But since 2 year old and below can travel around the United States without a ticket it is now possible to book our flight but with a new baby I know that there are conditions that may arise that we might not be able to control so medical insurance is needed. is the widest travel insurance in the web and they cover most medical conditions that many travel insurance out there don't. Don't let your money go to waste get a travel insurance today you never know what might happen at least you have the assurance that you can get your money back when things happen.
Dream Tag from JENR
What Dreams May Come
1. Unforgettable Dream
My mom saying goodbye to me...when she died I use to dream about her everyday single week and then after like two years or so I dreamed about her and she was waving goodbye to me.
2. Scary Dream
I was with my grandfather who was already dead and there was a fire and I can't seem to find my way to a place where there is no fire. I was crying and crying then I woke up.
3. Funny Dream
I can only recall where all of my friends and I were all pregnant at the same time that will ever happen lol
4. Dream House
5 bedroom house here in San Francisco, a stainless kitchen with a big island since I love to cook and a big backyard for the girls
5. Dream Celebrity Date (foreign or local)
I'll say Sam Milby hahahha parang teenager ang loka LOL
6. Dream Job
not doing anything but getting paid for it bwhhahaha joke...nothing really I don't want to work kasi LOL..I'm very happy being a mom and that for me is a dream job to be able to raise your kids the best they can be.
7. Dream you had last night
I don't remember if I had any
8. Dream for yourself
To be a much better mom to my kids and a great wife to my husband. Just a simple dream for me. I used to dream of big things but big things does not make someone happy that I'm sure of and my family is my life revolves around them and to be able to care for them the best way possible is my only dream.
Tagging: I think everyone has been tagged already please feel free to grab it if you want.
Labels: Tags
Ever since I reached puberty I got very sensitive skin. I am always looking for skin products that I can use and I came across a product that treats Sensitive Skin. Arouge is a line of facial skincare products that is great for dry and sensitive skin. Arouge contain all natural products leaving your skin fresh and smooth. So if you are looking for a skincare you can trust try arouge. You can start ordering now and you get free shipping of all order $100 or more. So what are you waiting for? You want great skin don't you?
shoe shopping
Since it's cold here in the Bay Area Jelynn would need a bunch of closed toe shoes when she goes to school. Especially they go to the playground almost everyday and it would be inconvenient for her to use sandals if she goes and play on the playground. While she was in school today Jewelle and I went to buy some shoes for her. The little one kept asking me if those shoes were for her and I kept telling her it's for ate hahaha so what she does was she kept on picking some shoes and kept telling me it's hers lol. But I told her she has a lot of shoes, ate old shoes lol. Since she doesn't go to school she doesn't need new ones right now lol. Plus she doesn't like sneakers anyways, she likes sandals which exposed her toes because she gets hot easily when she gets hot she takes out her shoes. So anyways here's what we got ate:
Ralph Lauren Sneaker (Didn't find a picture of it online maybe this was a few season it at Marshalls at a great deal)

Diesel Mosley Slip it at Nordstrom Rack..cheaper than at Nordstrom...$30 instead of $50 at Nordstrom hehe.
Labels: shopping
I will probably gain about 30lbs from this pregnancy and I am determined to lose all the extra weight once Baby JE comes out. I know it will be hard because I have gain alot even before the pregnancy but with determination comes success. I want to be able to wear back my pre-pregnancy clothes. It is very expensive to buy more clothes and it's a waste to put all my clothes away if they won't fit me after I deliver Baby JE. To accomplish my goal of going back to 90lbs will help me. They have free weight loss journal to help you lose those extra pounds and free calorie counter. I know that keeping track about your diet does help big time in losing weight. It's great to see your progress and myfitnesspal does that and they have a message board where you can communicate with others to help you accomplish your goal.
Busy week
Hi everyone! How's your weekend? Ours was okey. I'll upload photos later of some photos we took yesterday from a birthday party we attended. Anywhoo, this is such a busy week for me with Jelynn starting school today I think I have more time to go around town and do what needed to be done.
Things to do:
* Bring Jelynn to school - stay for a brief orientation
* Have my Dad go book the place for the baby shower.
* Go buy a tent & camping supplies - we're going camping this weekend
* Go to Costco - no more bottled waters & pull-ups
* Go to the bank - deposit money before I spend it lol
* Do the laundry - too much laundry if you ask me. How the hell did we get 5 loads of laundry in less than a week?
* Go to the mall - buy more shoes for the girls... I dunno why I keep on buying them sandals when I KNOW that San Francisco is always cold?
* Buy tickets for Bonfante Gardens for 4th of July.
* Do go grocery shopping for Rico's stuff - more boy bawangs, white rabbits & Uncle Ben's ready rice.
* Go to the post office - send a care package to Rico.
* Glucose test AGAIN!- yes I am one of those unfortunate people who gets to do this 1-hour glucose test twice!
* Do organize the girls' clothes. Why I keep on buying them clothes but when I dress them..I can't find anything for them to wear? Where did all their clothes go?
Hopefully, I can tag along Jewelle to everywhere I go lol. It's hard to bring her anywhere she asks too many things lol. She knows how to shop now and she buys things that are not on sale. hahahah. I don't think she'll stay with her Lolo anyways. She won't stay if her ate isn't with her.
Labels: Ramblings, things to do
Now that I'm pregnant it is very important for me to watch my calorie intake because I don't want the baby to get too big because it'll be so hard to deliver. Calorie Calculator is a great way to monitor my calorie intake based on my daily routine. This is a great for people who wants to lose weight because it will calculate your ideal weight based on your height and your age. So if you want to lose or gain weight Calorie Calculator is a great tool to help you accomplish your goal.
For more information read the press release below:
Calorie calculators are an easy way help you determine how much food you can eat when you want to manage your weight. The calorie calculator at is one of the most accurate on the internet. The Magnetic Diet is an amazing new book by diet and meditation guru Nick Smith. In it he describes an original nutritional concept that he calls Food Magnetism. Smith says that food magnetism is the way and the means by which we can lose weight and achieve an incredible level of health and well being. The Magnetic Diet details techniques to overcome cravings through special breathing exercises and a unique approach to improving muscle tone that does not require a gym membership. Smith also shares a simple meditation practice that anyone can do and in his words "has the potential beyond anything else you could ever do, to bring an unimaginable and everlasting joy to your life." Smith has done what few authors would ever think to do, he has made the book available on-line completely free of charge. He says it is more important for people especially young people to have access to this knowledge than it is for him to make a profit. You can of course order the book from his website and read it in comfort on your couch as opposed to page by page sitting at the computer.
Pinoy Big Brother
Anybody seen Pinoy Big Brother Season 2? I'm so relieved that's it's going to end next Saturday. I got turned off by the middle of the season because it seems like the show is scripted. I especially hate it when they did the Balikbahay thing. Evicted housemates going back in? I think it's unfair for those housemates that remained inside the house. They shouldn't be part of the Big 4. This is what I don't like sometimes in Filipino shows they tend to care about the rating game too much so they sacrifice quality shows for a great rating. Oh well, hopefully they won't have PBB Season 3 lol I think alot of people got turned off already and I doubt if it'll rate if they have a new one.
Labels: TV Shows
With the baby coming in October, we need a lot of things for the baby since most of the girls' old baby stuffs were given away to Salvation Army when we moved from Oxnard to San Diego. If you have babies you know how expensive their little furnitures are so promotional codes is very helpful especially when you are buying a lot. In our case we need to buy from cribs to bouncer to stroller so a coupon from BabiesRUs will be very helpful for us. BabiesRUs is the largest store that carries everything and anything for babies so this is a nice store for us to have coupons. I bet you love to save money too you can find thousands of retailers with coupon codes at They are updated daily so you can check it out often and save some money for other things.
I snagged this tag from Nita. It was fun! I'm tagging all my friends who are linked in my blog!
Instruction: Go to, write your name and the word "wants" in the google and click the Goggle Search button. Just for fun, see what comes out of your search.
Here are the results of my search:
*What Joyce wants, Joyce gets....definitely lol
*Joyce wants to know if lysol disinfectant wipes work ...sure lol
*Joyce wants to know if Johnny Fresh toilet bowl cleaner really works or not....hahah it looks like I like cleaning? NOt! lol
*Joyce wants cleaning job Cape Town Cape Town work wanted...uh Okeyyy
*Joyce wants to go right to the top with England from Evening Standard (London)
*Joyce wants to make music that’s ‘gender-free’.
*Joyce wants to encourage other women to be all they can be in NAA and in life!
For variation, you may also use "needs" or "likes" or "loves."
Labels: Tags
packing supplies
With Rico's job we move around a lot. We don't stay in one place that long. We stay in one place for about 3 years and so then he gets transfered again and we have to move our stuff once more. It is sometimes very sad for us to leave a place but that's part of his job. And because moving a lot could damage our furnitures we need great packing supplies. It is important to protect all the furnitures we have because we spent money buying them and it'll go to waste if not packed correctly. I don't want to keep buying new furnitures every time we move you know? You need bubble wrap and furniture protectors to wrap your precious housewares into because they could easily break with the move especially when you are moving across the country or so. It is very important to protect those memories that comes with the furnitures or housewares that you have because they may be gifts from your loved ones. So log on at The Packing Station and get all your moving supplies.
Maria Flordeluna ended today
Abs-Cbn's Maria Flordeluna ended today. It was for me a sad ending with Flordeluna dying in the end. But I guess they did a different ending from the previous Maria Flordeluna. Jelynn cried because Flor died as if she understood what dying meant lol. I always watch soap operas' endings even though I don't watch the show often just to see if they'll do something different. It always seem to be the same...a happy ending but this one was different I kinda like it but also don't maybe I'm used to the happy endings by now hehe.
Labels: TV Shows
Public Records
Do you want to find out information about somebody? Now it is easy to do so through Through you can find accurate information of certain individuals or even companies. Accurate information is vital nowadays because there are alot of people out there who you can't trust. Public records are also needed when you start a business because you have to research all the competitions you may have. These are some of the public records you can find out at
# Property tax assessor files.
# Real Estate Ownership
# Motor vehicle records
# Registered voter files
# Professional and business licenses.
# Traffic Tickets
# Court and files
# Case indexes
# Tax liens and judgments
# Bankruptcy files
# Criminal arrest records
# Conviction Records
# Arrest Warrants
# Civil court recordings
Now it is easy to find all of these through the internet. No more office visits for you. How convenient.
How about background checks? Are they important? Of course they are especially when trying to hire somebody as your employee. They need to be trustworthy because if they are trustworthy your business will succeed. can help you find out all you need to know about a person. Background check is very helpful on helping you decide if a person is good enough to work for you. Just log on at and find out about somebody right now!

Name a funny habit you have.
I have to have a blanket, socks, and my favorite pillow with me when going to sleep or I won't be able to or at least I have a hard time sleeping
If you could instantly know how to play a musical instrument, which one would you pick?
Piano...just would love to be able to play the piano..I always imagine having a grand piano someday lol
How long is your hair?
almost to my elbow
Main Course
When was the last time you forgave someone, and who was it?
Nobody did something bad to me so I don't need to forgive...
What is your favorite kitchen appliance?
the stove of course because I love to cook I just hate cleaning after cooking lol
Labels: Memes
Thursday Thirteen #6

1. Pearl Harbor: Who doesn't plus yummy Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett in one movie..yummy! lol
2. Sleepless in Seattle: This for me is the most romantic movie ever hahaha...the little boy looking for a wife for his daddy...too sweet!
3. Just like Heaven: I love Reese Witherspooon..enough said lol
4. Pretty Woman: who hasn't watch this movie? hahahah This is where Julia Roberts got her name.
5. She's all that: I watch this like 10 times or so hahaha
6. Notting Hill: Of course you remember the "I'm just a girl standing in front of a boy asking him to love her." quote right?
7. 40 Days and 40 nights: Too funny...hahah
8. Sweet Home Alabama: I mention I love Reese right? lol
9. Harry Potter Series: Yes I love them all lol..and I can't wait for the next one
10. Wedding Planner: I love JLO's take on chick flicks hehehe
11. Never Been kissed: Funny and romantic hehehe
12. A walk to remember: i never like movies that characters die in the end but this one I love..made me cry so much
13. Miss Congeniality: Sandra Bullock is too funny!
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
View More Thursday Thirteen Participants
Labels: Memes
Build a sandcastle
Are you one of those people who loves getting e-cards? I am! I just feel special receiving e-cards especially for no apparent reason. It feels so nice that people remembers you. I also love creating e-cards for friends and family. Just to let them know how special they are to me and that I'm always thinking of them no matter the distance between us may be. Build A Sandcastle is a e-card maker with beach images. These e-cards are great for summer. Your recipient might even want to go visit the beach image you chose. As I was creating my own e-card Jelynn just love it because you can build your own sandcastle. And if you have kids they just totally adore the beach and sandcastles. You can start by choosing a beach from their image gallery then you can start building your own sandcastle. Choosing the colors and beach accessories to go with it. It is so easy to do and if you have kids they'll definitely would love to help you creating an e-card too. It is free to Build A Sandcastle so why not make one too for those special people in your lives. Click here for the sandcastle Jelynn and I did.
Jewelle Update!
I brought Jewelle again to the pediatrician yesterday because of the constant cramping/pain on her tummy. She couldn't sleep undisturbed because the cramping does occur every 10 minutes or so. I think she can only sleep when she was too tired already and doesn't care how painful her tummy is. She makes poopie so many times a day that her bottom is so irritated she doesn't want me to wipe it. So I have to bring her in the bathtub even in the middle of the night. Thank God it hasn't been cold here lately. So I took her in for checkup again because her tummy isn't getting better and guess what they found out. She is constipated. I tell you if they have checked her tummy two weeks ago she would have been better by then. Argghhh! They prescribed her laxative to make her go because her poopie is too hard already. And she was traumatized probably from her diarrhea. She now knows that making her go creates rash and she's avoiding that that's why she doesn't want to go. You can see she's trying not to go crossing her legs and flexing her legs' muscles. Last night I gave her the laxative and she went twice with big poopie (sorry if your eating or your sensitive about this topic lol). After letting those out she felt much much better. No crying, no whining, no going in the middle of the night. Hopefully this continues so she doesn't have to go have her tummy ultrasound.
Labels: The Girls
I love movies that makes you laugh. I would rather watch a movie that I will continue to laugh from the beginning through the end than cry all through out. Now if you want to laugh too the new Reno 911! Miami The Movie is out in DVD. You can rent it or buy it today and I'm sure you'll laugh your heart's out. Reno 911 The Movie is about officers of the Reno police department visit a national police convention in Miami Beach. When the convention center is bio-attacked, it's up to Reno's "finest" to save the day.In the film, the team goes to Miami for a law enforcement convention and then ends up taking over for the Miami PD. From Dangle's short shorts to Wiegel's trash-talking on the beach... you're gonna love it. Plus, the whole cast of MTV's The State makes an appearance. Reno 911 The Movie is based on the successful Comedy Central series. So if you watch the TV series you'll surely love this one. The movie stars Robert Ben Garant, Thomas Lennon, Niecy Nash, Mary Birdsong, Cedric Yarbrough. And do visit their website for more information. They also have games you can play with. I played their most wanted. They have hilarious people who are wanted. Here's the two most wanted people that I found hilarious:

Cardio Update!
I mention a few months back that I have been suffering from palpitations. They had my thyroid hormones checked to see if I have hyperthyroidism. The endocrinologist said that I don't have free thyroid hormones circulating so I don't have hyperthyroidism after all. So my question was...why am I having palpitations? I don't want to have a heart attack one of these days you know? Of course she probably laughed at me when I said that hahaha. But since I'm pregnant I want to be sure especially when I give birth. I know that some women who go through delivery who has some kind of heart disease does not make it. So I want to make sure I'm healthy and my heart can take the pressure of delivery. I was referred to cardiologist. Today I went to have an ultrasound of my heart called echogram. It's the same thing like when you have an ultrasound with your baby. He said that everything looks normal. Everything looks great and that palpitations does sometimes occur during pregnancy and that I have nothing to worry about. So I'm relieved that I don't have any serious heart problems. I know it was very inconvenient to go to appointments every week and blood test and lab tests but it's better to be sure than sorry right?
Music Charts
Are you music lover like me? I know that alot of you out there appreciate music like me. I just love to listen to music because it relaxes you after a whole day of stresses. As I was looking for sites where I can download music I came across unsigned chart with free music downloads. It's British fastest, growing website where you can download music from new bands. So check it out when you get a chance.
Here's more information about the site:
tourdates.Co.UK, Britains fastest growing new music website, has launched a chart for unsigned bands.
The site allows new bands to upload promotional tracks, announce gig dates and create profiles to promote themselves alongside major artists such as the Artic Monkeys and The Twang.
Tourdates Jarrod Robinson says, there are some fantastic unsigned bands in the UK and we wanted them to know how much our community likes their music, an unsigned chart seemed the perfect answer.
Chart results are announced on the site at 19:00 every sunday, the sametime as the No1 single of the week is announced on BBC's radio 1.
Tagged by JenR:
*Have you dated someone older than you?
yeah...I don't go for younger guys unless he is really really cute LOL joke
Unforgettable high school memory?
meeting my best friends heheheh...
Ever hated someone so bad?
no I don't hate anyone...I may dislike someone because they did something that I don't agree but I never hate..hate is such a strong word
Have you ever failed a subject at school?
Not intentionally...I forgot to drop my class..kaya nagkaroon ng F lol
When was the last time you said I love you and meant it?
Today when I told Jewelle I love her. She doesn't like me right now because I keep washing her bottom and it hurts but I keep telling her that I love her and that I never want to hurt her. I just want her to feel better.
What's the last thing you purchased?
swimsuits for the girls, sandals for them, a pants & shirt for both girls
Longest phone conversation?
i can't remember..maybe 5 hours? lol...yeah those were the days
Ever put lemon in your hair?
Stolen anything?
coins hahahah to buy some candies when I was younger lol
Had a crush on your neighbor?
hahaha no I don't think so...wala akong neighbor na cute nyahhaa joke
Lost a friend?
not really lost a friend maybe drifted apart because we have different priorities as time goes by...
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by?
i don't think so
Felt an earthquake?
in the Phils.- the strongest one was the Cabanatuan earthquake..I didn't even know what to call it then since it was the first time I felt one
Touched a snake?
No way!...Biggest fear LOL
Gotten in a car accident?
yeah....there was a car on the other side of the highway spinning out of control going towards was scary..thank God we were all okey afterwards
Had a party in your house while your parents were away?
Used a fake id?
Been lost?
not really I'm pretty good with directions lol
Kissed in the rain?
no lol.
Not tagging anyone because I don't really know who got tagged with this tag already but please feel free to grab it if you want.
Labels: Tags
Does the guy in your life play poker? Does he go out with his friends and have poker night every week or so? Now he can play poker through . He doesn't need to go out with friends once a week to play poker. Now he has the convenient of playing his favorite game inside your house. I know that alot of people out there have a hard time looking for games that is compatible with Macintosh now you can play poker at Mac Poker.
Mac Poker has a list of sites where Mac users can play poker. How convenient is that? The website has many guides where you can find the best online casino bonuses. You want to win money right now you can through The site also have a online guide for beginners. So head on over there and start playing.
In The Spotlight
I was tagged by gLenn.Sorry it took awhile and I'm doing this on this blog instead of the other one hehe.
Here's my interview:
When did you start blogging?
I started blogging at Friendster mostly writing about the preparation of our wedding. That was back in 2005.
What do you hope to accomplish your blog?
Nothing really I just want to be able to type down my thoughts. Sort of a remmebrance of what's happening to me day to day.
What's your best quality?
Loyal & honest
What's your worst quality?
Is this your first meme?
no I have a lot already especially I need fillers in between paid posts lol.
Shabem - JenR - Nita - Darlene - Nina
Just do it when you can it's no hurry. Thank You!
My other blog "My Own Little World" is updated. Please visit when you get a chance. Thank You
Celebrity Gossip
I know how celebrities have become part of our lives. We doesn't seem to get enough of them. We want to find out everything and anything about them. Who wouldn't read celeb gossip in our world today? Celebrities have all these exciting happenings around them that we just can't get enough. There's a brand new site called that you can visit and you'll get your daily dose of the hot and latest celebrity gossip out there. You want to know if it's a girl or a boy for Julia Roberts? How about Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel? Are they together or not? Well now you have a chance to also leave comments just join all the thousands of gossipers at and create a free account then you are ready to mingle.
I know that if you have kids you definitely know that swimming is their favorite activity and my girls are no different. Now that it's FINALLY getting hot here in the bay area we will definitely try to bring the girls to the beach or to the water park. And we'll be going with the grandparents to the camping trip my stepmom has with her co-workers. It'll be nice for the girls to go out. I feel bad that they always stay in the house playing the same thing over and over again every day. So instead of not going to the camping trip we opted to go. So to get ready for the hot summer months I bought the girls some swimsuits. Here they are:

Now they are ready to go swimming. Hopefully Lolo will have time to drive us around on the weekends hehehe.
Burn Notice's Survivor
It is crucial to have survival skills because you may never know what might happen to you one of these days. If I were to be stranded in a city by myself and I don't know anybody else in the city I would probably start working so that I have money for food. I know how important it is to be able to eat so that you have the energy always. You don't need to find a job that pays a lot of money you just need to find a job period so that you can survive day to day. I know that a lot of cities have shelter homes you can sleep in. So that's probably where I'm going to sleep for the meantime since I have no money for hotels or apartment. And if I can't find a job out there there are also places where you can get free food so that you won't go hungry. There are alot of agencies out there who can help somebody who doesn't have any other resources in order to live. Why did I mention my survival skills? Because there is a new show about survival. USA Network's Burn Notice is about a spy agent named Michael Westen played by Jeffrey Donovan who gets a burn notice. He didn't get a termination letter from the human resources they just get burned. Now he is determined to find who was the reason for his sudden termination. Unable to utilize his normal contacts and needing to stay under the spy network radar, he puts his Special Ops training to use to help those who the police can't or won't, in order to fund his ongoing personal investigation. Burn Notice's Survivor premieres on thursday, June 28th at 10/9c at USA Network. To find out how Michael Westen survived tune in on the 28th and you'll find out.
Health Update!
I'm doing a little better now. No more migraines. Thank God. I was so happy and grateful to God that finally my migraines went away. It was hard taking care of a sick toddler if you're sick and pregnant as well. In regards to Jewelle, I brought her to the emergency saturday night because of her stomach pains. She was having cramps every 10 minutes of so But the doctor couldn't give her any other medicines because they needed her stool sample. They just told me to continue giving her fluids and give her tylenol for pain. But it pain relievers doesn't seem to work with her so I didn't give her any more. Sunday night she was doing a little better. No cramping the whole night. She woke up with no poopie. She still have a little cramps here and there but not as often. She feels a little better but we're still waiting for her stool results because she might need antibiotics. We don't want the bacteria coming back.
I had an appointment today and the it seems that everything are okey. I'm 122lbs already. Yikes! I know getting fatter every single week but she said just gain just one pound every week and I should be okey. So 18 lbs to go yikes. That means 140 lbs at the end of pregnancy. How in the world am I gonna go back to my 90lbs self lol. Since I got fatter even before I got pregnant, it seems that I have gained alot already but no I was 112 when I got pregnant but once I give birth I want to be able to go back to 90-100lbs. At least 100lbs because everyone told me that 90lbs is too thin.
Anyways, please visit my other blog My own little world if you get a chance. Will probably update later with my new scraps. Thanks
Fantasy Football
I know that most guys out there love to either play or watch football. It is the number one sport here in the United States and I know that Rico is one of those who loves football. What better way to find a pastime than join a fantasy football team right? So if you're looking for a football fantasy team and compete for high stakes fantasy football is a place for you. The prizes are so high that I know you would want to join. Prizes goes up to $100,000 for platinum level and could be increased due to more sponsors. So if you know any football players out there this is the place for them.
I know that I got tagged by some of you. I promise to do it as soon as Jewelle gets better. It's hard to blog for me right now because she cries constantly because her tummy aches so bad. I have also been preoccupied with my migraines so I'm unable to post as much as I want to. The previous posts I've done were "assignments". I will hopefully try to catch up as soon as I can. Thanks for your patience and thanks for visiting my blog. Have a great weekend. And to all the Father's out there: Happy Father's Day!
Labels: Ramblings

Fill in the blank: The best thing about where I live is _________________…
The best thing where I live is it is closer to my friends and relatives.
Create a new name for a deodorant (like “Flower Fresh” or “Shower Scent”).
spring showers lol
What was the last piece of software you installed onto your computer?
in my laptop...Yahoo messenger
Main Course
If you were to receive a superlative award today beginning with the words ”Most likely to…”, what would the rest of the phrase say?
Most likely to complain about everything...
What two colors do you like to wear together?
black and red heheh
white and red
white and yellow
Labels: Memes
I have always been fascinated with houses. Every time I get a chance I love looking at houses which are for sale even though I really don't have plans on buying a house right now especially because of Rico's job. But the parents are planning on buying a bigger house hopefully get the house my uncle is trying to sell. But the house is in need of total remodeling. I mean everything needs changing because they are in the Philippines right now and nobody was living in the house for so long now. Now they need to change everything. From the bathroom, to the doorways to Mailboxes. But once they finished fixing the house it will be like brand new. And my dad really wants it because of course it is much cheaper than any houses here in Daly City. And everything push through he can get custom Mailboxes for the house that he can put in front of the house. He can even design his own. How nice huh? I love looking at mailboxes in alot of houses. Especially if they are unique, they give the house character.
baby albums
I never created a baby album for the girls and I intend to do one when I get better. I just need to find their pictures. If not I have to wait until October to make one because the baby albums the girls have are all in storage in San Diego. But I bought these cute baby quickpages from Shabby Princess and you will just plop their photos and voila it's finish. I want to make one for each girls but I don't think I can especially I'm tryiong to make another shutterfly photobook for both of them. So here's the quickpages album I bought:

Labels: Digiscrapbooking, The Girls
auto accessories
Sometimes I cannot understand guys fascination to cars. But slowly I am able to understand why they love their car so much. Rico has been asking me if he can get his car totally fixed up. I told him to call around and get the cheapest deals because I know that fixing a car does not come cheap. Accessories are expensive so I told him if he can find something with reasonable price why not. I found a site that offers cheap auto accessories. And with Father's Day coming up on sunday this is a great for him because I know how much he adores his integra heheh. They even offer free shipping and their prices are guaranteed the lowest in the industry so now Rico can be able to have his precious car totally fixed up.
summer school starts
Jelynn will be going to summer preparation on June 25. She will be attending school for one month preparing her for kindergarten. How time flies! I could even remember the day I found out I was pregnant with her back in 2001. Now she's 5 years old. I cannot believe how much she has grown. She will now be going to school. It'll be a bittersweet moment for me because she wouldn't be with me 24 hours a day now. But I know she'll learn alot in school and she'll meet new friends so I'm still happy.
Labels: The Girls
school loans
We all know how expensive it is to attend colleges. Even the city colleges are expensive nowadays. But we also know how important an education is so we all try to get that college diploma. And because tuition fees are sky rocketing you need to take student loans to pay those tuition fees and now you can get school loan consolidation for all the loans that you may have. Loan consolidation can significantly lower your monthly payments. I know how hard it is to have student loans. I was lucky that my dad paid mine but for those college students and newly graduates out there will need this school loan consolidation especially they are still trying to find a great job who will pay them enough money.
still having a headache
I am an inch away to taking the pain reliever the OB gave me. I just also don't want to feel too sleepy because I have a little girl who is sick. I have to be alert at all times. I have been calling doctors asking them what I can do for me and for Jewelle. She said take the medicines when the pain is too much to handle. Argghhh! I keep thinking about the baby inside of me. I have taken too many medicines already and I pray so hard that these medicines does not affect her at all. But in order to take care of Jewelle I have to feel better too. Oh dang! Why have a migraine attack now that Jewelle is sick.
Labels: Ramblings
Telecon Consulting
In every business you need to have an auditor because you just don't know what might be going on with your company's money. Telecom Consulting can help you monitor your finances. Especially nowadays when fraud is just a phone call away. Telecom can help you with your phone problems. Is the phone company charging your business a ton of money? Why now have Telecom Consulting help you monitor anything that is being charge with your account. Telecom will save you alot of money so if you need help call 1.888.784.7766 . Call today and you can get a customized telecon Expense Analysis within 30 days with no cost.
I swear I'm going crazy here thinking that this headache is something serious. 1000mg of tylenol doesn't even touch it. And the pain behind my right ear seems to feel like a cut then you put an alcohol in it. It stings! I have been thinking that I may be getting an aneurysm any minute because it hurts in the same spot and it seems like not my ordinary migraines. I called my OB and complained about it she gave me a narcotic but I'm scared to take because even when she said it won't affect the baby or anything they aren't too sure. I tried massaging my head, my neck, but with no avail. It hurts like hell. I can't sleep because it is just too painful. Then all I do is start praying and start crying because I'm getting scared that it's something serious. Even my migraines did not last this long. It has been 6 days and it feels like there's no improvement. It even seems like it is getting worse. This afternoon was the worst. I even try pulling my hair because I didn't know what else to do. I took 500mg of tylenol at 2pm and by 4pm it was like hell. I couldn't take anything else it still isn't time. So I cried and I cried because I don't even know how to take the pain away. I went back so many times of what I did and what I ate but I can't find something that would cause this headache. I can't rest too much also because Jewelle is still having stomach problems. I brought her to the doctor yesterday and they gave her lacto bacillus to help with the digestion of food and they tested her stools for possible bacteria. We still haven't gotten the results. I don't even know how to help her because she gets these stomach spasms where she feels so much pain. She would cry calling her daddy and yelling "Oh My God Mommy please stop no more please no more." It just breaks my heart. She can't sleep at night because she gets tummy aches every hour or so. This afternoon she was having the spasms every ten minutes. She doesn't even want me to touch her behind anymore because her diaper rash is so bad it's bleeding. She's getting traumatized by the site of diaper wipes and water. I just kept crying because I don't even know how to make my baby feels better. I know it sounds like I'm having a panic attack again but I just don't know anymore. Headaches wouldn't leave me alone and so is the Diarrhea wouldn't leave Jewelle. Tomorrow is a new day hopefully it'll be a much better day than today....
Labels: Ramblings
I know that today it is so expensive to live on your own. With the real estate skyrocketing it's so impossible to buy one especially here in the bay area. Can you believe an old two bedroom house will cost you almost $700, 000 here. So when you rent a house or an apartment it is costly. It is more practical to find a roommate when you want to live apart from your parents. Now you can find a roommate easily through They are the leading roommate finder online so go and find yours today.
Migraines saga continues....
Yes, I still have this horrible headache. I almost called the doctor this morning to make an appointment because of the headache. I drank some tylenol yesterday but it didn't even help a bit. I just fell asleep, when I woke up I still have the horrible migraine. I woke up this morning with a dull pain in my lower head radiating to my teeth. For me it is great to find what triggers your headaches/migraines so you know how to avoid it next time:
1. Bad posture...Since I woke up with the might be because of my posture while sleeping. It's harder now to sleep comfortably since my tummy is getting bigger so this could be the reason.
2. Vision: Since I read until the wee hours of the night and I am in front of the computer most of the could be that I strained my eyes because I hardly use my glasses.
3. Missing meals: Since when I woke up Sunday at 10:30 I already missed breakfast. It could be that but after eating headache still continues.
4. Lack of sleep: Since the little girl still makes poopie every couple of hours even at nightime. I'm unable to get a straight 6 hours sleep.
5. Food: I ate some Knorr chicken noodle soup the night before. I heard people telling me that instant soups gives them migraines.
6. High blood pressure resulting from pregnancy -meaning preclampsia? But I had appointment last June 6 and my blood pressure was normal.
7. Cavities: Since the pain radiates all the way to my right mouth could it be cavities? But I had my six month checkup late april and the dentist didn't say anything about cavities.
8. Stress Related: Could I be thinking too much?
9. Others...could it be more serious? I really hope it's not that serious.
I drank 1000mg of tylenol this morning hoping that it'll go away by the middle of the day if not I definitely have to call my doctor this afternoon because it has been three days. This is the worst headache I experienced this year so far. Arghhh! I hate it hopefully it gets better because I'm having a hard time taking care of the girls and sleeping too.
Labels: Ramblings
Lucky 7's
I have been blogging with Payperpost since January and you just don't know how happy I am with the result. Now can you believe that Payperpost has acquired $7 million dollars from advertisers? They are celebrating with a bang. They announced a new game called lucky 7s. And you can definitely win. They have a promotion that runs from today until next tuesday. Yes, that's one week of promotion and they are releasing 7K for all of us posties out there. So why not start to advertise on blogs and you can get into the fun also? You can earn from $10.77, $70 or even $700. That's a lot of money for a simple post. That's how easy it is to earn money from Payperpost. That's why I truly believe in their credibility and I know that I can't find a company better than Payperpost. They have given bloggers like me a chance to earn money by reviewing products.
For more information here's a new article about Payperpost:
The PayPerPost Revolution Accelerates, Sponsored
Blogging Marketplace Secures $7 Million Series B
Draper Fisher Jurvetson leads round and joins Board of Directors
ORLANDO, FL – (June 12, 2007) – PayPerPost, the leading marketplace for advertisers to reach bloggers and other consumer content creators, today announced it has completed a $7 million second round investment led by Draper Fisher Jurvetson, an investor in the company's Series A and one of the world’s leading high-technology venture capital firms. The financing brings the total amount of capital raised by PayPerPost to over $10 million, giving the company considerable resources for further development as the industry’s leading Consumer Generated Advertising marketplace. Additional participants in the round include existing investors Inflexion Partners and Village Ventures as well as new investor DFJ Gotham. With this investment, DFJ Managing Director Josh Stein also joins PayPerPost’s Board of Directors.
“PayPerPost created this exciting new advertising space and has established itself as the industry leader,” said Ted Murphy, chief executive officer of PayPerPost. “Although we’ve only used a portion of our first round capital, this added support from investors unlocks significant growth potential. Our content creator and advertiser ROI metrics clearly demonstrate the upside for PayPerPost’s model. We intend to use this capital to build the infrastructure, visibility and professional expertise necessary to reach and retain a greater network of advertisers and content creators than ever before.”
Since its founding in June of 2006, PayPerPost has signed more than 6,500 advertisers to its groundbreaking service, which has enabled Consumer Content Creators to be compensated for their efforts discussing specific companies, products or services via blogs, videos or other media. The content creators are required to disclose relationships with advertisers on their blog, providing transparency for the end reader. Over 125,000 Internet postings, most in the form of blogs, have already earned money for their creators through PayPerPost’s innovative marketplace. PayPerPost recently released PayPerPost Direct, a disruptive new service that allows advertisers to contract and negotiate directly with individual bloggers they identify through a safe, managed system.
“PayPerPost has laid a strong foundation for the future,” noted Tim Draper, founder and managing director of Draper Fisher Jurvetson. “It continues to attract a critical mass of participants from both the advertising and blogging communities. Analogous to Overture’s sponsored search model, we believe PayPerPost’s business model holds disruptive potential and will enable the company to thrive in the evolving paid-content arena.”
To mark the $7 million dollar funding, PayPerPost has launched a new website detailing the company’s service offering at Bloggers and advertisers can easily sign up at the site and begin leveraging the self service marketplace.

Monday: Fish sinigang (Fish in Tamarind soup)
Tuesday: Pinakbet (my own version)
1 1/2 cup water
1/2 lb pork
3 cloves garlic
1 tsp ginger
1/2 onions
3 tomatoes
1/2 string beans
1/2 cup dried black eyed peas
7 okra
4 eggplants
2 pcs ampalaya (bittermelon)
1/2 tsp chicken bouillon
Salt & pepper to taste
Slice the pork into strips. Mince the garlic, chop the ginger, chop onions and tomatoes. Quarter the eggplant and ampalaya. Cut the ends of the okras and cut the sting beans (3 inches length).
Saute ginger, onions & garlic. When they are slightly brown add the pork and wait until it is slightly brown. Add tomatoes and add the black eyed peas. Add the water & chicken bouillon. Simmer until black eyed peas are tender. Add ampalaya, string beans, eggplant & okra wait until tender. Add salt & pepper to taste.
Wednesday: My dad cooking this day because I have an appointment.
Thursday: Chicken Fettucine Alfredo.
Friday: Left overs
Saturday: Fried tilapia and sauteed tomatoes) escabeche:
* 2 Tilapias
* 2 tbsp olive oil
* 1 garlic clove, crushed
* 1 medium onion, sliced
* 2 medium tomatoes, sliced
* 1/2 cup water
* 2 eggs, beaten
Any firm white fish will do. Rub a little salt onto the fish. Heat olive oil in skillet and brown fish on both sides. Remove fish and set aside. Brown garlic in remaining oil, and when golden, add tomatoes, and salt to taste.
Cook until tomato is soft and pulpy. Then add water and simmer 3-5 minutes. Put fish into sauce and remove from heat. Add the beaten eggs. Stir to heat through and serve immediately.
Sunday: eat out for Father's day
Shopping cart software
Ever since the internet debuted many years ago, online business followed. It seems that you can find anything and everything in the internet. You don't even need to leave to house anymore everything you need can be ordered in the internet and delivered in your house. How convenient right? But every online businesses need a shopping cart software. How can you buy something from them if they don't have the software right? Ashop Commerce is an award winning shopping cart software. They are connected with all major banks, gateways, other third party processors including paypal. Credits cards are used everywhere now so you need a secure shopping cart software so that consumers aren't afraid to shop at your website and Ashop Commerce provides that. Now your customers can shop with confidence. They are affordable and you can get 10-day free trial if you sign up today. No credit card necessary to sign up.So you can start selling your product this instant so what are you waiting for? don't you want to start earning today?
How was your weekend guys? Mine wasn't too good. I woke up Sunday morning with a splitting headache. I read in a lot of pregnancy books that migraines should temporary go away during pregnancy but not mine. Yesterday the girls and I woke up at about 10am, I thought maybe the headache was caused by me missing a breakfast but after eating headaches did not subside. By lunchtime I was hurting bad, I didn't want to drink tylenol because it'll make me sleepy and when migraines strike Tylenol usually don't make it better because my migraines are far too stronger than Tylenol. I needed somthing stronger Motrin perhaps but Motrin is not recommended for pregnant women so I have no choice but to have that splitting headache that is radiating all the way to my left mouth. By 3Pm I couldn't take it anymore, I was relieved that Jewelle decided to take a nap. You see she's still making poops every couple of hours. That means taking her into the bathtub, washing her behind and putting cream. When she decided to go to sleep, I decided to take a nap with her hoping that when I wake up it'll all be better. But to my horror, it became worse. We ate at about 7PM and I decided to go to sleep really early. By 9PM , I had the girls all ready for bed. They were complaining that it was too early but I just couldn't take it anymore I had to sleep it off because it was too bad already that it was affecting my vision. They finally said okey fine let's go to sleep. By 10:30PM Jewelle started crying and alas she made poopie again. Arghhh! No choice I had to go and wash her because she doesn't want her Lolo to change her at all. After changing her, we went back to bed but I can't seem to go sleep and headache is still as bad as before I went to sleep. Finally, at about midnight I think I was able to fall asleep. My body clock is probably used to the midnight bedtime. I woke up at 7am with a crying Jewelle. Of course, she made poopie again and she needed change. Headache isn't as bad but it still there. Oh well hopefully as the day progresses it'll get better.
The girls and I have been coloring most days. I would constantly buy them coloring books to color. It gives them great pride when they finish to color one page. Jelynn especially because she now knows how to color. She calls her finished product her masterpiece. Jewelle on the other hand would scribble the crayons all over the page so she has been wasting a lot of pages. But at least she's learning. I have been looking online for coloring pages I can give to Jelynn since she loves to use the computer now. She constantly asks me to find her a place to explore online. The Doll Place have a new page called Coloring Pages. Just log on at TDP and start browsing their cool coloring pages. There are alot of cartoon characters to choose from so your kids will surely find something they like. Jelynn loves Disney characters and I was browsing Coloring Pages and I saw some disney characters like Ariel, Jasmin and Cinderella. You can even upload your own drawing and TDP will make your drawing interactive and you can share it to everyone you want. It is free to join so create your account today and start saving your creation.
Turn a page like this into....
this. It's so easy just click the part you want to color and press fill.
The parents came home from their three week vacation from the Philippines. They brought alot of tsitsirias and I have been eating like crazy. They seem to need another vacation from their vacation they look so tired lol. I guess Philippine traffic and weather can get to you. I asked them to buy me a lot of maternity clothes but I guess they didn't really have time to go around because they had to process some papers for my stepmom. Here's what they brought from the Philippines.
Here are some of the food they brought home:

Jewelle loves this stuff.
Rico and I love this tuna and luncheon meat. Great for breakfast.
Love love this soup. I love to put eggs in there.
Philippine's version of milk chocolate hehe.
Philippine peanut butter is the yummiest lol.
Some dried mangoes and cornicks hehe.
Labels: Ramblings
Teen Prepaid Card
I have nieces and nephews who are now in their teens so I know how hard it is to teach them responsibility. They are old already to ask for money but doesn't really how hard it is to earn money. Now parents of teens can now teach their children responsibility concerning money with Teen Prepaid. Teen Prepaid is a card that has many benefits. You can now give money to your children through this card and you will teach them how to manage their allowances. This card is great to have because not only you are teaching your teens independence but you can track down their spending. Parents can still have the control you can suspend anytime. I know how important to teach kids nowadays responsibility and independence, this card is a great way to do that.